Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The more overvalued piece of Blogging tips I've ever heard

"Blog every day."

This is what told me, when I started at the age of three. This is probably what you have heard too.

And now, I think that massively overstated advice.


When you start as a blogger, you have very little traffic. Practically nobody reads your posts.

Of course, you must obtain content in place before you start to promote your blog - but this is really a case of "build it and they will come". Your blog is practically invisible. Instead of casting of hours writing daily messages, write two posts a week and spend the rest of your time to promote their.

To do so:

For all the hours you spend writing for your blog, spend an hour on the promotion of your work (e.g. guest posting, commenting, forums, Twitter and Facebook interaction).

Some bloggers can turn on a great post, content-rich every day.

Most do not.

If you find yourself writing something - just - so you can hit "publish" before midnight, then it is hurt. Why anyone would want to read a post that you threw together just to meet your own arbitrary goals?

To do so:

Spend more for each position - and look out for common blogging mistakes. Project of your position, and then wait for the next day to edit: your subconscious mind will continue to work on it in the meantime.

Have you ever unsubscribed a blog because it displayed too?

I have. In fact, I am much more likely to unsubscribe because a blogger posts too often because they post too rarely. I've stayed subscribed to Skelliewag because Skellie are so insightful - even if it is often of months without posting.

Daily post could be one overwhelming your readers - especially if you try to write in-depth messages that offer tremendous value.

To do so:

Ask your readers - they read each post? They prefer positions less?

You have probably a day's work or a family, or school work... perhaps all three! If you try to maintain a daily routine of blogging, you'll find that take you a month or two before simply abandon everything.

It takes time (often years) for a blog to win the terrain, and want a rate of assignment work month after month.

To do so:

If you start to feel burnt out and jaded, and then take a break. Tell your readers of your blog is paused for two weeks - and give them a few links former positions the so that they have something to read in the meantime.

Now, you can probably name many successful blogs that appear every day, or even more frequently than that. (Daily Blog Tips might come to mind...) ;-) ) Then why he works for them?

Well, all day posting may be a perfectly good strategy - if you have the right kind of blog.

Blogs successful with 5-7 posts per week were usually one or more of the following:

# 1: Guest posters

Although Daniel did most of writing here on Daily Blog Tips, you'll also notice posters frequently guest (like me!) popping up. It is the same for almost all posts big blog with daily (or more).

ProBlogger typically publishes twice per day now, but most of these posts come from guests. Copyblogger has a new position every day of the week - but they have not only posters of the guest, they also several members of staff (Brian, Sonia and Robert).

(Of course, taking visiting positions may actually finish you cost more time because of the admin and editing involved: I recommend you read managing Guest Post submissions efficiently so that you can keep things simple and streamlined.)

# 2: News-style content

Big tech related blogs have keep their finger on the pulse - which means that they should have at least one post per day. However, new positions are often short and succinct: they are not content to Evergreen which wanted to remain relevant for months or years.

# 3: Short and targeted messages

It is easier to follow a daily rhythmic display if your drives are used for short messages that address a single theme or idea. Think Seth Godin, for example. Bite-sized pieces of information may be popular... If you have the talent to be concise and avoiding waffle in your writing.

# 4: Only for Blogging for SEO purposes

If your blog to the main purpose is to get traffic (perhaps so readers will be click on ads or so you can promote your product) and then display day might be a good strategy. You can simply try to build much content on your site - and you bothersome if you lose the attention of readers.

Therefore... should you be posting every day? Unless you have a team of guest-poster, or a real need to stay a minute, or an audience which requires, in short, catchy content... and then I would say not.

I saw so many bloggers end up disappointed and burnt out because they have followed advice to display every day, and it has absolutely nowhere.

For most bloggers, positions one to three per week works well. Even a position each week may be sufficient to maintain the momentum for you and your readers.

I am sure that this is a subject that will raise some strong opinions... and I would like to hear your point of view in the comments! Have you tried to post every day? Did it work for you - or it leads to combustion?

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