Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The tortoise and the Hare: tale of a blogger

I was living there are just the Internet (you know, Bermuda cruise), and I began to talk to a stranger randomly to a bar on the boat that we sailed. I had some time to kill while I waited and we began to discuss on how rough the attraction was and other trivialities.

Finally, the man asked me what I have to live, and I told him that I was a writer online professional, a.k.a. a "blogger". You have seen how wide his eyes got, as there apparently blog about his hobbies, fishing and hiking, although it was obviously not his real work. He asked me how I was doing as a blogger and when I told him, oh boy a le debut de questions provenance.

I had a little to drink, if my answers were somewhat on the side silly, although in retrospect, they were in fact surprisingly insightful. His number one question was how I had so subscribers so quickly on my sites, even if he had worked at it for almost six months and had virtually no results. I asked him if he had never heard the story of the Hare and the turtle. He replied that he had, and then I said to him:

"Have you ever considered that you are perhaps the turtle and I am the Hare".

It kind of me looked at strangely, blink twice and then said: "that do you mean?". I explained to my new friend that the turtle is slow and cautious because it is persistent. However, the Hare is fast rhythm and rushed because it is fanciful at the risk of its success. Blank stare continued, until finally he asked me if I started as a "Hare".

I certainly was not and then explained that, while the turtle is slow to peaks of he first speed as its careful persistence leads to wisdom. Wise, after turtles in place enough experience, eventually can exchange caution for taking risk and let lose the creative, Hare erratic nature. Had I started as a Hare, I explained, then I would have finished as the rabbit in history: off the coast of course completely and lose the race to success.

His next question was obvious, and I have had the ready response for him immediately. He asked me how it could pass the turtle to a hare and I replied:

"You can transform yourself a Hare up until you've mastered as a turtle."

After a small curse to me, my friend started to get up and leave. I said hang on a moment, I have a few minutes here, you would like to explain to me what I'm talking about? I waited for him to sit down and let out a sigh, before that I continued with my story inspired by the alcohol.

To become a Hare, you control the elements of a turtle which are so successful in hares precipitated, whimsical race. First off, a turtle is prudent, but it is always looking to learn new things, which is exactly what makes it wise. The turtle is not afraid to try new initiatives, but he understands that the experience is more important that what someone else said online. This mindset allows the tortoise to absorb new information and remain open to try new things without sacrificing its main goal: win the race for success. If you, as a turtle, can stay focused and maintain a strong work ethic while being open to new ideas, then you will never be able to morph successfully in a Hare.

Once you are ready to become a Hare, sometimes simply. You become more social and more creative because the vast majority of your time is passed to take risks outside of your own blog. You put yourself out there and build relationships, but it is your attitude and a wise yet useful, you have acquired as a turtle brings the masses to your blog every day.

My friend in the left bar with a big smile on his face, I hope that he was sober enough to remember my words. Perhaps it is even read this post, I have never had his name!

How can you take the best two approaches and create the ultimate successful blogger? Are you a turtle or a Hare? You are too afraid to get out of your shell and become a Hare?

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