Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Writing is easy; Editing is hard

They regularly tell me, "I can't write". Sure you can. The writing process - getting words down on the page - is mechanically simple. Transcribe everything you say or think, and eventually you'll have something down on the screen in front of you.

Which is precisely the problem.

The blogger who wants to can bang out a position of 1000 words per day. Just write what is on your mind, without a filter or an organization and press "publish". Unfortunately, this is how bloggers too to do so.

Greg computer, after a load too many blogs without inspiration

Taking care in the preparation of your words, this is what distinguishes a blogger a hum simple. Unless you have an extremely compelling story to tell - on how you have climbed all seven summits or fed starving Sudanese in Darfur - simply share your daily experiences with the rest of us is not blogging. It's narcissism.

There are too many homogeneous bloggers live similar to yours and expressed as opinions for your blog to be notable. Oh, you're a mother who is juggling with the education of children with holding a job? All our congratulations. In the history of the universe, nobody had ever to sit in an Office all day and come home to her children before that you did. Tell us more about how exhausted, you are every evening and this early that wacky thing your 4 year old child, said that to put a smile on the face and all attractive rendering.

Yes, you want to find common points with your readers, but say nothing bold or different is not possible to construct a staunch devoted audience.

You have to focus your ideas. This means bringing something unique, regardless of who might be. (More you look, less the reason why you should blog.) In mechanical terms, this means not relying on phrases that come to mind easily. If they come to mind easily, they are probably two cliches (horrible) or (worse) plagiarism. And if you are of English mother tongue, but may not bother to use good grammar and spelling, why should I spend my time to decipher your discussions?

Were taken into account for your drive. Suppose that he take personally if you waste even a millisecond of his time. God knows that if I understand well personally when I read a blog not familiar. Cut your writing excess foliage and cauterized the cuts so that no unnecessary or repetitive never there grows once more. The form of what you say is at least as important as the content, because no drive to be exposed to your revolutionary ideas, if it must trudge through a verbal bog to find them. Job # 1 should always be present any thing to own, sharp and interesting.

And do you know what magical thing happen when you take the time and effort to design something original, incisive and provocative for your audience?

People hate you.

Yes. Hatred. They want to be comforted, did not dispute. They will be waiting riffs of three simplistic agreements from the traditional blues rock-oriented ' n roll that they heard 1000 times before, and here you give to them the shocking wild feedback and distortion of Jimi Hendrix. Readers are conditioned to understand the traditional way of interpretation of the universe: If you dare to go full Einstein, tell them stories crazy how matter and energy are two forms of the same thing and that space-time can stretch and warp, I guarantee you the enemies will make you are more than friends.

My own blog to illustrate this point. I started my blog with a mission that I thought that any rational person would approve. I wanted to show people how make some money they start with, so modest and promote growth through the execution of certain activities of basic, simple and avoid others. And I wanted my readers to understand the complex financial jargon that affects their daily life, he explained to them in a comprehensible manner. When my partner and I started the blog, we thought that we would have millions of people we patting on the back, knocking knowingly and thanking us for saying it is.

Boy, were we wrong. Each opinion that us espouse strong is encountered various commentators telling us that we mean, insensitive or unrealistic. A couple of our colleagues at blogging - the people who run the sites more popular than ours - prohibited us outright to question their positions. We've been polished in our outspoken, and yet they still wanted to shut us up.

But regardless of what anyone wants to hear, the fact is that you should not blame VISA because your credit card payments are high. You have zero loyalty to your employer. If you buy a House with a mortgage rate, you play with gasoline and lit a match.

Virtually none of similar to ours blogs take the same positions. Instead, most offer the same easily digestible advice giving rise to a company to apply to consumers.

What keeps us going, it is that readers who love our blog, love. They bookmark, they subscribe to the RSS feed, and most importantly, they have actually read. Our readers know that three times a week, they can assist us to a position long, detailed, carefully searched. And that this position will challenge the assumptions, inspire action and use the undeniable premises to arrive at conclusions that are not obvious. Our readers also know that each post will be written in a style without compromise and hopefully interesting. After all, this is what I expect when you're looking for a blog to read.

I write these lines, Alexa rank of my blog seems to have plateau around 122 000. I still rank to improve, but I did obsess on it, as I did it once. Quality and quantity don't always overlap. Given the choice between have devoted and demanding players x and x + y readers who seek only to reassure and beautiful stories, I'll take the former every time. If you want your ideas to resonate, you should also.

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