For the short time blogger who is constantly struggling to write fresh content, unique, the DPP may appear as a gift from heaven. Copy pre-written you can claim as your own? Enter me - right?
Of course, as most of us know, it is not so simple. Although the DPP can be a useful tool in the development of content for your blog, it is not a "copy and paste" solution (at least, it is not if you do not want the Big G down hard on you and your search rankings!). To understand why, let's look more closely what PLR content is and how you can use it effectively to develop the content for your blog.
First of all, if you are not familiar with the acronym, PLR stands for private Label rights. Essentially, when you purchase the contents of the DPP, you are not just get the text - you also get the right to claim the content as your own and use what you like. For example, contained the DPP can be used in your blog, converted into audio formats or video or even incorporated into the series of autorepondeur for the email of your blog.
Now, savvy bloggers probably already chose up on the biggest problem with the content of the DPP - that if you buy content for use on your Web site, so can any other owner of site on the Internet. And what is the point of buying the PLR content if there is good chance that it is already published on another site?
In fact, the DPP can be an excellent resource and a huge time saving, but only if you use it correctly. And so are the two keys to choose the good PLR content in the first place and modify according to your needs. Let us dwell on each of these concepts in more depth.
First of all, if you want to use the DPP effectively, simply cannot use the same old PLR article packs that have been transmitted on the Internet since the dawn of the era of digital. You know what I mean - these packs of "10,000 + PLR articles" that are sold for a dollar on the sites of clearinghouse DPP or included as a bonus with the sale of Internet marketing products.
The truth is, there is a reason why these packs are sold for a few dollars or less, and it is because they are not really much more than that. These articles were distributed for so long and has been published on as many sites that it is almost impossible to transform their sufficiently to be content of effective blog.
Instead, look for content DPP that meets the following criteria:
recently developedwritten by an authorpublished deemed in limited circulation.Outdated content DPP is the worst - imagine buying a pack of PLR articles for your blog to "make money online" to know that the articles were written in 2001 and still contain references to the Overture search engine! Obsolete PLR content rewriting is not impossible, but it is a devil, much easier to verify that the content that you purchase was written in the first place in recent years.
You will also find that the quality of the PLR content available for sale varies widely based on the author. Much of the content in "packs of 10,000 + article" mentioned earlier DPP is written by outsourced workers whose mother tongue is not English. Transform this content sometimes barely intelligible coherent text flowing nicely is often more work that simply writing original content yourself!
But how do you know what authors write good quality PLR content? First, locate the recognizable names in the industry of the DPP. Nicole Dean, Tiffany Dow and Jimmy d. Brown are three authors DPP above whose reputation for quality content, although there are many other great writers in this industry. You can also buy PLR content through forums as section "Offers special Warrior" of the Warrior Forum where customer reviews will tell you if the content of the DPP in sale is of good quality. For example, take a look at the package of Edmund Loh DPP.
Finally, it is also to your advantage to PLR content is available in limited circulation. There, I mean the search for content where only a set number of licenses is available - for example, perhaps only 25 or 50 copies will be sold until the product is withdrawn from the market. The fewer people who have access to the DPP even you use more it will be easy to make the content appear to be unique to your blog.
If you follow these tips, you shouldn't have any trouble finding good PLR content - but then, how to use the content you purchased effectively on your blog?
Obviously, the last thing you want to do is copy and paste the content that you purchased your blog is. Even if you do not believe the duplicate content penalty, remember that your goal as a blogger is to provide unique, interesting content to your readers. What will be your perceived authority suffer in the eyes of your readers if they happen to stumble across the same article - word for Word - another blog, under the name of another blogger?
At least, you'll want to rewrite your PLR content to add your own voice and to submit unique content in the eyes of search engines. There are many experts who will give you their opinions on how much you must rewrite your PLR content, but at the very least, I recommend to at least 30-50% uniqueness.
Alternatively, instead of rewrite each individual DPP article that you buy, you can also use them as a point of jump to create your own content. In General, good DPP authors write content based on keywords profitable niche and information that are actively seeking people in the niche. You can use their ideas and the PLR content as research sources and then write your own blog based on the information they provide.
But don't think just MPB as a source for your blog. Related PLR articles together can form the basis of a free report or email autoresponder course gift that you use to encourage readers to subscribe to your email list. Although you may still want to rewrite these articles, the use of content PLR to create these premiums is much cheaper than outsourcing of the products to be written from scratch.
Using content PLR to create videos and podcasts - that they are displayed on your blog or in your promotional strategies - is another excellent idea. Because the articles not listed text using these formats, you can be that less concerned about duplicate content and invest less time to rewrite your DPP.
Really, when it comes to use the PLR content on your blog, the sky is the limit - anywhere you need fresh content, you can use sources of the DPP to save time and money.
You use content DPP on your blog? Used in a format other than those described in this article? Share your experiences and your recommendations in comments.
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