Monday, June 13, 2011

A superior written method

Imagine: you have completed just the writing and editing of a beautiful piece. The next morning you sit with your favorite hot drink more to read your masterpiece once. But as you read the post, you realize that it is about as eloquent and insightful as a concussed football player. Oops. This happened to all bloggers to a certain extent - we have off days.

Fortunately, I found the solution to this conundrum. Unfortunately, I forgot to patent system, so I guess that it's free for everyone to use. You can still send me royalty checks.

Before I tell you exactly what it is, I will explain why it works. This method is superior to the method of a position in a default session because it uses the fact that your state of mind change the days of small ways, but potentially significant. This change occurs because we are constantly exposed to new information and ideas, and many other neurological reasons I do not know.

Great post that you read about ProBlogger today will have a greater impact on your psyche today than tomorrow. Perhaps you are going to be different and say that the actual impact do you hit overnight. In both cases, the important point is that your habits of thought somehow on a daily basis.

When you write, write flowing comes from a snapshot of your current thinking and the State of mind. I am writing in the same State of mind that I started with. If the snapshot is Misty or convoluted, how want you as your entry to turn off?

It is often recommended to turn a problem if you are struggling with it. Why? Walking away you gives a chance to "reset your mind" and look at the problem from a new angle. Wait until the next day almost guarantees this effect. Here is how I do it.

When you decide to write a blog post idea, furiously writing much of the idea or after to the bottom. Important part of this step is to fully cover the topic as well as you possibly can. You are dumping your mind out on paper or on a computer.(Optional) Once you have written your draft, you can edit and revise a bit. Now your main idea is on paper and just needs to be edited, revised and conceptually organized to fill. Do not try to perfect it at this stage.Complete the review and editing of another day. The reason why you try more perfect in the second step because you are likely to tear it apart in this step.

Bonus of flexibility: this system will work regardless of the frequency at which you write blog and how you write daily.

If you write five posts a day, begin this process for all posts by five. The next day, you can finish five posts and start five new posts which will be completed the next day. If you cannot afford the difference of a day need to enter this routine, the first two steps and wait a few hours instead of a day full to complete the elective.If you write a post a week, try to break your time writing across two days instead of write all in one day.

The advantage? When I start writing a post, I found comforting that I do not have to complete the same day in the same session. My efficiency in the following categories fluctuates on a daily basis to some extent: content ideas, writing style, humour, edition of skills, organizer of the concepts and one more that I cannot imagine. If my writing style is great the first session and my sense of humor is at full capacity at the second session, I can combine these temporary assets to make a better article.

Another advantage is that this method works as having two opinions. Two minds can achieve much more in tandem if they effectively collaborate and combine their best ideas. In the same way, two different mindsets are greater than one.

And there is a third benefit: it's somehow less stressful to write because it is not harmful as only writing sessions are generally. When you are trying to write a post impeccable guest, you have to first obtain perfect. If you encounter a writer of the block and with force write a terrible article, you can later correct and save what is recovery. You that the second round of the Edition and the revision of the make sharp.

However, this method is not the only way that you write. I use this method frequently because of the many benefits mentioned, but there are still times when fully fill positions in a writing session and they are very well. A post that I wrote the multitasking took me 15 hours over three sessions! It is the material and the length of the post.

Do you always write your articles in a single session? If so, do you see the problem with this approach now?

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