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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Your content.

Last week I covered that you must have content objectives. Each piece of content that you write must have a specific purpose, if it is to draw in traffic, build your list, or to be used as a backlink to your website.

It may seem as if you need a ton of content to achieve your goals, but each piece of content can be with new object and used for another purpose.

Should not be a few rewrites to avoid the duplicate content. You can write an article for a directory article, get it posted for a backlink to your site and then you can make a few changes and publish your site. You can expand on it so when a reader visits your site from the article directory so that they get a little more information than the original.

Reallocate another way of content is to create a small report of several older blog posts. Go through the categories and see how many items are on the same subject and then put together as a free give report. As you traverse of old posts to reuse, there may be additions that you would like to make in the report. You can add the content with fresh ideas and make a few rewrites.

You can give to your readers, your list or use to start a new targeted list.

Reallocate another way of content is to create videos or audios of the material. Dig up some old documents, just as you were going to create a report, but use it to create a video or a podcast instead. Audio content is extremely popular, because people can upload the files to their ipod or smart phone and listen while they do other things.

If the video or audio is not on your list of favorite things to do that you can use the content to create an eCourse or even a Squidoo lens where you offer related affiliate products. It can also create another stream of income for you, and it is another source of backlinks. Search

Products Amazon that relate to your niche and suggest these elements to the readers. You can also use other programs of affiliation in a Squidoo lens too.

If you've been blogging for some time, chances are you have lots of great content already written. Going back through this content reuse in another, or as a new product or an electronic course is a great way to save time, especially when you think of what to write next. In addition, it keeps your content fresh and gives him a new life. Sometimes older content is not found on your blog, because he is buried in the archives. It's great material to cool, to use on and make it easier for readers to find.

Write and keep the new content on your site do not have to be difficult and it does not have to take a lot of time. Spend a day to search through your old content and see if you can bring new life to it.

What do reuse them you and reuse your content? What are some ways that you have given new life to old content?

The CPC - process optimization

Pay per click campaign, there are some things you need to do a circular pattern as your campaign, refining performance, test everything out and refine your results. This is what is called the PPC optimization. You have only to look at whether something has changed and to amend accordingly. Look for changes is essential because internet is often changing, keyword trends keep changing and new competitors continue to come on the market. Here are some steps in the process.

Content control

You must carefully examine the contents of the Web site to understand the nature of the site and its offerings and lookout for the keywords in this process for any term that you feel are relevant to the campaign.

Development of the structure of your account

Once you win a good idea on a site category, products and services, you can begin to consolidate the findings of keyword and initial contents in blocks of content or the structure of account. This will be the basis of your PPC campaign and you will help in the search for key word.

Keyword generation and clustering

Now that you have your account in place structure, you can begin to generate keywords. Here do you use various tools for keyword research and convert your initial list of keywords and multiply. You should try to find variations of keyword as far as possible with other related words, synonyms and spelling errors. In this big list, restrict you gradually down to the niche those depending on what works and what does not work. It is, you have to divide the list of narrow groups with similar keywords that are called "groups ad".

Typing game

This process involves going through each keyword group or keyword and assign a type of game. It helps to decide rules on motions for which your ad will be displayed. You can go for a broad match, which shows your ad for each search entry which contains your keyword. If you go for an exact match or phrase match that limit you to a small number. This is useful for those who want to control the appearance of their advertising.

Creation of the ad copy

Once you have decided on your keywords and ad groups, create copies of ad for each of the groups is the next step. It is recommended that you run 3 best ad minimum at a time. In doing so, you must ensure that the ad copy is relevant for the keywords.

The landing page

Designating the landing page is the last step in the process of the CPC. You have to choose URLs for "destination" and "show" for your ads to the conduct. The actual URL is defined by the URL to display, which copies the ad will specify, while the ad actually leads to the destination URL. You will need to find pages that are most relevant for the keywords of a group individual ad in a given Web site.

Once you have finished with all of these steps, you will need to follow the results of your PPC campaign at least once a month. This is because the results of a pay per click campaign shows not immediately.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3 Tips to build a Base of Initial user for your Blog

One of the most difficult parts of all new Web site or your blog sets up an initial user base. Promotion of your blog is something that you will always have to do to keep the success, but it is the first few steps which are often the most difficult. Here are three tips to help you get a stepping stone on the launch of your new blog with success.

1 Set of Contacts with social networks

Facebook, Twitter and other social networks is an invaluable tool to launch a new blog or any other Web site. Friend and monitoring persons performing relevant Web sites for the same topic that you will be covering. Always be honest and respectful, and you may be surprised by how to help the people behind some blogs more successful on the Internet are willing to be. Even if your able to only get another Webmaster or blogger to communicate the name of your new Web site, or by mail a link on Facebook, it may be enough word of mouth you began. Of course, the other half of this is to ensure that users can easily interact with your website or blog using their existing social networks. Facebook connect and the quick action buttons, are two examples of excellent ways to encourage visitors to share your Web page and get the word out.

2. Go to your how to write quality Guest Posts on other sites

Many existing blogs allow the authors invited to publish articles and topics on their blog in exchange for links to their Web site. If you try your best to get the word on social networks, but are not seeing the number of visitors to return your hope, to give readers a taste of your writing where there are more readers may be the solution you need. Guest posts write you better chance to cross traffic from readers of the blog where you have written a guest post. Since there is virtually unlimited amount of blogs that accept guest posts, there is always something you can do to help get the word out. One important thing to consider before submitting a guest post is to ensure that it is the quality of your own blog. It is important to remember that your presenting yourself in a multitude of new readers visiting positions and it is difficult to win a person after a bad first impression.

Recommended reading: 5 benefits of Guest Blogging, writing for other Blogs

Take a look at the guest list of blogs for validation.

3 Consider an investment

Any effort you put in your blog sometimes, there is no choice but to invest a little money and turn off some ads. If you intend to use your Web site as a business, that look at advertising on blogs with the same target audience as you. Sometimes, you may negotiate an agreement with a Webmaster who runs his own blog and whatever the but it is often cheaper than you might think. If your blog is even more hobbies and your steps also anxious to make a profit, that of course, it is less likely that the initial investment is worth for you. In both cases ensure you that expectations are realistic and spend no money on advertising, you are not ready to lose.

Technorati media ads - how to apply & things you should know about it

Whenever I meet a new blogger online or when I write on Adsense, I get to read something in common "Adsense did not approve my account '." For the guys that have been deprecated by Adsense, don't worry! There are many networks ad there. One of them is Technorati Media. You can have seen many sites with ads from Technorati and believe me pay quite good Technorati (or Adsense if) advertisements.

If you are in trouble for Adsense approval, for the time being you can join Technorati media server on your blog announcements. It you automatically approves, but less has a set of requirements that I think can help you obtain approval quickly.

1 Good Adsense alternative.

2 Higher approval rate.

3 Pays significantly good amount.

1 Visit this link and fill in all data required and click on the button continue.

Remember that you fill data with precision to obtain approval quickly.

2. On the next page that you will be asked to fill in more details on advertising spots, you are interested to display the traffic of your existing advertising partners site and a few more fields. On the next screen, you will need to accept the terms of advertising and you're set to go!

3. You will receive an email from Technorati shortly after you submit your application for Technorati.

4. If your site meets the requirements of the network of Technorati, you will soon receive a letter of authorization.

Although I approved within 2 hours, I will recommend wait you 48 hours. They do not long, but it is always good to be patient:.

5. Once your account is approved, you must verify your domain name, just as you check the Google webmasters account.

6. Once everything is done, a final review is conducted by the team of Technorati, and once it is completed they will send you a set of tags, you can use to display advertisements of Technorati Web sites or your blog.

7. You will receive your login information to track your ad statistics and earnings.

Let us know if you already use Technorati ads on your blog and your experience with it.

Google Adsense sizes - one is that the work

Although there are many Adsense and Adsense formats available sizes, there are a few that run not at all, and there are some who do not give the results that you expect from them. Some of you will ask, the art of making non-productive Adsense ads to perform is called Adsense optimization. Yes, I agree with you; But what happens if they are quite simply weren't ready to give the expected results or perform well compared to some other formats and sizes of Adsense?

My 1 and a half with Adsense experience, I found that some Adsense sizes simply not running, or perhaps they do for me that I expected to.

Here is the Adsense sizes that are available. I have just named them here. Read on to find out which of them carried out the way I wanted to do!

Horizontal Adsense sizes

Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels) banner (468 x 60 pixels) Half Banner (234 x 60 pixels)

Vertical Adsense sizes

Skyscraper (120 x 600 pixels) wide Skyscraper (160 x 600 pixels) vertical banner (120 x 240 pixels)

Square Adsense sizes

Large Rectangle (336 x 280 pixels) Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels) Square (250 x 250 pixels) small square (200 x 200 pixels) small Rectangle (180 x 150 pixels) Button (125 x 125 pixels)

Horizontal link units

(728 x 15 pixels) Poster of the 4 links per unit / 5 links per unit (468 x 15 pixels) displays 4 links per unit / 5 links per unit

Link square units

(200 x 90 pixels) Poster of the 4 links per unit / 5 links per unit (180 x 90 pixels) displays 4 links per unit / 5 links per unit (160 x 90 pixels) displays links 4 per unit / 5 links per unit (120 x 90 pixels) displays links 4 per unit / 5 links per unit

The theory only applies to Google Adsense sizes running is - the largest gives you better! I mean, more advertising Adsense, the best result, it will give you. The simple reason that prove this is that a larger size provides visibility.

Adsense Ads That Perform

(image via labnol.org)

Only assume that you travel by car and you see two banners on the shoulder - a large and others small. The one who between these two will be read easily? Obviously the first right? So for Adsense ads as well. The larger the Adsense widget, the more people see it and clicks more than you expect.

So if it has a kernel of truth in this, the following Adsense sizes will produce the best:

Large Rectangle (336 x 280 pixels) Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 pixels) classification (728 x 90 pixels) wide Skyscraper (160 x 600 pixels)

I prefer the first and third. The other two perform so well! They always give me good results. You can also use link units. All link units are working properly and give good results if it is placed in the appropriate places.

Yes 8 other Adsense ad sizes are equal to waste;

You must read the following blog posts to improve your Adsense earnings!

The fundamental Phase in the construction of an income with Adsense

Development and optimization of your Adsense site first

What size Adsense working for you?

How to earn money online for free in this recession

People first... If you want to succeed online, then you should start here everything first begin your trip. Then if you are looking to believes that this success and filter it other places for making money then I have something incredible for you.

You can see that the world is looking to Learn how to make money online. If you do a search on Google you will find some stuff so to make money online that your head will spin. For the time being just on the fact that crap unless you want to run as a chicken with your head cut off.

These programs cost hundreds of dollars, and most of them do not come even with assistance. Thus, you have been able with any success with them are as slim None. But I'm here to hopefully save the day and eventually get you on the road to make thousands of dollars online, just as I and the rest of the top of the ground there page.

The myth

Most of the people are the monkey see monkey do a kind of people and they just follow what is hot at the time. If someone said that "how Train A Dog" sales program is hot, the more likely you will be trying to sell this shit. This is what hunting many people online and the reason why 95% of you will never make a dime online.

It is thought that you always have to promote the so-called ' "how to make money" online programs to make a buck online. Frankly this is not true of my friend, you can earn money by selling the crazy mad products online. In order to make money online you just have something people will be interested in and get in front of them using the services of seo that will help you to rank this site for any high keyword of the given page.

So your job is to try to make something people are willing and ready to buy, not the things most people was you say for years to promote as an ebook site or membership. You can make money online for free in this recession if you can draw on the cheap.

I'm tipped to reveal a strategy for you that you may or may not be aware of its something I been, but for years and have just made thousands of it for years now. Thus without making you wait longer...Here's how you can begin to live the dream of a lifetime.

Money in the city.

First way to bring more income is to wander in your city and find applications in the ruff. I want to say about this is to look at companies and see that their sale and if people are interested in these items. For example here in my town I found a company that sale switches chairs and swings that hang from a tree and many other products of the life of country.

Now, this company has already more than 70 years and never had a Web site. I called owners who are the children of the original owners who are very old age. I told them that I have an seo company and I wanted to create a Web site so that I can buy their products for a good selling price and reselling them under the retail price to earn money quickly and beat the competition.

I told them that I already did my research on the first two products their sale and discovered that 3 k people research these articles each month. I wanted to so not only make a site for these products, but also marketing them online to help their profits.

Finally I have explained how much money we can do and fell down to how fast it goes may take to get to the first page of Google for the targeted keywords, so I'm going to them. I told them once I get arrested and then I communicate with them and to place this order and let them do all ships. So I have to do is market the site and to collect money and push my bottom line.

The income break down

Chairs switches sold retail for $189, but I told them I needed to a sale price whole $ 119 for a good between the benefits. Then the outdoor swings retailed for $299, I wanted a sale price of $209 so I can get a great return on my also of marketing. For a time, this has been done, and we signed our contract agreement, I am then started me making the site and degree.

Once the site hit the first page of Google and is mounted in the number one spot, then the traffic and sales have arisen. I am averaging about 23 rocking chairs and sales with an average of approximately 34 sales from outside swings per month. So, basically I am averaging about 1 400 k per month with the rocking chairs, and thus approximately 3 000 k per month for custom swing sets.

This is given on $ 4,500 per month only by contacting a small company which built outdoor devices. What I did was give you an easy way to find things to promote that are offline. You don't always have to use products online to make a buck, you can search the newspapers and the yellow pages to see what is available out there that you can make money with.

Here's one secrete you know may not, people will search for physical items will buy easier then someone looking for an ebook. The reason is that these people are willing to spend money now against a person who seeks an ebook or something they can find free research.

Try it

Today is the day you call up to five companies and see if they will be interested in partnering with you. If someone say no steps and then to the next person, sooner or later you will have ten or more niche sites is working day and night for you. Now who said that you cannot make money online for free in the recession?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your personal stories turn readers off the coast?

You’ve probably heard that you should put some of your personality into your blogging. And you know that stories are a great way to engage readers—to capture not just their attention, but their hearts as well.

Perhaps some of your favorite bloggers are people like Naomi Dunford or Johnny B. Truant or Pace and Kyeli Smith—folks who write from the heart, who are open and honest, and who make you feel that you know them. You want your blog to be like that too.

The problem is, it’s easy to get personal stories wrong. And a blog that’s too “me me me” can be a total turn-off for readers. They might not even read a full post before getting bored and clicking away.

If you can’t think of what to post about, don’t just ramble about your life story or write about your day. Just as with any blog post—or any piece of writing—readers will expect some structure and a clear message from your post.

Of course, you don’t have to be the next Shakespeare in order to be a successful blogger—but you do need to be able to write. If your writing itself isn’t very good, then readers aren’t likely to stick around. Conversely, a brilliantly-written piece can be incredibly engaging, even if the subject matter doesn’t seem very promising.

So often, bloggers write personal stories that seem to be nothing but a self-indulgent exercise. These stories might be of interest to the blogger’s own friends and family—but there’s no reason for anyone else to care. The reader feels ignored and sidelined: the story is “me me me” with no acknowledgement of the reader.

The biggest problem with your stories is that:

When a new reader comes to your blog, they probably know very little about you. They might have clicked on a retweeted link, they might have found you via a search engine—chances are, they don’t even know your name.

Of course, personal stories are a great way to help readers start to care—but not if you hit them with too much, too fast. Your reader doesn’t just want to know about you: they want to feel a sense of connection. They want to know that you’re someone who they can like, or admire, or learn from.

If you suspect that your own stories might be putting readers off rather than drawing them in, here’s how to turn things around.

A short anecdote can be a great way to grab attention at the beginning of a post—so long as you don’t drag it on for too long. You’ll ideally either want something so unusual that it grabs the reader’s interest, or so typical (for your audience) that the reader can feel “that’s me”.

(You might want to return to the story at the end of the post too.)

How to do it

Here’s an example:

“I wake up, hit snooze on my alarm clock, and lie in bed. The alarm goes off again—and now I know I absolutely have to get up.  I’m frazzled, and know I’m going to need to rush to make it to work on time.  I scarf down my breakfast and brush my teeth, trying to juggle priorities in my head because I don’t think I have time to look at my todo list—I know I’m already behind schedule.”

(From The 10 Minute Difference Between Stress and Happiness by Sid Savara.)

In some types of blogging, you may have a long, in-depth story to tell. Perhaps you’re a mommy or daddy blogger writing about your kids’ early life, or you’re a personal development blogger telling the story of how you screwed things up in college.

Don’t try to tell your entire story as one epic post. Break it into a series – and make each part have a clear central point.

How to do it

On The Simple Dollar, a personal finance site, Trent tells his story in a series called “The Road to Financial Armageddon”:

“The best place to start is the beginning. I was born into poverty, a family in which both my mother and father had been raised in poverty, too. Both of my parents were used to the concept of living from payday to payday, never having enough saved for themselves to survive more than a week or two. To some degree, this was out of necessity; there was often not enough money to put food on the table.”

(From The Road to Financial Armageddon #1: The Earliest Mistakes by Trent Hamm.)

(e.g. Writing about financial difficulties, early career problems: “I’ve been through it too.”)

As bloggers, we’re often writing about situations which we’ve been through or problems we’ve overcome. We may well have come by our knowledge the hard way. For instance:

If you’re blogging about parenting tips, you might have done a few things wrong with your own kids.If you’re blogging about marketing, you might have had a disastrous launch or two in the past.If you’re blogging about gardening, your early attempts may have made you seem a little less than green-fingered.

Your readers are coming to your blog to learn how to solve problems, yes—but if you present yourself as an all-knowing guru, people may be put off. Readers want to know that they’re not alone, so help them by sharing stories that say “I’ve been through this too.”

How to do it

Here’s how to share the less-happy bits of your story so readers can identify with your feelings:

“I had asked for feedback, and at the time, I sincerely meant it, or thought I did. The problem is, once I consider something finished, I can’t imagine anyone’s honest feedback being anything but “Stellar! Best thing I’ve ever read! I’ve been waiting for this all my life!” So this feedback, even though it was constructive and mostly positive, crushed me. As fried as I was by then, I couldn’t be see anything clearly. I was devastated, ready to quit writing and retreat to my cubicle.”

(From Writing an eBook: How to Get Started (and Finish!) by Cara Stein.)

Sites like “Learn From My Fail” are popular for a reason: we like to read other people’s embarrassing stories. They give us a laugh—and often lift our mood (“at least I didn’t do that!”) They can even provide valuable learning experiences.

You don’t want to overdo it and come across as a bumbling idiot – but occasionally admitting to something embarrassing or talking about a failure can make you more human in your readers’ eyes. They can also gain sympathy.

(Just be careful not to write about any current failures. “My total business fail last week” isn’t likely to win you many new clients…)

How to do it

Here’s an example (with great use of dialogue, too):

“Hi, uh …. Mr. Bruise is it?” No. 1 said.

“Yes, it’s actually Bruce, but thank you, I …”

“All right, what do you have for us today?” No. 3 said.

He was looking down, rustling some outstandingly important paperwork into some sort of crucial order.

“Yes, thank you, I, I’ll be doing a short monologue from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and another from Sean Penn’s turn in Carlito’s Way.”

I heard one of them groan under his breath.

(From Why Everyone Hopes You’ll Be the Hero by Robert Bruce.)

Funny or heartwarming or engaging stories are all well and good—but what readers really want is an “aha!” moment. They want your story to teach them something new, or to shed new light on something they already know.

How to do it

You don’t have to be explicit in spelling out “the moral of the story”, but if it works for Naomi Dunford…

Moral of the Story: Marketing Begins In Product Development.

When you are building your product, think about the stupidest person you’ve ever met. That person is your customer. Think about what problems they could have with your product.

When you are a wine producer, you want your customers to be well aware of how much wine they have on hand at all times. (Please pardon the pun.) You do not want them at home, trying to bust a move on their wife, setting up candles and massage oils and doing whatever people without kids do, just to find out they’re out of wine.”

(From Moral of the Story: Marketing to Alcoholics Edition.)

Are your stories working for you, or do you need to give more value to the reader? I’d love to hear about your experiences with telling stories, whether they worked or not—the comments are open!

The more overvalued piece of Blogging tips I've ever heard

"Blog every day."

This is what told me, when I started at the age of three. This is probably what you have heard too.

And now, I think that massively overstated advice.


When you start as a blogger, you have very little traffic. Practically nobody reads your posts.

Of course, you must obtain content in place before you start to promote your blog - but this is really a case of "build it and they will come". Your blog is practically invisible. Instead of casting of hours writing daily messages, write two posts a week and spend the rest of your time to promote their.

To do so:

For all the hours you spend writing for your blog, spend an hour on the promotion of your work (e.g. guest posting, commenting, forums, Twitter and Facebook interaction).

Some bloggers can turn on a great post, content-rich every day.

Most do not.

If you find yourself writing something - just - so you can hit "publish" before midnight, then it is hurt. Why anyone would want to read a post that you threw together just to meet your own arbitrary goals?

To do so:

Spend more for each position - and look out for common blogging mistakes. Project of your position, and then wait for the next day to edit: your subconscious mind will continue to work on it in the meantime.

Have you ever unsubscribed a blog because it displayed too?

I have. In fact, I am much more likely to unsubscribe because a blogger posts too often because they post too rarely. I've stayed subscribed to Skelliewag because Skellie are so insightful - even if it is often of months without posting.

Daily post could be one overwhelming your readers - especially if you try to write in-depth messages that offer tremendous value.

To do so:

Ask your readers - they read each post? They prefer positions less?

You have probably a day's work or a family, or school work... perhaps all three! If you try to maintain a daily routine of blogging, you'll find that take you a month or two before simply abandon everything.

It takes time (often years) for a blog to win the terrain, and want a rate of assignment work month after month.

To do so:

If you start to feel burnt out and jaded, and then take a break. Tell your readers of your blog is paused for two weeks - and give them a few links former positions the so that they have something to read in the meantime.

Now, you can probably name many successful blogs that appear every day, or even more frequently than that. (Daily Blog Tips might come to mind...) ;-) ) Then why he works for them?

Well, all day posting may be a perfectly good strategy - if you have the right kind of blog.

Blogs successful with 5-7 posts per week were usually one or more of the following:

# 1: Guest posters

Although Daniel did most of writing here on Daily Blog Tips, you'll also notice posters frequently guest (like me!) popping up. It is the same for almost all posts big blog with daily (or more).

ProBlogger typically publishes twice per day now, but most of these posts come from guests. Copyblogger has a new position every day of the week - but they have not only posters of the guest, they also several members of staff (Brian, Sonia and Robert).

(Of course, taking visiting positions may actually finish you cost more time because of the admin and editing involved: I recommend you read managing Guest Post submissions efficiently so that you can keep things simple and streamlined.)

# 2: News-style content

Big tech related blogs have keep their finger on the pulse - which means that they should have at least one post per day. However, new positions are often short and succinct: they are not content to Evergreen which wanted to remain relevant for months or years.

# 3: Short and targeted messages

It is easier to follow a daily rhythmic display if your drives are used for short messages that address a single theme or idea. Think Seth Godin, for example. Bite-sized pieces of information may be popular... If you have the talent to be concise and avoiding waffle in your writing.

# 4: Only for Blogging for SEO purposes

If your blog to the main purpose is to get traffic (perhaps so readers will be click on ads or so you can promote your product) and then display day might be a good strategy. You can simply try to build much content on your site - and you bothersome if you lose the attention of readers.

Therefore... should you be posting every day? Unless you have a team of guest-poster, or a real need to stay a minute, or an audience which requires, in short, catchy content... and then I would say not.

I saw so many bloggers end up disappointed and burnt out because they have followed advice to display every day, and it has absolutely nowhere.

For most bloggers, positions one to three per week works well. Even a position each week may be sufficient to maintain the momentum for you and your readers.

I am sure that this is a subject that will raise some strong opinions... and I would like to hear your point of view in the comments! Have you tried to post every day? Did it work for you - or it leads to combustion?

How to unlock blogger in you?

Even if it does not appear that it is too difficult, the blogging can sometimes be extremely difficult. You can find yourself with no time to sit at your desk and writing; You must not be some topics to write on, or maybe you just enough expertise on the topic you want to address.

My staff believe is that each person is a blogger who must be released. You just find your own way of blogging.

People are afraid to approach subjects they view as an expert of. Now, I do not say that you must publish nonsense on topics that you have absolutely no experience, which is wrong and immoral. What I'm trying to say here is that you do not have to be the best in a specific niche to write about it. Write your personal experience and your personal recommendations on the subject. You can think of it as a "best guess".

Many readers often see writers as experts is a misconception. Writers are human beings human after all too, they can never be 100% spot on.

It may sound strange or stupid to do when something everyone say the exact opposite: write for the people. The thing is that people are afraid of audiences or large crowds. Have you ever been on a stage before hundreds or thousands of people? I was once or twice and it really puts enormous pressure on you. I find often myself better performance with no hearing or about friends.

The same applies to blogging. When you craft a blog stop to think about the amount of people that know you not even that will read. Just write what you write for yourself or as if you spoke to your closest friend.

Have you ever read one of your old blog posts? You can sometimes be dissatisfied with the quality of the article you posted just last week a few days ago. This can really put you off the coast, but there is a simple way to avoid such situations. Do not strike the right of button "Publish" when you completed your ticket of blog. Give it some time. Don't rush into it. Leave to rest for a few days and then read again with a new look.

After having worked for an hour or on a post, most you not say not able to judge its quality on place because you are too "familiar" with it. Of course you can be super-happy with this right after it's over, but give it some time. Return to her the next day and review or ask a friend to read before publishing it. If it is still and will you please go ahead and publish it.

As I said, blogging is the motivation of needs to work hard and hard so that go you. Find ways to reward you for the work that you said.

The first thing would be to take advantage of your time, this blog something, you are passionate about, something that you like.

Another way to motivate your car is to blog about something, you need or who want to learn, so that you will eventually become an expert in this specific field through blogging.

The ultimate goal of most bloggers have and the most rewarding benefit of blogging is to make money out of it. If you put all three objectives above you have yourself a lethal combination.

Your thoughts

I would like to know your opinion on this subject then do not hesitate to share your ideas and experience leaving comments below.

Monday, June 27, 2011

5 ways to share your unique voice of blogs

Nothing does set a blog and its author apart and give their visibility they need more efficiently than of a voice unique blogging, which is easily recognizable in every post you publish. Both General and niche blogs are their style to help them to stand out. It is an easy way to gain reputation, authority and faithful fans.

How exactly can find your blogging voice and make sure that it is recognizable in everything you publish? Here are a few tips.

Each person has their preferences for certain phrases, expressions, the means to build phrases or make arguments. This style should be inserted in your blog written and maintained throughout each position. You need to do first experiences come to understand who is your blogging voice, otherwise you just stumble around of blindly, pick up influences that ever you think is hot and popular at some point. It must be your voice, not a fabricated, as being authentic will make it easier to maintain. It is something that comes naturally when you write, is not a tactic forced means you set apart that you can ignore when entering a subject that fascinates you.

Everyone agrees "Good night midnight appellant, America…" "Wherever you be". And if you do not know this person, which, on Earth, no Associates not immediately the Bugs Bunny with "What's up, dock?" or Porky Pig with "this is all the folks!"? They are used in films, by the authors, by radio animators. A turn and twist of a famous phrase, a typical start to the conclusions of your messages, a personally developed way to invite other make of the comments, an interjection that is all what you, your blogs with slogans of support structure will be your unique voice and style recognizable to readers of your blog. It will be part of your brand.

The secret of a good slogan is to choose one that corresponds in fact to all and any post you can think of editing and will remain off for over-used slogans, cheese. For example, overused, Pantene has invented "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" could not make you seem unique and have the exactly opposite effect, resulting in a gesture of rolling-eyes of readers which is actually bad for your blog. But it is perhaps good for Kanye West!

If a slogan that adapts to all your articles is more difficult to identify, you can create other habits of writing that will later define your blogging voice unique to your audience. Start or end your post with famous quotes or lyrics, recommendations of books or a quick roundup of other blogs discussing the subject that are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

Joanna Paterson more confident writing more defined his voice unique blog by choosing a theme for each month of blogging. All posts published in a month would broaden the theme. If you do not have enough material for a monthly theme, you can choose a weekly topic or have a series of blog published each month. The theme of State at the end of the month and publish one or two parties each week. In addition, try and come up with a unique and attractive name for your series.

While there is nothing new or impressive group written grants or projects (PRP) in itself, creating a unique signature, GWP or system to grant others will help readers better identify you and your blog and it will set you apart from the millions of blogs out there. Think how immediately connect the "what I learned from...". "Monthly GWP with Robert Hruzek. Or how the weekly list of new badges of SOB said Liz Strauss and successful - Blog .com for us all!

And while we will discuss about unique blog, you can travel through the archives and read this post too: what lies behind a single blog?

A social media Newbie Guide

New technology seems to happen at the speed of thought, and it may be difficult for the user casual web follow all this. If you have never been reluctant to a conversation that has led to what anyone linked to the web or shrugged were never his shoulders when you have heard terms such as social networks, tweeting, status updates, wikis, blogs or social media, you are not alone, and this guide should help you get an overview of what social media is and how it is used.

The first problem with social media is that it means different things to different people, but it is important for someone trying to understand it to have a clear definition of what it means. Social media, in this context, refers to any site on the web relies on participatory entry and the interaction between visitors. All or part of the content is created by users.

Social media took on the web in a very short period of time. Almost all the best sites on the web are essentially participatory excluding search engines, and almost all of the sites have at least some participatory elements (such as comments).

Although there are several social media forms can take, can essentially divide them into five categories and each category has several sub-categories accompanied by examples:

1. Collaboration:

Wikis - easily editable encyclopedias. Often open to all users, even if some are more restrictive. Open Content - licensed for reuse and sharing of bookmarking Social content - Sites that allow users to bookmark, share and discover Web sites. Examples: Delicious, Google Bookmarks, StumbleuponSocial news - share new links and comment on stories examples: Digg, Slashdot, Reddit

2. Communication:

Blogs - Software for easy user, comments and more very brief microblog - publication or Services blog updated, often shorter than 140 characters Social Networking - general social interaction, sharing and the strengthening of friendship. Example: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn

3. Multimedia:

Photo sharing - upload photos for the world to see, comment on and share examples: Flickr, Smugmug, Picasavideo sharing - publish your own examples online videos: YouTube, Vimeo, DailymotionLive streaming - video stream live examples: AOL, Justin.tv, USTREAMAudio sharing and music -share favorite music streams

4. Reviews and Opinions:

Product reviews - rate product quality and price of Questions and answers - anyone can request and response employer/educator examines questions - discover how good employer, Professor, or other figure of authority is real estate - apartments, houses, neighbourhoods and property rates commercial examples: ApartmentRatings, neighborhood Scout

5. Entertainment:

Create avatars andvirtual worlds - live virtual lives social games- play games online with other examples of players: like Farmville browser-based games and games MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) such as World of Warcraft

Web sites and services specially designed for social media, many Web sites personal, commercial and non-profit incorporate elements of social media. For example, many sites such as Amazon.com and eBay shopping allows users to discuss products, rates and even resell elements. Most of the news, even from corporate media sites, now give readers the opportunity to comment on articles, audio and video. In addition, many sites incorporate elements from established social media sites. For example, a site can have a Facebook "Like" button or Twitter sharing button. Some may even allow you to share their content on several different social media sites.

Although social media as a concept are relatively new, the effective implementation of the participatory elements online predates the term. Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), for example, dates back to the 1970s, and discussion forums have been a part of the Internet since the beginning. With a constant evolution, more interactive features of the Internet (e.g. e-mail) are now integrated in the web. Thus, some people use computers and never close their web browser.

According to experts of the web in the UK dedicated hosting 34SP.com, when the web was created, it should be a participatory tool that anyone could use to create and innovate. Social media are just a step in the direction of realizing this vision of a participatory culture, which flourishes in a free exchange of ideas and knowledge.

Use a Blog to build your brand.

 Strengthening of the mark is the only way for the success of the business in the current world market scenario. Sales alone cannot be a successful company because they do not increase up to the mark to become an energetic tool which will launch the company in the big league. Enhancing the brand is a difficult task requiring an investment of considerable time and money, and each step must be done right. Even then, something can retain the branding initiative.

In one such scenario blogging may be Savior by assisting in the exercise of the trade mark and making it successful. Blogging can help in different ways, some are discussed below:

Build an image online through blogs- the brand initiative framework includes the addition of a jingle or a capture is so aggressive that it stays in the minds of consumers. It is often to the point that merely mentioning the brand first makes a very distinct image of the mark and then something else. This has been called by experts such as the creation of a "free" in the spirit, and companies spend billions to create this franchising exercise spirit. One last effort may be to use blogs to increase branding efforts, that will certainly help to create a presence online for the mark and the goods that are associated with. Also, blogs are an open, free for all Board where your brand stories can be told repeatedly and repeatedly, new thoughts added and updated that contribute to maintain the public reading in the loop. A blog is like a guided tour that continues over time. A personal point of view for a brand is possible only through blogs, and it makes people warm to it.The opening of conversations - blogs Blogs is not necessary as a one-way communication channel. This is a great way to engage in a conversation with consumers to obtain their views, comments and recommendations. It is often the end user who is able to report defects and disadvantages that can be corrected to enhance the image of the brand and products is attached. Personal interaction can develop a personal report, and with it comes the faith and confidence of the people behind the brand. A personal angle to a strictly professional or the business relationship only adds to the advantages without adverse effects. Help blogs in Word-of-mouth - marketing Blogs have a double effect. In addition to the opening of a channel of communication between brand owners and users of the mark, it also allows to create a network involving people connected to the users, since all people speak to each other purchase products and services. This can easily have a viral effect, since the path breaking innovations will reach all the networks of the people you interact or communicate with. That the word of mouth marketing is perhaps the best marketing tool can be. Using connections for the building - brand Blogging helps establish connections and these refund connections in the promotion of brands. Blogging makes it easy to become powerful through knowledge and expertise in your field, and sharing with others makes them to see the extent of your knowledge. Once the target audience were well understood, they begin to accept your influence and hot to the mark you promote. Connections are easy to do through this path of knowledge. Honest, leaving your true Self out in your blogs, in addition to the life of a few lines and public reading like that. Blogs become a support for showcase honesty, sincerity and expertise in your field, without the need of rhetoric or flowery writing styles. Connections and then naturally follow.Create communities on networking through blogs - the impact of blogs can be extended to social networks such as Facebook and Twitter as well. With shared interests the viral effect of a blog can do wonders for the brand a sword spreads, and thus the name and fame. Additional layers can be created through bulletin boards, review articles, customer profiles and so on to form a whole of the community for a brand. This is assisted by Ning, CrowdVine and KickApps social network platforms, used specifically for this purpose.costs with efficient construction exercises - brand building can be expensive and exercise to the businesses that have no shortage of resources go to pass on the initiatives of the mark. However, it is neither justified nor a necessary rule. Marks can be constructed budgets of chain shoe, with little or nothing at all costs, as is the case with blogs. Blog platform many come without costs and knowledge of the blogs may improve over time to achieve the best results.Partnerships help to frame marks- Modern brands are based on the concept of electricity distribution. Brands are less than expert strong internal brand and more can be assessed by interactive consumer platforms which emerges a true unbiased image. Using these inputs to restructuring and improvement of the brand and its image then, are the work of companies intelligently. Partnership with participants significant assistance. Blogging is an effective way to initiate partnerships that will contribute to the mark.

According to Brian Solis, a famous media expert and business blogger, a blog without cruelty of genuine and useful advice combined with the ability to cultivate relationships and support their connections helps fitness, improve customer service, revise perceptions and enhance the scope, the resonance and the loyalty of the mark in question.

Why nobody cares of your Blog and what you can do about it

Creation of a business blog is a great way to embark on your content marketing strategy. A business blog is a good place to start a dialogue with your audience, establish your company as a leader in the industry, build a brand and the company, voice augmenter your brand presence online in the search engines and more.

Let's say that you have started your blog; He announced a press release, in three months of posts, optimized headlines so that they were going to rank in search engines, promoted them on all your social networks and more. You should have a group of loyal readers happy at any time, right? Not necessarily.

Here are 3 reasons that the failure of your blog and what you can do to make the right.

Yes, this is your company blog, so of course, you are authorized to use for a small self-promotion - from time to time. Marketing plans contained large are all on the education of the consumer, do not sell a product. Why anyone would want to read a dozen positions which are barely veiled advertisements? Your blog need to inform and educate the reader on your industry and related issues. Once you have satisfied your readers that you are not just in it for you, you can start dragging on a blog promotional time to time.

Your blog should be up to speed with time. You may not be written on the things of means used to do (unless it is a post comparing then and now), you focus your blog on what is happening now. What trends are large? That comes from the corner? If you want that your blog to gain loyal readers, they need to know that you are the best place to go for breaking news and information.

In the same vein, there is a hot topic in your industry now, did write a post and the schedule three months on the road. Get in the conversation, even if it is still relevant. Catches up with his does nothing for you or your readers. Take a unique spin on the issue and go live with him that day here. Get your opinion there while it is important. If you can't stay ahead of the curve, at least keep pace with the pack.

You must be really honest with yourself are your readers. It is potential customers? Other professionals in the industry? A blog about cooking could (theoretically) appeal professional bakers, bakers fans, owners of the bakery, culinary, gourmet students, chocolate lovers, people with special diets, catering, food writers and photographers, critical food and so on. It's up to you to decide who is your audience and what kind of information they would want to read. If your business sells commercial bakery equipment, which is your blog is really after - mother at home who likes to cook or the restaurateur who owns a coffee dessert? Your blog have to mesh with the needs and expectations of your audience; give people what they want! If you are not sure where to start, learn some of the blogs of your competitors. What topics and questions that they focus on?

Also, you have to remember that you must give time to acquire a following your blog. It will not happen overnight. While your blog is maturing, take the time to develop relationships with other bloggers in the industry, build your network online so that they can help promote your messages and develop great content.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quick Tip: do not use too many fonts on your Blog.

Having many fonts on your computer does not mean that you should use loads of them on the same blog.

In General, it is better to stick to fonts of 2 or 3 more. Heading, body text, perhaps another police if necessary. Use more, and your blog will look messy and inconsistent.

Consistency is the key here. For example, you can use the font of your header image in your subtitles, or for the stars of widget in your sidebar.

One of the biggest no - our changing the body of the text of a post to another, or even within the same post. I think it is very well to use a different font for quotes or code snippets, but other that that, don't change the fonts in your messages.

A particular point of pain is copying text from the word, as many additional style information is copied with the text. It is preferable to use the "Paste as text" button in the toolbar of WordPress. Or copy the text into Notepad first.

I'll leave you with a position of Ning creators: Design 101 - too many fonts. The underlying message is valid, but there are two major errors for this post:

When the application of font attributes makes sense, but you should use CSS so that you do not have to apply styles to each heading individually, being compatible. In addition, if you decide to change the overall appearance of your blog, you will need to modify each post individually. If the CSS is available on Ning, however, I am not sure.While this may be beyond control of the author, to the position of Ning creators is headed with a logo, multiple navigation bars, position title and signature of the author - almost all who use different fonts. This illustrates perfectly why police consistency is so important. The site looks just ugly with all these different fonts.

Fonts how you use on your blog? What is the most fonts that you have seen on a single blog?

The traffic potential is a good Proxy for the quality of link?

Since Update of recent Google Panda, the world of SEO and blogs has been buzzing, and while there were some innocent sites between the fires, the only thing that most people will agree on is that Google has left once and for all the world knows that the poor quality, spammy content is not normal.

A side effect of the update is that if you have many links to your site from sources of poor quality, these links probably just lost most of their value, too.

Essentially, as link building SEO is concerned, quality is more important than ever now. But, after years of directories and article submission, some people seem to avoir forgot this link of quality in fact it is!

SEO has always been to try and guess Google and create links and content check all the right boxes. But sometimes, this may take a little too far.

Hunting algorithm is like chasing a carrot on a stick: whenever you get close, stick moves, and the core moves a step more from your understanding. Why not simply seek to wherever the carrot is directed and meet it when it gets there?

If you seek the same goal that Google is already moving to, each change future algorithm will only make your blog more strong.

Just imagine a moment that we do care SEO or all search engines. Front of SEO existence, when links were just links, what exactly is a link "good"?

In other words, if you tried to make money blogging and SEO was not in the image, what links would you care for?

In my view, the amount of relevant traffic generated by a link is the purest possible indicator of whether or not it is a useful link.

Here there is a real, giving point: whenever you win a new link, rather than trying to guess what the Almighty Google, why not just check your own analytics and see if you are really all traffic of it?

The links are essentially bridges of the Internet. And for some reason, people have begun to worry about most of what makes them look nice for the big guy in the sky, only to get people safely through the water. (In this metaphor, the water is the parts of the Internet which are filled with spam nasty sharks).

It is the equivalent of a small benevolent high street company to learn more about their advertising get prices in the industry that if advertising really generates any sales. There is not much sense.

If you do not already have it, install Google analytics (or something similar) and begin to look at where your traffic comes in fact. You should be able to see what specific sites and pages is sending you traffic. If you visit these pages, you can see the links that are sending you traffic.

In doing so, you will have an unprecedented overview in which links provide you with real traffic, and the areas of your site are most popular.

Then, look at the pages of your site that are popular and try to guess what you did to make them so. Also find unpopular pages and try to improve.

If you can learn what makes good content for your site, you can start most of this building. Any when you get many links from a page, try to build on this success and repeat.

You can also begin to spend more time to seek and establish a connection with the kind of persons who possess the types of the binding sites for you. Ask for links if you want, but you may soon find that you should even!

SEO and the strengthening of the links have a bad reputation because there are many ways to do and admittedly, some of them are quite scuzzy, as would say Mr. Cutts. But, in my opinion, SEO can and should be a good thing.

In the last few paragraphs, I discussed what I think is a powerful new way to think about SEO. It is not so much on pleasant algorithm as it is to find new ways to build real relationships and at the same time improve the quality of what you propose on the Web.

What do you think of this approach? You already use it? How's it going for you?

Why "International" bloggers have an unfair advantage

If you are in the business of blogging, are not not of English mother tongue can be very difficult. The market in your country of origin is often small, there may be a culture of buying things online and it may be difficult to find guest posting opportunities in your mother tongue.

Image of the right to copyright the NASA Goddard Photo and video, licensed under Creative CommonsOn appears on the other hand, blogs in English as just as bad an idea at first sight: how are supposed to compete with an army of bloggers whose command of English language considerably exceeds your own? Even if your English is really good, you will probably need to pay a professional editor to avoid occasional English second language errors.

I admit it: all of this sounds rather intimidating. But don't despair! Fortunately, we "international" enjoy an enormous advantage, unfair to which every American, Australian, or British blogger should envy us. In fact, all the obstacles, we are faced with shrinking to nothing from this major advantage which has been an international blogger:

I am a consultant in management of the Germany time. My family name is as German as it can get - Kleinschmitt - and my blog is called the German efficiency. I teach productivity personal, manufactured in Germany, people from around the world.

My command of English is as good as that of the American probloggers? Of course not. But can they teach German efficiency? Although they are not.

And this is my point: as a German productivity coach, I have my proposal of single sales built right into my nationality.

Would you rather have teach you on vodka: an Australian or a Russian?

Who would prefer learn you Salsa of: a Canadian or a Cuban?

Which blog romance would you rather read: of British banker, the Parisian artist?

You may have the Swiss blogging guy in watches, or the Lady of the writing and Holland on the cheese. You could be the Brazilian martial artist teaches Capoeira, or Japanese comics fan keep us up to date on the manga.

Each part of the world is famous for something. The advantage that internationals we have is that almost nobody does in our country of origin is blogging about it in English.

Yet, the world community is who cares more. I am much more keen to learn about the romance of a Parisian artist that another Parisian artist will never be. The latter, the former Parisian artist is just another guy romance of teaching. For me, it is a Parisian artist teaching romance! How could not read his blog?

Indeed, the possibilities for us internationals are infinite. There is a gap in the giant market, and our proposal for a single sale is given to us on a silver plate.

Time to step up, don't you think?

Carved - a search engine Social with personal recommendations and the toolbar

Carved appears to be much like Bing, with some additional features. "Carved evaluates the best search results from across the major search engines of the Web and then customizes their best results based on your interests and preferences, as well as those of your friends (and other people whom you do not know yet).". The key to get the best custom results and recommendations is completely fill out your profile and also using the voting system (to the carved namely what you do and don't like).

Here you can enter a slogan, bio, forum title, signature of the forum and answer some questions about yourself. More you fill in the best that other (community) learn more about you. If you connect to your Facebook account, carved can get most of these information in your profile there.

The research, it are not all the advanced options, type in your query and go. There are enough little different locations in the results page. You have your regular results with useful information under each such as tags and tagscore (see image below). You can choose or the result is relevant, see other users on carved that marked the result of a bookmark, bookmark yourself and share on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or email.

Below your actual results, you'll see some Web site recommendations that can be of interest to you. You can also click for more. More you use carved and voting system, more these results will be more relevant.

On the right side, you'll see recommended users that you will like to connect with. You will also have the opportunity to invite some of your Facebook friends (that is if you have connected to your account).

You'll see this button almost all your search results. It is a way to get recommendations custom mode full window (such as StumbleUpon) and see what other Web sites you'll love. By clicking on the button "get some" opens a full website with the carved toolbar and the top of the page.

You can like/dislike websites, bookmarket, share, search and click on "get some More" to go to the following Web site. You can also download the carved toolbar or install the bookmarklet if you want to be able to find and interact with carved of any web page. This is the best way to let carved know what you like, so it can recommend relevant results for you in the future.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of social search engines. Most of the time I look at to quickly obtain the necessary information and keep this movement. The recommendations are a nice touch, but it will take some fine-tuning (that most people may not have time for) for those specific. A community in a search engine seems unnecessary, but I don't know that much this will be a useful means of connecting with others. It's really all just according to your preferences and the way which seek you.

So would you prefer that? Is carved something that you see yourself using on a regular basis?

Choose the right online backup Service provider

Your data are very important to you. Your valuable digital photos are absolutely invaluable and all documents related to your home-based business are invaluable. You may think that you are in good shape, because you are backing up data regularly on an external hard drive. Unfortunately, that might not be enough.

Online backups are more and more popular and for good reason. The problem, then, is to determine which backup online service must trust and that you use. To help this decision is the aptly named backup research online, a site that helps you to compare the different services of backup there.

There are a few big names in this niche, but this does not mean that you should base your decision simply on the recognition of the mark. Research of online backup to provide the relevant details for each of the various online backup service providers.

Stage on the page main is a list of the favourite. As you can see here, the current leader is SugarSync with a rating of 9.2 editor, a $4.95 a month from prices, 30 GB of storage and a free 30 day trial. iDrive is just as competitive with the same rating 9.2 editor, even if it does not have a free trial.

Work your way to the bottom of the page, you will also find the various plans of backup disaggregated according to need, including backup plans free, single computer backup, backup plans business plans and so forth.

What happens if you are still not completely sure of this business backup online? No worries, because it y some good expert advice on the site for you also.

On this page, you can read about everything, how much you must pay for backup services to what to look for in a business online backup company. They also have guides on Gmail backup, organizing data, best practices backup, synchronization for Mac file explanations and more. These articles can help you define your needs and to better help you choose the appropriate service provider.

Search for online backup is always passing by all critics, and there are new services being added all the time. A high number of service providers have already been addressed, but you will notice that some reviews and ratings have not yet been published.

Even where it is not a full review of an online backup service, you get always all the relevant details for this service. For example, you get the information on the lowest price, storage space, the availability of a free trial, the Planner feature, notable features incremental backup and operating systems supported.

More comprehensive tests will provide an overall rating, as well as a few concepts useful on the pros and cons, software installation, configuration, restore the files, file versioning and the limitation of the car. If you are looking for specific features, these reviews can be very useful.

And that is the essence of what you get with online backup research. We have seen similar site set up for the comparison of hosting providers, for example, so it is logical to do your due diligence when it comes to choose too many online backup service.

You have to go with iDrive or iBackup? Filing or SugarSync box? Passing by guides and reviews on research of online backup, you can be better prepared to make the right decision.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 Reasons you can never make money as a blogger

I have been blogging for almost two years now, and it took me a year to make a penny of my work. Things were really frustrating then, but I decided I never give up until I began to get results.

One thing I observed I do not earn money as a blogger for a long period of time that I made many mistakes and I see a lot of bloggers is the same today, this blog post will focus on some of the main three reasons why I was unable to earn money online for the first eight months of me blogging and I hope other bloggers who read can learn a thing or two of it.

1. You are substituting your content for money

One thing that I came to learn more about blogs is that the world of blogging is different and unique and that you must give lots of great info for free before starting to reap the benefits. It is a very dangerous mistake for you to overlook the importance of writing great content because the quality of your content should never be a substitute for something as a blogger.

I do most of my income by writing for others, and the main reason for this is not because my blog is popular, but because I wrote a large number of vacancies to the other while at the same time explaining how I do it on my blog. Finally, my client has seen how hard, I was and I decided then would be the best fit for his work.

The real secret to making money blogs is to provide value, nothing else! Stop looking for ways to make fast cash without doing anything, start focusing on giving more value and you will be surprised by the speed at which you begin to get results.

2. You are afraid to make money

Yes, I was touched by this much, but I am starting to get over it gradually.

One thing that you must make as a blogger is that you only make money only by writing great content, you must create plans that can help you make money from your blogging efforts. Some of the best ways to make money blogging are either by creating your own product, promoting affiliate products and offer your services. Don't be afraid to review affiliate products on your blog because of what people think, don't be afraid to launch your own product because you think people buy it and don't be afraid to ask customers because you think that they do not come. Even if you don't get many results, it is at least a value of the try statement.

Give enough value to your readers, and when it is time to make money with Audacity and happy to do so. You'll be glad you did.

3. You expect overnight success

A blogger you must realize that it is has nothing called success overnight. You just make money by sleep, you will only make money from your hard.

Many bloggers who do not only fails because they not realize at the time that they expect what they expect. You must realize that it takes time to make money as a blogger and you will not get results just by setting in place of a product page and waits for people to buy. Success takes time! Earlier you this realize faster you will start earning money.

3 Ways to creative to effective SEO

Improve the ranking of a Web site search engine is the springboard to get traffic, which guarantees the best profits. SEO Web site optimization is vital, because it's to organize content, such that it corresponds to a specific category.

Here are some key steps you can follow to get your site recognized by search engines.

Keywords will significantly improve your search engine results ratings, as it uses this information to classify the various terms for which the website is relevant. If the key is to focus on the key words in the title tag, the URL in the article lead itself. The title of your article/Web site should be such that it should draw the attention of the browser.

Make sure that you use the ALT and title tags in all the pictures. These tags are essential because they inform search engines what is talking about the image. Not only do they recognize the images, but also determine the keyword density.

The Google keyword tool can be used to get new ideas, as they will help you not only to the search for the necessary keywords, but also provide information on industry trends and the approximate CPC.

One of the best ways to get recognized by search engines is through (incoming) links. The popularity of a particular link on related Web sites can give better visibility to the search engine. In addition, outbound links, connecting in the relevant pages can also be done.
Google may determine that, although a page linked to another page, with a grade assigned, will increase the first classification, it must keep in mind that each page has its own page rank. With exceptional content, your website is related to the recognized and therefore be considered as a link between. You should consider trading link with related sites, or perhaps write an article for a Web site and take advantage of a quality link back.
Make sure that you do not exchange links with SEO spammers, as your ranking can obtain compromise, and in addition, avoid hidden text/links.

Thecontent that you use on your Web site is a vital part of the SEO, which allows your site more visibility on search engines. The main aspect to search engines is contained, it dictates the ranking and brings to turn in the audience. Ensure that you have a relevant and important content with the keywords with a natural flow.

Last but not least, make you site primarily for your users. Search engine optimization methods are designed to increase traffic to your Web site by giving more visibility to search engines.

Learn to get up early!

It's nice to get up with sunrise, feel the coolness and freshness of morning, with a clear head and the inspiration to start a new day.

That morning you can productively, what feeling better early wakeup noticed almost everyone, however many there is a stereotype that if he "OWL", to get up early, he could not by definition not included this in its nature.

But there are many examples of people being "sovami", "zavoronkami", and were very happy with this, cuvstovali a happier and more effective.

As Benjamin Franklin said, "nothing superfluous. Retire early and get up – that's what makes a man healthy, wealthy and smart. "

For example Steve Pavlina, famous blogger and author of articles on personal growth. In his youth he go beyond midnight and got up late, but eventually was able to rehabilitate themselves and become "early ptaskoj". Now he wakes up at 5 am. Has made it the easiest technique is to go to bed only when valis?sa with legs, but stand up clearly at certain times. And there is a certain logic: If people used to go to bed an hour of the night awake him 11 bothered to know itself. I.e. it's just wasting time trying to fall asleep, and sleeps in the same hour of the night. This approach confirms another Franklin phrase Golden fatigue — best pillow. "

I'm more inclined to a gradual approach to body accustomed to the new regime, which is why I like the idea of combining with more lenient Steve Peacocks method, setting the time spillage at 20-30 minutes before the time you normally wake up, and the next day or every other day for 20-30 minutes earlier and more. In doing so, you can go to bed as described above, when fatigue and wants to sleep naturally.

Someone recommends placing the alarm out of bed and get up, but I believe that the body cannot finish all its processes launched during the night, the organism is a shock. Better slow awakening with light rastiraniami to disperse blood and potagivaniami. Once upon a time used one Tibetan method of sifting, I really liked, will publish its exact description. The alarm tone, certainly better when it's pleasant, slowly growing, with a positive attitude. For example, you can buy an alarm clock with sounds of nature.

Morning is the best way to thank the universe for a new day for what you have in life, and give the world a wave of good mood and satisfaction. In fact the universe gives us only what we want, and the reality around us, which we believe.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Google Web fonts - have you used their yet?

A few minutes back I was discussing something on design with my designer friend. One of the topics discussed were policies. A thought came in my mind on which policy is best for SEO fonts and may increase or decrease the rankings? My friend told me about Google's Web fonts. It was the first time that I heard on Google web fonts. I know a lot of directories of the police, but the web fonts Google was something new for me. Google web fonts is not a directory of fonts, but a list of a few good looking fonts for web security. Using these web safe fonts ensures that your site rankings not be damaged.

Google free Web fonts

This is a new topic and he immediately took my interest, and without a second, I was on the official Google fonts explore this site they have. You can check the web fonts Google here. To see what I've explored Google fonts.

A good number of fonts is available at Google web fonts. You can browse fonts by types, currently a trend, popularity, in alphabetical order, the number of variants for each font, etc.

Web fonts Google currently supports 4 languages - Greek, Latin, Cyrillic and Khmer. You can even browse fonts by language.

After exploring fonts Google, I found a cool font named Bevan. Here's how, I added one of my sites.

1 Paste the following code immediately below theTags,

2. Now, it's time to change your theme style sheet. Paste the following code to the appropriate location where you want to use this font.

H1 {font-family: "Bevan", arial, serif;}

3. You can use the Google web fonts for other topics and other sizes as well.

Head of Google web fonts! Some really cool fonts await you.

Optimizing your Blog for Google Panda

The recent update made by Google (Panda) is the first major change since 2009. There are several blogs that have been affected by this update. Some have experienced a decline in their traffic, while some have increased. Whatever change your blog known, I am sure you noticed a lot of buzz around these changes in the algorithm. What is all about Panda? Let's of eye:

According to Google, the Panda update was made to improve the quality of search results. It is spammy sites disappear from the results. Although still there are a few sites of gibberish on the results of research, there are many Web sites that were pushed to the bottom of the ranking of the search. The Panda update is not perfect, but he did make considerable changes.

Update targeted shallow and superficial content low quality sites and back to their classification. Web sites which have been the hardest hit by Panda are strong content and article sites.

To speak of a content farm, many people generally asks what exactly is a strong content. It is in fact a very vague area. After the definition on Wikipedia, a content farm is a Web site that uses many freelance writers to write content in order to rank high on search engine results. These Web sites to earn money by obtaining many pages views and therefore sell ads on these pages.

This definition makes all the directories section within the definition of content farms. There are many content farms still standing strong, even if some were penalized.

If you allow guests to publish articles on your blog, it is likely that some people add content of low quality only for some backlinks. In this case, your blog might have been affected by the recent updates. Opening of your blog for guest posts is a good way to encourage reader activity, but a certain degree of moderation is required so that it does not become a content farm.

There are some basic steps you can follow to optimize your website for Google Panda. Lee Odden, CEO of Marketing online TopRank, provides four stages which can work with the Google Panda update position.

1 Assess your blog to these characteristics: low informative value, short form, too many ads or duplicate content. If a part is copied, just delete. If the content is not too useful, add the bits of information. Remove extra advertising panels. Make sure that the person doing this has sufficient SEO knowledge and expertise of web development.

2. For subsequent blog articles, focus on high quality useful content that is not duplicated from elsewhere.

3 To promote your content so that it attracts links from other blogs. You can do this by providing content in a way that makes people comment on it. When people are interested in your website, they will be talking about, or display links to it on other sites. This will increase your page rank. But forget step-keep it original.

4 Offers users the chance to share your blog on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Social commitment will be to popularize your blog faster than other mediums. This will be useful for your blog and your readers.

Although there is some legitimate sites that is taken in the update of Panda, it proved to be a boon to the real contained marketers - blogs that offer great content to their readers. Continue to feed the Internet with the best content with less stress on the arguments of sale, and you will stay in the eyes of Google.

If you are looking for something that would have left the Panda update work in your favor then use all organic SEO strategies you know and stop building links to low quality. Perhaps some content farms have been spared by Google, but judging from the direction of that Google is taking, their next update may not be so kind.

Most Web sites and Blogs have a natural traffic limit

Since I started building that my sites first back in 2005 I owned probably at least twenty ones different, ranging from blogs such as this to niche sites and focused on the services of the sites. A pattern that I have noticed over the years is that most websites have a limit of natural traffic.

This limit of natural traffic, I mean a volume of traffic (for example, 30,000 unique monthly, unique monthly 200,000 or unique monthly $ 3 million, according to the site in question) that the Web site will attract once he fully developed and put in place.

As you can see, most websites start slow, then they go through a phase of rapid growth, and then they reach the natural boundary. Of course, they could always keep more after reaching the limit, but that growth will be minimal compared to the previous period of growth.

Time will be needed to achieve the limit will vary depending on the niche/type site Web, as well as the efforts made by the owner. For example, a Web site on a small niche as "white tea" could reach its natural limit after 12 months, then only a blog on technology could take years to reach its natural limit.

Similarly, the limit itself can vary, depending on the niche and the type of Web site. The tea Web site might have a natural limit of 20,000 monthly unique visitors, while for the tech blog, this number could be $ 5 million or more (TechCrunch should be the reference here).

Note that the natural boundary number includes all sources of traffic (e.g., search engines, direct traffic, subscribers, referrals and so forth).

An example

Let me use an example to illustrate the concept. A couple of years, I had a site nests on the wargame of the Mafia (very popular on Facebook). At one point he reached the first page of Google for the term "mafia wars", and he also had good ranking for several related keywords. As a result, he received about 150 000 monthly unique visitors (although it is a relatively small site with 20 pages or more) and generated about $400 in Google AdSense.

I tried to add more content and promote the below Web site, but no matter what I was doing traffic grow a lot. After a few months, that I thought that the site had reached, it is the natural traffic limit, so I decided to sell.

Now don't you wrong. The Web site of sale once it reaches its natural limit not always the best choice. I sold only a mafia wars because it was not aligned with the niches that I like to focus. Had it been a tech-based Web site, for example, I would have probably kept it as a source of passive income.

The Message of meals to go

The message that I wanted to pass is the following: it is important to know that Web sites and blogs have a limit of natural traffic. Identify when you have reached it is not always easy, but you should try.

Once you determine that your Web/blog site has reached its natural limit you have mainly two options: sell if you are not interested in this niche of anymore, or put it on auto-pilot to the part of your free time so that you can start working on a new project.

How to do more with your Blog Home page

Home page of your blog is really, really important. Although the home page may not be the first thing a visitor sees (think of a person by clicking on a link to your last post, for example), they can go to your home page later if they want to read more of your stuff.

The home page must be a fresh snapshot of your blog with content and links directly to some of the most interesting positions. Here are some things you should do with your home page to draw the attention of your visitors.

Not just a list of your last messages. Too boring. Try to view your last post, your author profile, a list of recent comments, your latest tweets, or a link to your ebook (if you have one). Keep things fresh by rotating things from time to time.

I highly recommend the framework of the (aff) Genesis - there are a lot of major themes which include a magazine-style home page.

I do not use the more adventurous disposition on the homepage of the Blog Tips-, but if you look at how is structured from the home page, you should be able to say that it is not simply a list of my latest posts. Well, most importantly, it is has a couple of bits I've slotted in manually.

Viewing a list of your most read messages or more tours is a great way to help the new or casual readers to find your best content. I installed just "positions popular WordPress" on my blog, but it did not collect data yet. I'll report back on this plugin, once I gave it a test appropriate.

I would like to know if you can recommend a good "popular posts" plugin for WordPress.

If the first post on your home page is not reading, you sell yourself short. Put a decent position at the top (or very close by) for those interested - and don't forget to rotate from time to time.

In an ideal world, I would say that you must make each position worthy of the best spot on your home page - but let's face, we can not write "best ever positions" all the time. We can try, but sometimes it just does that.

How to attract the attention of people on your home page?

Quick Tip: remove the symbols of your permalinks

WordPress is smart. He knows when you use a proper apostrophe or quotes and converts the symbols that you type in those typographic specific. In simple terms, which means that it uses quotation marks.

The following example:

The Beatles: She is a woman

All very well, until you try to use an apostrophe in a job title.

If you type the in no problem. However, if you paste in the WordPress Visual Editor, your permanent link will be automatically generated with an inside curly apostrophe.

-Is this important? Well, elle may cause some odd with your URL issues, as some sites are going to try and convert the apostrophe HTML entity. In other words, it looks much like an apostrophe anymore.

The main thing that breaks is the TweetMeme widget. Instead of seeing the number of retweets, you get a question mark "?". If you try and tweet the position, you will get a URL error.

The best thing to do is to change your permalink and remove the apostrophe in the URL. Then update your post. The problem will be solved.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The goodness of delicious laughter to your Blog

As a blogger, connecting with your readers can sometimes be a challenge. If you're new to blogging or you have not "found quite your groove" you may even be evil. You want to have an impact on your readership, but the "how" of this kind you escapes.

Laurent hamels Copyright - Fotolia.comThe response is often giving your readers a good joke or even only agree a smile on their part. Once you have been able to do that you have successfully also connect with them on some level, engage their interest and make them hopefully excited for more information.

So here are some tips to inject a little humour into your blog and giving your readers (and you!) a few tickling to the proverbial funny bone.

This may seem simplistic, but injection humour in your blog means find the funny events happening in your life around you and find a way to link their in what you try to say in your ticket of blog.

Maybe you use a funny story to illustrate a point or an amusing example to present "which must not be". Perhaps you just share something funny you heard on the news or tell this witty joke your colleague said you at the luncheon yesterday. Turning to the experiments happening in your own life, if they are positive or negative and try to find humor in them. Then share these moments with humour (and human) with your readers!

When you Polish your vocabulary skills and use different words that can mean the same thing but carry different connotations, you increase your ability to write not only efficiently, but with humor, if you so choose.

Something which could not be interpreted as comic prima facie becomes often comical if you use the right language to express. A thesaurus is an excellent tool to help you in the "text" Department, indeed.

It is that, when you increase your vocabulary, you increase your ability to communicate and find your true "voice". Or even "voice", if you want! And sometimes with colourful adjectives can throw a reader just enough off-guard to incite laughs!

It is not your job to tell your readers that something is hilarious. It's your job to tell the story, to describe the situation or to express the character and enable them to come to their own conclusion that something is hilarious.

You can do so using words to paint a picture for your drive. Draw your world dive them in your words and allow them to discover all funny on their own.

Sometimes what you say could not be single smashingly. It is, but you can still it witty by finding a way to say a little differently the next average Joe. You can also use things like metaphors, comparisons, cliches stupid and irony to inject humour as well.

Remember that when you use metaphors, comparisons or silly cliches to choose those people can relate to any level, which involves the senses and creates a "picture" in their minds. Do not use obscure cliche that almost nobody has ever heard before or that you will be shooting yourself in the foot. People are most humor in things they can relate to, not the things they have never heard of!

Finally, don't forget to write with humor, whether it be a blog, a novel or a letter to your friend, requires a certain amount of cahones. (It is good if you have only the proverbial kind, ladies). No subject is taboo, and when you start writing you should censor yourself too.

Sure you can come back later and change if needed, or if you want to not be quite so "balls are" you can censor a little after you have something written... but don't let it be your first impulse. Write what you think and to feel, let it circulate freely and are concerned that you may or may not offend later.

And don't forget that you do not have to be a comedian and laugh your readers write funny documents. Often you have just to you, and be willing to let your guard a little down. Now get out there and tickle funny bones people!

"If tell you a joke in the forest, and nobody laughs." Was this a joke? "- Steven Wright

Information Marketing - how it works?

The first thing you do, of course, is to decide on a niche. While you buy the domain, the site put in place, write great content, create or buy a small infoproduct for giving people a reason to sign up for your list, get traffic and the subscribers and establish yourself as an authority in the niche.

Once you start ensure that people like your content and your traffic has increased you begin to create your own infoproducts. These can be ebooks, reports, videos, podcasts, electronic courses, etc.

Over time, you need to have a free report that give you people to enter their email address. It is people who agree to receive communication on your part. But it does not stop there; you need to create more products. You want products with different price ranges that have degrees of information inside. Perhaps a free report, a $10 report, a report of $17 and add more expensive products that you build your list and your Web site.

This requires lots of content. Where you get all that content? Write yourself, and do many people. After some time, however, you need other ways to get more content. This is where you begin to outsource. You can outsource the creation of products, blog posts, articles for article directories. All content that you need can be written by someone else.

Tip: The big marketing gurus do this all the time.

But where to find this content? You can rent the scribes, which can be expensive. You can check sites like Elance and other freelance for rental sites and pay of unique items or bundles of articles.

The most cost-effective way to get the content you need is to buy the contents of the DPP. DPP is simply private label rights. These articles come in packages on the same subject. They are sold to many buyers, but the majority of people who buy forget them or bypass never to use it.

What about duplicate content?

The key to the DPP is to write your own introduction and then change some words or phrases in any of the material, so it looks like that you wrote it.

It is much easier and faster to do this than to write an article from scratch.

DPP has had a bad reputation because many junk has circulated in recent years which is atrocious, at least. But you can find quality PLR articles if you do a little research.

I am running a PLR site and sell quality content. Yes, it is a little self promotion. The point is, you can write me an article to engage you and cost double you at least that you can pay for a pack of articles that you can put your name on and call your own.

Tip: The big marketing gurus do this all the time. I know, I already said that it should be recalled. They would always say these things. They lead to believe that they are their own handwriting. It is just right. They may have until they started to earn money, but many of them invested in written documents to obtain their information products created.

The key to the marketing of information is to have several products. It is rare that a person keeps making a good income of a product. Unless it is a top notch product that goes viral, you need several products which cover different your niche areas.

This is where a marketing funnel. It is basically an "imaginary" funnel, you get subscribers to, and use an upsell until they buy your product more expensive. If your products at lower prices are good, they will continue to buy more expensive products to you.

Many people will sign up for your free offer and never to do something else. Others will be continue to buy your because they are really interested in what you sell. You must have more products for those who seek more information (depth) and will pay for it. These people become ongoing customers because they have confidence in yourself and get the value of your products.

The simple definition information marketing is to build a list giving free things, promote your paid products higher in your list and maintaining added value for your buyers continue to follow and make purchases from you.

If you are very knowledgeable in a particular field or a niche and can continue to come up with the information that people are hungry for, it is a model of very good business for you.

What you are selling information products? If so, do you write all the content yourself, assign to a team, hire a nigger or use another method to get the content?

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