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Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogging Tips That Can Help You Become Successful

For many people, blogging represents a steady source of income. However, this activity can easily bring along not only a nice monthly income but also a great reputation. In this post we will go over thing that you should do to help you achieve online success, while making good money doing it. However, if you want to get some truly amazing results, you must consider a few important tips to help you become everything you possibly can.

The Most Important Tips for Successful Blogging

The most important element, which can help you become successful and earn money, is the traffic towards your blog.  Getting traffic and knowing things about your traffic will play a vital role. The more visitors you have, the better it is for your income and reputation. Furthermore, if you are able to write interesting posts in a truly unique manner, you can make a name among the other bloggers. Gaining a good online reputation will bring along important benefits to online success. But, in order to achieve this you must take into account the following tips:

Time Management: Management of your time represents a very important aspect in the online world. Posting some truly interesting and high quality content on your blog, including posts, videos, and feedback becomes very time consuming and you can only do so much of it. Additionally, social media marketing and link building also require a lot of time. Thus, making a daily plan of attack can help you divide your time efficiently. If I have a plan, I find that I make better use of my time everyday. First step to doing this is to realize that your blog just like a full time job.  You have to put in daily work and work overtime some days to make it work.  I personally use Basecamp to organize my life and assign myself things to do.  It’s a little bit pricey ($100/month) but if you have people working with you it’s a great way to keep track of everything and assign yourself things to do, then mark them off.  Great for keeping track of clients as well!Build a List: Another thing that you must do is to build a list. This aspect is very essential especially because the list can easily help you double your profits. Building a list will enable you to properly communicate your readers whenever you need to. When you have a list you can send offers that will help your readers out while making money if they buy it.  We recommend aWeber for managing your lists.Build the Relationship: Keep in mind that building a relationship with your readers is the key to your success. Your readers and website visitors are who is going to be buying your products, reading your posts, telling other people about your site.  You must build this relationship, get to know them. You need to give them your attention. Most people want to know that someone actually listens to what they are saying and cares about them as a person. In order to build a strong relationship with your readers, you should start discussing their problems and help them find solutions to help them solve all those problems.Choose a Niche: This is the very first thing that you must do prior to creating your blog. In order to achieve some amazing results, you have to know what you want to write about. Furthermore, try to find a topic that is not very competitive but still has a lot to offer.  Make sure that you are passionate about this topic or you’ll blog for a couple months and get sick of it and quit.  Readers can always tell if you are passionate about something, it will show in your writing.

While considering all the topics above, keep in mind that blogging will take time and patience. Blogging can allow you to supplement some or all of your income from money you make on your blog. You can earn good money, become popular and even build a serious business. But until you can reap the benefits of this activity, be ready to put in a lot of time, dedication, and a lot of hard work!

Key Concepts in Blog Marketing Strategy

Blog marketing has emerged as a great way to promote online businesses. While new concepts on blog marketing are evolving every day, there are few strategies that have been time tested and proven worthy. Here are a few clear and pragmatic concepts that will boost up your online blog marketing.

Using the right blog templates that match your theme is important to create an impressive blog. Similar to the way the marketing brochure templates help in creating effective marketing collateral, website blog templates can make the task of designing your blog much easier.

It is a well known fact that blogging evolved out of personal interest in expressing self, business blogging on the other hand is concerned with growth of the company and exploring the mindset of customers. This is why customer centric contents have always made business blogging very successful. In business blogging data collection and profile creation can help the marketers promote their businesses strategically. The close study of these data can provide you with vital clues on various levels such as the need of consumers, keywords they use, and the type of promotion that attracts them.

It is important to develop a unique selling proposition for your blog. Focus on the key benefits of the content and address it in such a manner that customer issues are dealt with. Although it is essential to be specific and concise, exhibiting proof on your points is the key to grab attention of the readers. Clarity on the primary topic of your blog will enable your blog to stand out of the crowd amidst heavy competition.

Visibility of your blog is important and keywords relevant to your core business should be well researched in order to attain visibility for targeted keywords. Search engines like Google and seo tools like word tracker can be of great help in identifying the right keywords and phrases to optimize your blog. While keyword inclusions can be great for search engines, you also need to focus on the lingual patterns of the social media communities to attract attention.

As far as textual content is concerned it begins with the title of the post. Inclusion of keywords is essential in the title. A thought provoking title is a good way to start with. “How to” articles have always proved to be one of the most searched ones. While addressing the target audience of mixed group, insertion of images or diagrams could serve better. Keyword density is yet another important factor that you should keep in mind while planning your content. For instance, if you plan to use the keyword brochure finance, make sure that the phrase is present in the text in the required density.

SEO link building is crucial when it comes to indexing and ranking of web pages. Relevancy is the most important criteria to be noted while acquiring external links to your blog. Obtaining anchor text links with keyword or phrase relevant to your theme can improve the visibility of your blog in search engines as well as draw targeted traffic.

You Can’t Wow Them Until You Whoa Them; Writing Headlines

Do you suck at writing headlines? Does it seem like you can’t get your blog posts read? Maybe it’s your headline. You want the headline to stop them from skim reading so you can wow them with your content.
There’s been a lot of talk about content lately. I hate to repeat that content is king, but it really is. However, if your content isn’t getting read, it doesn’t matter how great it is, no one will know about it.
How do you get your content read? First you have to grab the reader’s attention. You do that with a killer headline. In fact, you should practice writing headlines as much as possible. If you’re sitting there bored, can’t think of what to write, try writing some headlines.
First and foremost, headlines should be capitalized. That’s what grabs the reader’s attention. Filler words like to, or, for, by, etc. do not need capitalization, but all other words in your headline should be.

==> 7 easy ways to cut your costs
That doesn’t really grab a persons attention. A better way to write it is:
==> 7 Easy Ways to Cut Your Costs
This headline stands out and is more likely to grab the readers attention.

Can we improve this headline? Where are we cutting costs? Is it in business? Grocery shopping? Vacation costs?

Let’s pretend your reader is searching through RSS feeds. She’s trying to save money. Your site is all about saving money, but you have some other headlines to compete with.

The reader is skimming through the headlines. She finds:

Cut Your Grocery CostsSave Money on Your Next Grocery BillSpend Less Money on FoodCut Weekly Food Costs

Those may be interesting titles, but then she finds your headline and it states:

==> 7 Easy Ways to Save Money and Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

This one is more likely to grab her attention. Why? Because you’ve told her it’s easy. People like easy. You’ve told her you’re going to save her money, which is what she’s looking for and you’re going to help her cut her food bill in half. This is a big plus. Saving money is one thing, but cutting the bill in half is better. However, if you use a headline like this you need to deliver on the promise. Never mislead a reader unless it serves a purpose.

That’s a pretty good headline, but we can also add some emotional pain if we want to. People are generally looking for solutions because they are in some kind of painful situation, including financial pain. In this case we could expand that headline even more:

Tired of Spending too Much on Food?
7 Easy Ways to Save Money and Cut Your Grocery Bill in HalfUsing emotion in your headlines and the beginning of your article will not only grab her attention, but also let her know that you’ve been where she’s at and you’re going to give her some solutions to her problems.

Another thing to remember is your target audience. In my example I used ‘she’ instead of a generalization like ‘they’ or ‘the reader’. Why?

Because it’s easier to write for one person than it is to write for a crowd. If you target one person and speak to that one person, you will actually reach more people. Thinking about everyone in your target audience can also be overwhelming. What can you possibly say to all of those people? Instead, pick one person in your target audience and write to that person. It becomes much easier when you focus on one person.

There are many ways to grab a reader’s attention, but if you spend a little more time working on your title or headline, you’ll get a better response rate than you would with generic headlines.
Spend time each day writing out headlines. This will improve your skills and it also prepares your mind to start thinking more about headlines. Before long, it’ll be a breeze to come up with a great title.

4 Tips For Writing A Great Blog Post

Contributed by a comprehensive education system today, it’s not a strange sight to see young kids able to churn out Shakespeare worthy poems on an everyday basis. However even so, their eloquence doesn’t always automatically translate to an article that is able to leave an impression on people from all walks of life. In this case, the essence of a great blog post is often related to the personality imparted on it and thus as elaborated below.

1. Use catchy yet short titles
In the effort to create an enjoyable read, the blog post title is more often than not underestimated as simply a title. Borrowing from the phrase “Never judge a book for its cover”, it is precisely the anti-thesis of the phrase that stimulates the initial desirability of choosing the blog post to read. The ideal format of a title should always be short yet catchy and of course include a couple of keywords. This is because like how most products are chosen based on branding, the same can be applied in the deciding factor for a blog post. Therefore in regards naming a post’s title, always keep in mind that titles are doors that serve as precursors to the blog post and not the opposite.

2. Concise and easily understandable content
Another tip in ensuring your blog post deserving more than just a quick glance from visitors, blog writers are always reminded of a natural law that not every visitor to their respective blog is a living dictionary. Despite providing the feel of a professional outlook, bombastic verbs are generally frowned upon in the community as it serves merely to reflect the writers need to flaunt his language prowess instead of sharing their thoughts.

Hence, writers should practice applying simple English to allow the intention of the post to be relayed with ease across the board. Using short paragraphs wouldn’t go amiss as well as it encourages readers to continue reading as opposed to long elaborative paragraphs.

3. Aesthetically pleasing blog layouts
As compared to traditional word essays, the distinctive difference that sets it apart from blog post is the ability to use visual appeal to improve the reading experience. This is because by employing visual elements such as photographs, readers are not digesting thoughts & facts but also relieved of the effort to create a visual reading experience in their imagination. This in short as according to a saying of how a photo is worth a thousand words, it allows the writer to more effectively convey their personal emotions & thoughts across the web.

4. Infuse some humor to create an engaging piece of reading!
When we are writing, it is mentioned previously that we are not only imparting our thoughts but also our distinctive persona into a blog post. Whether in real life scenarios or in vast cyberspace, a sense of humor would go a long way in ensuring an enjoyable experience.

Though one might argue that tone of humor often at times doesn’t reflect the nature of a serious content post but the fact remains that, majority of online blog readers are recreational readers. The readers does not expect bloggers to possess a sense of humor of a stand-up comedian, however they are more entertained when the blogger discards conventional writing style in favor of a more personal and care free approach.

All in all, to create a great blog post from scratch doesn’t require an extensive collection of PhD’s & master degree. The art of creating an enjoyable experience when reading a blog post is simply the art of being truthful and simple when conveying personal thoughts and experience. As it would seem, writing a great blog post should always be considered to an equivalent experience of sharing a conversation with a long lost friend.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Does Unlimited Web Hosting Really Exist

It is indeed sad to know that the web hosting companies which claim to provide unlimited web hosting space isn’t really true. Infact, this is more of a sales tactic or a promotional jig to convince users to buy hosting from them. Even the best web hosting companies are not hesitant of using this cheap tactic.

Ok, lets not talk about an experienced webmaster here as he would have already come to know the truth by now. But what about newbie bloggers or webmasters ? Obviously, when a user comes across the word unlimited, he thinks that he won’t face problems In future as far as space is concerned and he won’t have to worry about traffic and bandwidth issues. But when a user carefully analyses the hidden terms and conditions, they come to know that the so called unlimited space is hardly 20 GB or so.

Although majority of the webmasters only use a limited amount of space and bandwidth so they aren’t faced with these type of problems. The problem arises when a webmaster experiences heavy traffic spike or he is a greater amount of resources. This is where web hosting company spoils the party and a webmaster is encountered with the bitter truth.

Although we can’t call this as cheating, its more of a marketing tactic. By no means they are robbing you. Most companies do try their best when a user faces such problems and suggest ways to overcome this problem by making some fixes. So a good and timely support may compensate for this problem.

So what you are advised is to read the Terms and Conditions before buying any web hosting. If your site experiences a high traffic all the time, then the best bet will be to opt for VPS Hosting or Dedicated Server Hosting as they have the ability to withstand huge amount of traffic.

What Makes Windows 8 Wonderful

Here’s something that makes Windows 8 beautiful, delicious and the OS of future!

1. Innovative Design

Windows 8 is blessed with an intuitive and an innovative design. The design though basically made for touch screen netbooks or a few desktops, runs wonderfully on normal computers i.e. the computers without touch equipment as well.

If you have had a look at the Windows 8 interface, the user interface is totally tile based just like you see in Windows 7 powered mobile phones. The tile based interface is quite attractive, but if I am not wrong you will get a phony experience even in your desktop! Some might like it, while some might not. I somewhat like the interface as it’s something I haven’t ever seen in a desktop, but I am not sure if with time it will prove boring.

2. Security +1

Have you ever seen a computer with a “factory reset” option? Well if you haven’t, you can see it in Windows 8! Windows 8 comes with a factory reset option which refreshes your entire system and takes your computer back to when you had bought it! This ensures that all your personal data is removed and all the bugs or malware which have accidentally entered your PC are removed as well!

Thus, if in future you decide to sell your computer or laptop, Factory reset feature will prove to be a boon!

3. Speed… speeder… speediest!

Windows 8 is awesomely fast! Windows 8 uses less than half amount of memory Windows 7 used. Accordingly the system is very fast and some have even commented that Windows 8 loads in less than 8 seconds! Yeah, you read it right – 8 s-e-c-o-n-d-s!! At first I couldn’t believe it, but seeing the screenshots and the construction of Windows 8, I was forced to believe it!

So one thing that is guaranteed with Windows 8 is SPEED! You can expect a very fast experience even on an older computer with low specifications.

4. App Store?!

Windows 8 has a dedicated app store as well. Just as Android, iTunes Windows 8 comes with an app store! This allows you to take your computing to the next level. The app store will permit you to find the latest applications, install them on your device and start experiencing it immediately! I am soon expecting them to offer coupon apps which presents latest coupons on my desktop for example TRX coupons & diamonds USA coupons. I am sure the future release i.e. public release will boast of many apps!

I am assuming the apps to be very light-weight and thus fast loading. After all the system itself uses less than 300MB RAM!!

5. Runs On Tablets, Notebooks, Laptops & Desktops!

Hardly do we see an OS running on all platforms, fortunately Windows 8 is among them! Windows 8 can run on your old desktop computer, your past time laptop, your present netbook and even your future tablet! Of course, they have to be supported by Windows!

6. Mobile & Computer Mixed?

I somehow think that Microsoft has mixed mobiling with computing and the result is Windows 8! Having image locks, pin code as passwords, sensor support, app marketplace, etc. The interface hardly makes me feel that I am using a desktop! It looks a lot like my Windows 7 powered mobile phone, but it’s attractive!

What do you think? How will people take on Windows 8? Do you think it will attract people or will it just come & go. Do you think Windows 8 is a great competitor to Mac? Do let us know your views. I, Microsoft & Apple all want to hear you say!

4 Effective Strategies For Boosting Blog Traffic

Nothing beats SEO when boosting your blog’s traffic. SEO after all was designed for one thing and that’s to get your website more visibility. Getting to the top of search engines can be considered the holy grail of any SEO strategy. Sometimes it’s not what your competition is doing but what you as a blog owner fails to do.

1. Links, Links, Links
They always say that you just can’t get enough links. These are like tiny votes for your website and more votes get you ranked higher. There is no other way for search engines to know your website’s reputation but by looking at other websites that link back to your site. This increases your websites value and increases your ranking.

Guest PostingBlog CommentingArticle SubmissionsSocial BookmarkingForums

It would be a good idea to diversify your link building campaign. Nobody really knows how much PR juice is passed from these strategies so using different techniques helps you maximize the benefits. Recent changes in how Google determines the quality of links generated from different techniques has only reinforced this. Submitting hundreds of articles to directories has long been a popular way of getting back links. But with the recent changes some say that the value of this has decreased. Using a variety of linking strategies ensures that you keep a steady flow of PR juice going to your blog.

2. Optimize your Content
Quality will always be king but integrating keywords into your article doesn’t hurt either. Build your keywords around your content and not the other way around. This gives your content a more natural flow. One technique that I use is to write the article first before inserting the keywords.

Keyword Research – keywords play a crucial role in helping your blog become more visible. There are a lot of applications that could help even novice bloggers determine the right keywords for their post. Some of these include Google’s AdWord Tool and WordTracker. Keyword Density – the next step after determining what keywords to use is to know how many times you should use it on your post. Some experts place the figure at 3-5 %. This means using your keywords 3 to 5 times for every 100 words.Keyword Placement – it would also be a good idea where to place these keywords. Placing a few keywords at the start of your post and decrease its frequency at the end. Search engines usually place great importance in crawling the first few sentences and the last paragraph of the post.

3. Optimize Post Titles
Every blog post starts with a title. It is also a great place to put your target keywords. A title only consists of a few words or a single phrase but this is also one of the first places where search engines crawl when looking for relevant content.

4. Social Networks
This is probably one of the easiest ways of getting people to visit your blog. All it takes is to place a link on your tweets or shouts. A simple way of keeping your fans and followers updated about your latest post. One thing that makes social networks so effective is its ability to get viral. One follower or friend could easily turn into hundreds.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

6 Essentials A Blog Must Have To Become A Charming Blog

There are few essentials things a blog needs in order to succeed. If your blog is missing any of these essentials it would be harder for you to create a successful blog or I can just say if you miss these essentials you are increasing the probability for your blog to fail !

Here are few essentials that I consider to be a key to your blog’s success.


Quality content will be the first essential thing that will decide any blog’s quality. If you are missing it then definitely your blog is not going to be a successful one. Have you ever seen any blog that has become popular without any quality content or anything that attracts people?

I can be sure, you can’t find any such blogs. Let me know any such blogs I would be very interested to know about it 


Traffic is the second essential that a blog MUST HAVE. If there is no one to read to your high quality content then it’s just a waste, so without traffic even a very high quality contents can become a real waste. However, If you have high quality contents built in your blog then it would easier for you to drive in the traffic by doing very little of promotion work.

In most cases traffic to a blog is the key thing which is considered by the ranking websites like Alexa, Compete etc to rank sites.


Having a good design for your blog would be easy for your readers to surf or navigate through your blog and find contents that they need easily. Which will make them feel more comfortable in reading your blog.

When you have a quality content and good traffic the next thing you have to give importance is your reader’s comfort. For that need to have good design for your blog.

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After building the quality content, traffic and good design to keep your readers comfortable in your blog, the next essential that you need to take your blog to next level is consistency in your work.

After building a blog with good readers base, you can’t let them get bored or let them check your site and quit it with disappointment of finding no updates. Which will turn very bad for your blog. You will start to lose your readers, because some of your readers might get tired of checking your site and they might stop checking your site once for all.

Consistency doesn’t mean you have to post more in one single day. Whatever is your blogging frequency (say you publish one post a day which is a good rate) keep it going on the same rate. That’s consistency.


To keep your blog interactive you must build a community around your blog. Which will keep your readers busy in interacting with each other. Building such an interactive blog will surely take your blog to a good height.

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5 WP Plugins To Make A Blog More Conversational And Sticky


There are several thousands of blogs in each niche. So it’s important that you keep your blog a branded one (with logo, favicon, titles, unique template etc). This will help your blog in getting strengthen among the several thousands of blog in your niche.

Get Great Content Ideas For Your Blog [How-To]

As bloggers the content we put out on our blog is a very integral part of our success. Building a successful blog is not just about pumping out just any content at anytime, it is about finding out what works and what people really want to read.

I have been achieving a lot of success with my blog where I talk about nutrisystem and medifast lately by leveraging some time-tested and proving tips I will be sharing with you below. You will be able to see your results go over the roof by implementing the tips below alone.

Leverage the Power of Blog Comments

Whenever I’m really desperate about writing link bait and viral content on my blog the first thing I do is look for the top blogs in my niche. For example, I talk about medifast and nutrisystem on my blog. I know a lot of people are willing to learn more about nutrisystem and medifast and that a lot of them spend the most of their time in the comments section of the top blogs in my field. So instead of looking for one great formula the first thing I do is visit these top blogs, look at the most common comments and write a post on what a lot of people want to read.

It is quite easy to look for solutions elsewhere, but the only people who can tell you the kind of blog post they want to read are the readers themselves. By reading the comments on the top blogs in your niche you will be able to understand what people want and therefore tailor your content to it.

Survey Your Readers to Learn More about what they want to Read About

Another way you can get great content idea for your blog is by trying to get into the mind of your readers yourself, and the only way to do this is by asking them.

Your readers are the only ones who know what they want to read the most and a great way to get great ideas from them is by asking them what bothers them the most. It can be in the form of a single web form on your blog. It can be in the form of a blog post asking them what they want to learn and it can be you asking them whenever they subscribe to your blog email list. Either way, surveying your readers can be a great way to get them to tell you what they want to read.

Make Effective Use of Social Sites

The final tip to help you get more content ideas is by using social networking and bookmarking sites. A lot of us spend the most of our day on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Stumbleupon and Delicious. All these websites are great online portals with a huge user base and you can effectively leverage them to your success as a blogger.

Try to take a look at all the updates on your favorite social media sites everyday and try to look for which of that content is the most successful. Model your blog post after that successful blog post and you can get a lot of results.

Monday, September 12, 2011

8 Lessons growing from one Site to a Million monthly page views

Mark pages views some time ago one of my sites crossed the$ 1 million each month. Below is the screenshot of Google Analytics for the month of August.

While I know, there are thousands of other Web sites out there with much higher traffic, reaching that milestone made me very happy, as it is a Web site, I built from scratch (i.e., I still remember when I registered the domain).

Below are the eight most important lessons I learned then:

Most of the who read this blog probably think this is my site more and more cost-effective. Well, is not. The reason? Tips traditional blogs, to make the money online, SEO or Internet marketing trucs traditionnels les blogs, faire de l' argent en ligne, referencement ou Internet marketing assez en comparaison avec des comme blogs sont petites enough assez en comparaison avec des comme blogs sont petites compared with en comparaison avec des comme blogs sont petites comme blogs sont petites as blogs blogs are small in comparison to That is why my "money" sites are placed in these niches, as I write on Daily Blog Tips, especially because I have the pleasure to do so.

While it is important to pick the right niche, relatively important, I wouldn't recommend you can start another blog tech or cars, where you will get most of your content sites and other blogs, more. Most of the traditional niches are crowded and if you write will just on what everyone is written, after them, the people have no reason to visit your site. The solution? You must find a unique angle. You must have an idea that will differentiate both your site and your content to others in the same niche. Step easy, but possible.

There is a metric that very few people pay attention to the, and yet I believe that this is one of the best indicators of the potential of a Web site: repeat visitors. Basically if the amount of repeat visitors on your site is increasing over time, that this means that you convert some of your occasional visitors more loyal and your total traffic will increase overtime. However, if the amount of repeat visitors is not growing, it means that your content is not able to engage visitors to the point that they will remember your site a few days after visiting it. In this case, you need to rethink your strategy.

If you need to choose between quality and quantity, go with quality. In the words of order, you will get much better published an article of high quality per week than five medium-sized ones of Edition. It is the quality of your content that will increase the amount of repeat visitors you get, after all, and the amount of backlinks you will receive from other sites (more on that below).

If you like it or not, Google is the main driver of traffic on the web, so you better friendship with her and use her help to grow your site. This means that you need understand how job search engines (e.g., how Google analyses Web, how he decides which Web sites to be used when people search for stuff, etc.) to optimize your content pages and promote your articles in a way that will increase their exposure with search engines. It will take some effort from your end, but the results are certainly worth it.

When it's referencing and promotion of your Web site in General, you will need to research and collect data (as opposed to trusting your gut or a hunch). That is, you will need to understand what are the hot topics in your niche, what search terms are sending you more traffic, that visitors are more likely to stay on your site and so on. With the numbers on your part, you will be able to make much better decisions, both in terms of content and promotion.

Although there are many people who manage to grow large sites only, I found that some help along the way makes all the difference. On most sites, these days I concentrate exclusively on aspects of the strategy and promotion, while leaving the development of the web design/content to other people. You will need to spend the money, although it is one of the most effective ways to grow any website (and any other company, for the case).

It took me about three years to go from zero to one million monthly page views. During this time, no there was no event which catapulted the popularity of my site, no large spike in traffic. It was a gradual and slow process, where each month I would promote the site a little more, make a few guest posts and so on. What mattered to me was to see the numbers of traffic increasing, albeit slowly, month after month.

12 Steps to launch a successful Blog

I decided to start my first blog back in February 2011, I was all excited and ready to be able to share my knowledge and experience with the world. Even if, initially, traffic is very low, after having had a specific plan in place and know the subject, I was blogging on very well, managed to reach 4000 unique visitors last month. In short, the key to a successful blog ingredient is to create great content that teaches people something, to optimize content for search engines and distribute via social media.

I have a list of 12 steps that you must follow to create a blog with success. They come from all of his personal experience, from one idea to the creation of a blog to help people to learn social media, SEO and blogs.

1 Decide what you are going to blog, it is by far the most important decision to create a successful property. It is acceptable if the subject is wide at the beginning, as gain you more experience and learn what your readers want, you can become more focused. For example, in the beginning, you can blog about marketing online in general but on the road are realizing that you want to focus on fair practices seo or social media marketing.

2 Determine the name of your blog. The name must be memorable, easy to spell and it would be desirable to include a keyword of topics you will be blogging, i.e. If you blog on online marketing and social media, try adding words such as social, media, marketing, your domain name.

3 Get a professional blog theme, I would advise the thesis theme and Woothemes, they are very easy to customize with tons of features. Do not try to save a few dollars by getting a free theme, because most of them have limits and do not come with support. You do not need to have a custom design for your blog, at least initially, that you gain more experience and drives, you should consider that for a great day.

4 Get a logo designed by professionals, it you will cost a few dollars for a designer to do but put you before of competition, in addition, readers will take you more seriously and they will see invest you time and money in the creation of a serious blog.

5. Select a good and reliable web host, store of for a web reliable hosting provider that can help you to put in place so your blog, do not go for the cheaper, but for those who specialize in wordpress. Start with a share of hosting account and if you grow big, move to a dedicated server.

6 Install little but powerful wordpress plugins. I have personally used and highly recommend them. Avoid stuffing your blog with plugins as much as possible because they will be finally difficult your blog navigation and make readers to lose focus.

7. Install google web analytics. If you can't measure it you cannot improve it, make sure therefore that google analytics are in place. Check your statistics often but do not get obsessed with traffic, especially at the beginning because there is not much.

8 Write down all the ideas for topics, that you may need to, sit down 1 hour per week and brainstorming on this blog next week, don't worry if you possibly modify subjects, but having a list of topics idea will help you stay focus. How and subjects of the list of work the best e.g how to run a shop online or 10 ways to run a store online.

9 Install social media sharing buttons and widgets, this will help your readers share your content with their friends and fans, bringing traffic and loyal readers, the people love sharing content only they love.

10 Optimize all your messages for search engines, make sure that the keywords are on the title of the topic and repeated at least once every 150 words in the content of the main text. Use of images to increase the curiosity of readers, internet is all about photos.

11 Blog as often as possible but try to get a post at least 3 times a week, do not expect to build a successful blog if you have just 1 post per week, blogs have content and many.

12 Developing a system to get new ideas for content. You do not need to create content for all your messages as you be eventually get drained. Other resources that will help your readers find interesting content learn something new and make a post on your blog, not just tell them to visit the site but rather an analysis. For example, if you have found a great post on another blog Search Engine Optimization, make an analysis of 150 word on the post, what is your opinion and experiences on the subject. Don't forget to add the link and the blog, you have found the subject.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to increase your PageRank Fast

As of the recent development of PageRank on 2 August, my blog has been around 79 days. Previously, I had been a PR0, but due to this update, my blog has become a PR2. I would like to say that I am right, and that you can copy my success. As we know, the key to building a decent PR quickly in a short period of time lies in content top notch and a lot of backlinks. Here are some tips that I would like to share with you.

The content of higher quality ranks very, very well in the SERPs and appeals also to readers.

In the drafting of content, bloggers are concerned mainly two things. (1) Uses my content for my loyal readers? (2) My content will receive much search engine traffic? I have developed a formula really decent to write tons of content that readers love, still receive thousands of references to search engines per month.
What is the site most visited on Earth for content? Current Wikipedia! Encyclopedia entries are the most sought after for things in the world. I decided to write some encyclopedic entries of my own. My blog is to invest, so I wrote a few positions such as 'Buy and Hold' and ' support and resistance: technical analysis. It comes to encyclopedic terms for the investment world. If I do some serious backlinking on these articles, they rank you high for keywords that get tens of thousands of research per month!

But the writing encyclopedic entries on respect in the niche of your blog is not very attractive to your loyal readers. After all, they can simply look for keywords like "buy and hold" on Wikipedia. So, I devised a way to combat this problem. At the end of each encyclopedic article, I add my own opinion. For example, for my "Buy and Hold" post, I added a section called "Why buy and hold does not work." Now, it is an opinion that my readers could not obtain elsewhere, so that they absolutely loved the position for giving such an insightful explanation more an honest opinion on purchase and maintain.

You need to do: do not write too many encyclopedic type positions. Write too, and your readers will get bored. In view of the fact that encyclopedic as key words need to many high rank in the SERPs backlinking, you rank very high if you have too many keywords to rank for and not enough time to build enough backlinks. I suggest that you perhaps write 1 or 2 encyclopedic-like positions each month, add your own opinion on these 1-2 positions and spend the rest of the building backlinks to these positions 1-2 months.

Now comes the really good part. A the backlink building strategy.

A problem I once had with building backlinks is that I quickly forget backlinks how I had built to certain positions! So, I designed a table to resolve this issue.

It is a list of all the keywords of traffic that I want to classify and encyclopedic keywords. As you can see, this table allows keep me track of my backlink building campaign. The column "# of top quality Backlinks" refers one PR3 or above links, I have to my position. As you can see, this table is sufficiently detailed to say many things, such as searches how many a month there are for my desired keyword, but not too detailed so that it will take to always up-to-date. Feel free to copy this table to your own needs.

I not stress this enough, but guest blogging is the only true way to get quality backlinks and significantly improve your Serp and PR. Simple than that.

Then, how do you get write guest posts really improve your search engine rankings? Once, I wrote a post entitled "problems in America." Then I went on a really large finance PR8 site and wrote a post entitled "finance problems in America." Then I created a backlink from this post to my position as "problems in America". An element key to how Google values your backlink is your post invited relevant how is your Web site position. Note that my post and asked that I wrote are very similar in nature. It is composed of a good backlink. A backlink that my "problems in America" post grade 12 for the keyword "problems in America".

To summarize, the guest writing positions of things that are highly relevant to the position you are backlinking to. And we should know this, but a link from a high PR site is more valuable than a link from a low PR site.

Since I'm a big fan of the DBT community, I decided to include a little further in this position. There is a simple way that has reported me an extra 200 visitors unique daily dainew. It has called…… comments.

Many people have heard that comment on other blogs is the way to generate lots of traffic to his own blog. So they go out and try it, fail and are beginning to think that his comments do not work. The truth is it doesn't work because they do poorly.

Instead of commenting on a ton of blogs and sites, you need to focus its comments on a high traffic site. For example, I would only on a really, really popular business news site and these comments generally net me an extra 200-300 unique visitors each day. For obvious reasons, I prefer not to reveal the name of this news site. Anyways, I scour around on this site for news articles which appear to be interesting. Next, I will at the bottom of an article, and I have really engaged with the other commentators. I write decent comments on this post, and the bottom of each comment, include a very relevant link to one of my blog posts. For example, there was this post entitled "the American politicians need to get their heads on Straight.". I really involved in the discussions on this position, and at the bottom of each of my comments, I've included a link to my post of "problems in America". Some of you might think that I was link send spam, but in fact, I was not. Other commentators all like my link, and the news site has never blocked me or dismissed me to include a link to my very relevant post.

You can do the same.

How do you blog?

The first rule of blogging on blogs is to follow your advice. Therefore, it is a stream of consciousness. I'm supposed to tell you that? Probably not. Anyway…

I am interested whether how you really feel on the blogs. You like to write messages? You like to read the messages of others? Do you think that you are a good writer? How your blog compare to other blogs?

It is unusual to ask me questions both of if early in a post. Normally I save for the end of a post. I feel liberated! Happy breaking the cycle - and happy to write a different type of position.

From time to time, I think to myself, blogging can be so boring. Nobody reads my posts. I can be bored in writing. "Then I mix it up a little, by changing my layout, write a new post type, having a week later one of my blogs or upping - to - the inverse of the frequency of display on one of my other blogs.

"Comment Spam" in a group blog is one of the best things I ever did it. Not least because it gave me a chance to analyze how a group blog. Step of many bloggers seem to write on blogs of group, although many write guest posts. I don't know about you - I was never too bright on the positions of the guest.

I am already remind me why I used to enjoy writing a stream of consciousness post from time to time. It affects so many topics, many ideas and raises many good areas for future positions. But it also allows to obtain an overview of what makes me a little more the genetic (such as a blogger, in any event), instead of only see what I am suggesting that do you to improve your blog. What my blog? Sometimes, it is good to talk about yourself… or is it?

The lesson I learned a few years of blogging, is that it is good to keep things fresh. Change your page layout is usually the best way to do so. A big writing position is a good way, too; write a post every day for a week or a month, is another way. Don't do just the same day of the thing in, day out. A predictable routine could give some security people, but it really makes me bored. This is why my wife and I move things in our apartment from time to time.

So, back to these issues. How do you blog? And other issues that I have already asked to you… I hope you have a few right answers now!

7 Reasons to do not too frequently Post

After the publication of 5 posts per week for 2 weeks running, I have decided to reduce the frequency of my posting here in a few Blog Tips. Let me explain to you 7 reasons why you should not post too often.

If you have recently published a great post, keeping at the top of your cover page will be draw attention to it. But if you publish another post too early after the last, you can stop people commenting on the older post. They can always, but the most recent post is where they look first to you. A few people comment on a post by visit more - if you push your best posts to the bottom of the page, you say effectively that "that's enough comments - here are the next post. Why kill a great discussion so soon?

Talk too fast, it's the kind of thing that makes people ignore you. Blogs is no exception: If a player checks your blog and there are 3 or 4 new posts since last visit a few days ago, they may conclude that they will be never able to follow. You can probably draw with display a little more often if you write posts, shorter and easily digestible. But not if you're writing long posts. It's simply too much.

Whether you're a new blogger or you have written for years, trying to maintain a calendar very frequent display may improve your skills in writing, but you'll also short of ideas (and energy!) very quickly. I am all to write every day, but written a new post every day zero is much to ask. It is also annoying after a while. Even if you manage to pull off the coast for a long period of time, your inevitable boredom will show how write you.

If you write a number of positions, each week, I can understand feeling as you should keep in the same amount of posts every week. But if you are from 2 or 3 good posts, bad positions may creep, just follow the numbers. Establish a rhythm of display that you can support, not those who recommend others and is not simply work for you. If you're having problems, try a different schedule. Don't stick to your guns just because that is what you have always done.

If you work for a tight with many positions schedule will be published every week, you can find yourself the task of rereading your messages to skip. Here's a tip: slow down, check your messages from sense and you have corrected the errors and publish them gradually.

Monday, you have written a good post. You are humming and want to publish another position Tuesday. Instead of racing to come, spend time planning your next post, giving Monday after another day to obtain feedback. This extra time could lead you to a great follow-up post or of a position of spin-off on what you have written last. Be not impatient!

If you insist on posting too frequently, you may have less players and less comments. Slowly but surely you will feel like you are talking to yourself, thus affect your motivation and potentially make question you whether you should continue to blog. Do not go that route! Slow down, cadence, and you may find that things begin to fall in place.

How many times publish you new posts? Do you think that you post too quickly?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Take each new reader - create a Page of quick start

There is a category on this blog called "Attention sensors". This is to grasp the attention of a new player when they land on your blog for the first time.

It can be applied to existing readers, but once a player decides to keep returning to your blog, simply writing great new content should be good enough for most. It is more difficult to get a new drive.

There are several ways to do so, but one of the most powerful is to build a rapid start page for your blog. It is not as simple as saying hello, "here is my blog, this is XYZ and here is my latest posts. To do this, and you could not disturb. Ideally, your Quick start page should provide a powerful snapshot in your best content and insight into authoritative niche of your blog.

Take a look at what I did Blog Tips with the quick start of blogging Guide.

I've heard them called a "sneeze page" by some blogs, but it looks like something, you may be allergic to the - thus a rapid start page seems more reasonable!

1. State its purpose, with a strong message that helps readers to find out if they are in the right place. Do not try and mislead potential readers - you are looking for people who are interested in your content. In addition, keep your message short and catchy. Did people.

2. Break it into sections. Even with a very specific focus, the best way to organize your page is for her break. For the Quick Start Guide Blogging, I could he break into several shorter pages, but each page would be quite empty. Instead, I chose to include several key sections with links in them.

3. Allow links to speak. This is the reason why you should be writing killer post titles. Each job title should speak for itself and you draw in. Also, do not add a description of each link. For example, if the job title is "Show readers your next Blog Posts", not to add a description that says "this post speaks showing your upcoming blog readers". It is not necessary to do so when your titles are good.

4. Keep the page updated. If you created the page quite early in life after a year of display or your blog, you can write blog posts in the future which could go on the page. It's really good edit the page from time to time - not just he conditioned and forget.

5 Say when the page has been updated. This is important with a page because you'll be editing after the date of the original publication with new information. The date clearly indicates the freshness of the content and it will also serve as a reminder of the time limit, that you have used in the compilation of links. If you refreshed the page 6 weeks ago, you can start from that date when adding new posts to the page.

6. Don't be afraid to seek redress. I do not claim that you need to beg for money, but something as simple that persons requesting a link to your page is they seem to like it, or by using a coupon code to show their support, as a command if your page is really good.

1. In your navigation bar. You will see that I've linked to Blogging Quick Start Guide to the top of the page (and, to this position, in fact). This should get a few people clicking.

2. In your Twitter profile. Although the home page of your blog should be a very strong overview of your latest content, there is only so much you can on the home page. Connect to your quick start to your Twitter profile page may be much better that connect to your home page. Regular readers can always go to your home page if they want to see your latest posts.

3. On your Facebook page. Display useful content on your Facebook page, it is a good way to keep readers interested. Linking to your page of quick start to here is a really good way to spread the word.

4. Under your messages. You have a bio of the author on your workstations? If so, you can include a link to your Quick Start page, too.

5. In your newsletter. You have a list of E-mail? I have not yet - but I would say that it would be a great place to share a link to your quick start page. In fact, why not share a small section of it with your newsletter subscribers?

Do you have extracted from Blogging QuickStart Guide yet? You have a page of quick start? What is the best Quick Start page, you've seen?

Success online should not be measured by enemies

One of my favourite refrains Elvis Costello is as follows:

"What's so funny' bout peace, love and understanding?".

I have always loved this song, but I thought never really that I would live in a time where this issue would resonate. I always thought that, "well, which was written at the peace and love seemed hokey, perhaps, or maybe impossible." It was more that a question of pure forms when Elvis first sang it. »

And yet, as I'm sitting here in the year 2011, I ask the same question. What's so funny' bout peace, love and understanding? Of course, it appears that all three concepts are running in a PR crisis in the online world.

I got a little more chosen my year in the world of social media. Why? Because I'm beautiful. I am sweetish dovey. People told me it's really annoying to listen to someone like me because I never have any disturbing.

To put it kindly, I think it's a totally ridiculous sense.

Of course, you get a powerful response if you call someone out, bash someone, throwing insults or that someone is really stupid. There is no doubt that this time the feather tends to be perfect for peak traffic and doing. So what?

If you want to encourage people to read your blog, what the concept of really good content writing? Content really think? In is it written something people are not much written on? As, I don't know... as nice, perhaps? Why does excitement in the world in line, or interest, must be synonymous with cruelty or malicious intent? I would be rather boring and pleasant to benefit from a minimum of success at the expense of others.

He is another Member of sentence that I have seen many in the world online in my year navigate the wild waters of Internet, and I also think that it is totally absurd. Why are we measure success by hate how many people we? There is no other area that I see in the world of humans where we measure the success of this approach.

"Congratulations, Daisy." "Everyone in your Department hates you so we'll promote you now!" This does not just happen. And why do we need to get out hate instead of a standard when we talk about measuring success online? That is - the need for people to tackle all on?

How to measure my success online? I look at say how that they enjoy my posts. I look at the strong relationship that I built. It is not exactly a revolutionary concept, folks.

My friend Sean McGinnis ran into a post who made this demand: that women can find not as successful in the world because women cannot simply be selfish or quite selfish.

First of all, I would like to talk about some of these women, whom I met in my life. If you want to know about knife assault, en-it-for-itself, unforgiving, downright cruel women, I could spin is a wireless, sonny jim. This is not a problem.

Second everything? ? Are we really say that success is based on how much make you people want to vomit when they see you? I mean, that appears not as success for me. This may seem kind of similar, I don't know... crazy-sauce?

Next to the glorification of the failure, I is the glorification of the created or cruelty being the stinking thing I met on the Web. You may not be applauded for breaking your censor button. You may not win praise because all the other posts has an f-bomb in it. Certainly there are more success online that be someone that invites comparisons to male and female genitalia? I mean, really. Can we aim a little higher?

Then, maybe I am just a nice boring person.

You tell me what it is all this topic.

What is your Blog Worth? How value Web properties

I sold a site of e-commerce for $250,000 and several other niche sites for a five-digit price tag. I would like to share with you a method of assessment that you can use to put a price on your web property today.

If a website owner or a blogger starts with the initial objective of their sale in one day site, it is my belief that every successful blog owner has thought at one point on the potential of their web property sale. At least they will be asked how much their web property is a value - especially when it starts to generate a decent sum.

In fact, I think that hardly anyone think a sale as an exit strategy when they start at the very first. It is generally a passion, hobby or something else that a potential sale, which motivates a person to begin to make money online - unless of course they are a business online as an e-commerce site, on the first day.

When a Web site becomes profitable, it has the potential to become marketable. You can deliberately contemplate selling either because of boredom, because you have found a better alternative use of your time, because of a potential use of the financial product or any of several other reasons.

If so, you know what is your Web site?

When a web property begins to generate profits, it becomes a productive asset income, as a rental property or a small business. Just as the property and business are assessed and sold on the open market, a website or blog may be too. Therefore, develop a web property is not very different to promote any other income-producing assets.

The quantitative aspect of the evaluation is not rocket science, in my opinion.  You take current site and spending, understand profits that are the flow of net cash and then project a value based on a multiplier of gains.

Net income, or cash flows, is commonly known as EBITDA in the business world. This means: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.  The multiplier is applied to this next number with a value, or price for the property.

Income and expenditure are what they are: they are not subjective any way. But where that you get a multiplier of gains of? Evaluate recent sales of websites which is similar to yours to get an idea of what kind of multiplier was paid for each of them. This number will be greater in a stronger and smaller economic period in weak economic times such as those which we are now in.

There is no standard multiplier, however. Similar to real estate, if the numbers are available based on recent sales of blog, great. But otherwise, the value of your Web site is only as much as someone else is willing to bid for it. Of course, you have the option not to sell for that you might feel is a low ball offer.

Another thing to consider is if the site is also monetized as it can be today. Is it possible to add more private sidebar ads and generate more profits on a residual basis, for example?  A buyer would be definitively assess this potential monetization and this factor in their purchase decision.

Here is where the subjectivity evaluation of blog comes in.  Actively a company sold to a multiplier of two gains are not comparable with a passive business of the same size as a passive business requires much less effort to manage and maintain. Take into account how much the cost and effort of the owner of the web property will have to invest in the passive company to generate a dollar in profit. Then ask how this compares with an active business.

Factors such as the effort, operation of price structure, sustainability, relevance and long-term perspectives that all play an important role in determining what reasonable web special property value should be. At the end of the day, none of this is an exact science, but it's a way to arrive at a rational or justifiable price.

For example, nobody was scalability long-term Google or LinkedIn. In fact, we know today.  The market had a certain (multiplier) estimate set at each company became public and has a different one today. It will probably be another at the time that you have finished reading and comment on this post. Wait the multiplier to evolve, especially in a dynamic and changing industry such as this.

When I've been originally requested by an Ebay power seller potentially sell my e-commerce business, the company was generating approximately $60,000 per year in profits. After weeks of discussion back and forth, we settled on a sale price of a little less than $250 000, or about four times the annual salary of $60,000.

The quantitative part of the deal was simple. The qualitative part is that dragged out of the negotiation.  The seller of power had already purchased a business of commerce similar to multiple pay three.  They had paid $90,000 for a company that generated some $30,000 in annual profits.  However, I was not prepared to accept a price of $180,000, which was three times the annual salary of my site.  In addition, my company has shown a growing trend in terms of web traffic, acquisition of customers, sales and profits.  These qualitative measures needed to be "cooked" in the contract to make it viable for me.  I managed to persuade that the buyer, and we have sealed the deal at four times the annual salary.

Lesson key here is that while as acquisitions based strictly on bills multiple good gains in theory, they rarely work out in practice, if my level or the level of the Fortune 500.  Our repeated attempts to clarify the nature of the agreement to a pure science have never worked, and probably Won't in the future.  Assessments, although mainly by the financials underlying, rely heavily on the qualitative aspects that are unique to each buyer and seller and subjective.

What do you think of this method of assessment? You have alternatives to share? Is this a fair way to determine the value of your web property? I would like to hear your thoughts in the comments.

If you want to be brave and bold and open your kimono for me and other readers: what do you your web property value is today on the open market, if you use this method of valuation?

Business Blogging Fun: write about holidays, birthdays and other milestones

Business bloggers: do you see that every day the labour day?

Take a fitness: find things to blog about does not have to be hard work.

In the light of the upcoming labor day weekend, I will share a tip little I like to tell customers who blog: account for holidays, birthdays and other celebrations.

By regarding your ticket of blog from time to time, you can come up with some creative pieces, timely and fun.

Here is an example of your writing a holiday spin: leader until Christmas of the year last season, I have compiled my PR pet Rusard in an article, Santa dear - a PR expert to the list of Christmas gifts.

Tip: Just do not think the holiday you celebrate: take into account those of other countries and cultures. You will find just a rite or ritual to write interesting.

Mark a milestone anniversary or event such as:

one birthday, anniversary year or death date/year of someone famous, infamous, or other (there pas to be someone would have knowledge of your readers, it has relevance to the article) the anniversary (day or annual) year special historic event of the publication of a book, album, film or otherwise - something that perhaps you have learned a lot, or that resonates strongly with you.

Tip: For more impact, it is best to mark "a milestone year" (think 5, 10, 15, 20…you get the image) instead of something like the 53rd anniversary of X, Y or Z.

There also less serious, not-for-all officially recognized days, months, and milestones in the world. For example, to the United States:

Tip: Before writing to a particular observation, you will want to qualify. To ensure that it is something that at least a few people actually recognize and not something that Joe down the street mentioned in the beer with the guys.

Here are a few Internet sites to use as resources:

What are some fun holidays, anniversaries and holidays you've written or read on?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why Blog success road is Bumpy (and What to Do About It)

Have the you ever asked yourself, "why?". "it always happen to me".

I am sure that you have. It is still. Whenever you have a purpose brilliant for your business project, or whenever you want to start a new company, you face them - challenges.

They are everywhere waiting to welcome you. You don't like surprising them and you, why always happens that you must take the rough road hard hit.

But wait. It is not fair to you. Anyone who makes the path to success for the first time faced with this. The road is never smooth and it is never as expected.

How bumpy road?

There are so many reasons. But the fact that it is bumpy does not mean that it is wrong. And it is also true that you learn many lessons in riding on a bumpy road.

Let me discuss some of the causes of a bumpy road.

Generally when this is your first time, it is rough. If you are in a project for the first time you try a new business idea, taking a new initiative of blogging and so on, you should not expect a smooth road.

Your expertise, your ability to manage the results, your ability to anticipate and develop alternative under pressure plans - all these factors depend on you know how well the soil. If you are in business for more than two years, you already know what to expect. You already have a Plan B to x of the question.

But if you start a totally new business for example, say that the blogs, you know question x or Plan b. And there may be as much of the Xs in the process! All these make the bumpy road. You find yourself running like a chicken without head, if you are not prepared for it.

But the road may not be bumpy just because you are it takes for the first time. There may be an important other reason…

You can avoid a bumpy road - or at least it predict that support you the damages at least - if you have a plan of action.

What type of business, you are, you absolutely need a plan of action. There are as many reasons to find one, and one is to help you avoid at least some potholes in the bumpy road. Having an objective in itself and an action plan will save you many problems. In this way, you work more efficiently, more difficult step.

Let me make one thing clear. Here, I am not of those who start a business or a project without an objective in itself or a plan of action, and then walk through all the storms and deserts to get somewhere so that they never desired.

These people invite challenges to themselves. They do not have a purpose, so that they do not have a plan either. When they don't know step what exactly they want to achieve, they did not define their own success.

But there are people who are really prepared for what is to come - who know what to achieve and to achieve this goal. However, since they are beginning a new business, certain unforeseen events can occur. When they occur, they say to the individual that they have to learn a lesson.

Then let's say that you take Plan A and run it. With it comes to question 1, which you never managed to anticipate. Therefore you are trying to somehow manage chaos, get 1 problem solved and plan was.

Now the next time that you run Plan A for a different purpose in your company, you now need to anticipate question 1 and incorporate it into your plan. Not only this but you also have a solution to the question 1. The second time, you'll have learned of the execution of your previous plan.

If you do not have your lesson (you may be forgetting, negligent, or lazy), then you will have to face all the chaos next time too!

It is a way to deal with a problem: expect the worst. You do not have to be pessimistic or surround yourself and your company with negative thoughts. But remember that you may have to face something bad, something serious or something which could lead you completely crazy.

If you have a plan, you could easily anticipate this problem.

It is an another great thing to do. Confronting the hurdles, but don't be tough on yourself. If things did a not turn as you expected, you do not panic. Stay calm and go with the flow.

Adjust yourself and your company in unexpected hard times. You will soon adapt the sentence. Just do develop a comfortable attitude to difficult times. If you do, you will never go smoothly.

Of course, they do! If everything is perfect from beginning to end, you get step more intelligent and more distinct. You learn skills or attitudes, and you learn about your competitors and your abilities.

You must have some hard roads at the beginning. They will make you learn skills that are necessary to overcome the problems. You can learn that you have a difficult competitor in you business only after you face a problem.

Learn you that you are capable of only after you tried to do something beyond your limits and failed.

Learn you that you need to develop a specific jurisdiction only once you realize that you are unable to develop an important part of your business.

My supervisor of pH. d., and aneta Stefanovska used to tell me that life is a school. We learn everyday lessons. We learn all different kinds of lessons, and we always learn. This applies to our company, too.

A bumpy road tells us a lot. Such a road is not always bad. Sometimes failures in your enterprise are essential in helping you get more intelligent and more net and prepare you for a trip lasts the next time.

When you happen to come across a bumpy road, and evaluate. Stay calm, assess the causes and see what you can learn from him. Find out more about the ways in which you can take your blog to success along a road which becomes progressively more smooth.

Stand Up to direct before you sit down for Blog

"How futile it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."-Henry David Thoreau

I often reflect on the life experiences that I've tasted since landing on planet Earth to be in the arms of my mother.

In fact, these experiments were fuel that triggered the written word that flows from my pen to page and from there, through my blog memo motivation in the hearts of men and women in 155 countries to date.

For unless I lived, there is nothing that I have no authority to write it.

My answer, every time a particular challenge in my life has always was, "well, at least it gave me another story that I can write on."

When I write I never want to be the guy who is a "former" ' or has - a "been" who will immediately launch an "acceleration". Is not a portrait endearing?

If I am going to write what whether, or in fact do something in my life, I want to position and prepare myself to become a guru, a leader or a specialist who has chosen the field.

How do you have this?

First, I sit at the feet of the experts who went before me and fate of their students. Which I associate to become.

First, we say may be as gross as the next guy, but with time, through further study and practice I find my voice and then beginning to be recognized as an authority in my own right.

And if I have something "spraying" I hope that it brings to life and refreshments for those who choose to participate in what I learned.

We all have a story to tell and support blog is a wonderful place to express it. Therefore go live any first and then return, even the same day, if you want and tell what you have learned.

Talk about and put it in audio format.You can contact her through the use of the video. Share the word with me, we become more rich lessons teach you, the principles and experience.

Writing your experiences, step of the experience of others. Of course, use their experiences or their wisdom as your springboard, but then spring forth without fear with your own voice and interpretation.

I don't want to not only voice the Moldy ages past - also good they are. I want to hear your spin. I would like to reflect on your thread. Here is the new vision and the discovery of sparkling wine that adds value to our lives as we participate in this wonderful celebration.

So let me shout top and hard and clear, "long live the life of your wonderful!"

If your life can be saved in a flourish of words - deposited in your unique blog - which in the coming years will provide the springboard for yet another writer blank to seize hold of and spring forth on their own intellectual and spiritual discovery adventure.

Share a recent experience that you had with us and go beyond just to share with the world through your blog.

How poster Guest is as a personal loan

You never lent a friend money? If so, it was a person you thought that you could trust? If you answered in the affirmative, as told in the Social network, that you want to keep reading.

Thinking can already crossed your mind, "how lending money to a friend reported to blog?". Well, I am pleased that you have requested because when it comes to guest blogging, the owner of the blog is ready you their blog just as when you loaned money to your friend.

We will start with a story and we will bring this all together later, the.

We will dive right into this personal story of mine and I will show you best practices to be taken in the use of my experience in your businesses of guest blogging.

A friend of mine, who I once thought as my "best friend" had been in multiple financial jams when it came to paying rent, bills, or (are blunt!) anything with a due date.

So, as would any friend, I decided to lend him money to help pay its half of the rent and other bills.

Little did you know that this trend will continue on the slope of the destruction. What began as a me a "brother" transformed in him a blow.

There are two things to note: I should have been so unconscious that he was taking advantage of me, and I am not the only culprit on his list of lenders.

My friend cheats out me of about $1,000. It became so bad that he began to have an impact on my financial situation and the best thing that happened to me was to find a way out of this terrible by returning home situation.

When a friend takes advantage of several people who lend their resources, they are obviously not a friend, but someone who gets through manipulation. The bottom line, as the saying goes, is "If you want to lose a friend, lend their money." It is safe to say that I am not this person anymore.

I mentioned in my story above that I have paid money. Well, when it comes to guest blogging, you should be aware that the owner of the blog is ready their blog for you. Resources, whether their audience, their scope in the blogosphere, or even their own reputation, are put at your disposal when you share your voice on their property.

Resources to the owner of the blog gives you are as a personal loan. You must pay to the owner of the blog to give you the opportunity to share your knowledge with his audience. It is clear that you do not repay a monetary value, but you should always be looking for give back in any way.

I know that most people will feel that "pay you" the owner of the blog by writing an article of high quality for their audience. This is not enough. This is a too generic way to give back. Write a great article should be understood as a core element of the Exchange, not an added bonus.

The last thing you want to do is disappoint the owner of a blog after they decide to publish your article on their site. This can ruin the relationship and ruin your personal reputation, just as my friend by taking advantage of a large number of his so-called friends. Also, if you do return the favor of the individual who prepared your their blog, which press can spread like a wild fire among the popular bloggers - especially if you have published an article on a website of a list.

First of all, I E-mail always the owner of the blog directly after having seen my guest post go live and thank them for the occasion. I know it sounds obvious, but it you would be surprised by the strength of the emotional connection you will hit with the owner of the blog by doing this.

They expect that you use the post invited as a marketing strategy to bring traffic to your blog. Who is heard because that is what everyone is done when it comes to guest blogging. However, you can take a step beyond the advertising that you and working on continuing to build the relationship with the owner of this blog.

A personal email would be like the version of the old school of a letter of transmittal. People like the written word, not a message "thank you for the opportunity" on Twitter. That is not showing the effort, not "pay you" the owner back.

Personal email means more. Just think that you feel when someone emails you and you would like to thank for his comments on their blog. It sends a powerful message.

You can also ask the blog owner in the email if something you can do for them! Perhaps they have a new product or post coming out and they need help, promotion. They can even have a service that they would like you to test. Nothing of this nature that shows that you try to make an effort to "repay your lender" is great, but the way to make authentic - not only because you feel you must.

It are not enough people giving in return, in my opinion. My friend never made money owed never really did me anything to show that our friendship meant something. The owner of the blog is looking for that same feeling to be your friend.

Everyone wants more friends and develop new relationships. When restore you their after that they lend their resources, it can then strengthen friendship or a business relationship.

You run an almost 100% guaranteed to ruin the relationship if you screw on Blogger by not responding left comments on your guest post or to refrain from continuing to stay in touch with this blog owner. In doing so, they will know you were "" use first point... self promotion.

My friend used me and I was gullible enough to take advantage of. We hope that these ideas with the integration of my personal story painted a clear picture of how to give back to those who help you.

What did you do after having a guest post of yours go live "repay" the owner of the blog? What were the results of these actions? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

7 Steps to Blogging goals stick set

I suspect that all the technical information you could ever need to be a successful blogger are there in the public domain. If this is the case, why do the vast majority of blogs fail when it comes to provide to the owner an income they can live comfortably on?

First of all, I think that many bloggers grossly underestimate the psychological aspect of blogs and what is necessary to get their heads in the first place.

Second, some bloggers that I spoke to start with a real plan or a goal to keep them on the right track if and when things do not go according to expectations. Simply, they dive into the process with no real idea where it will have.

Today, I want to show you a seven step process for setting goals that exponentially improve your chances of success with your blog.

You may well be familiar with the smart method of goal setting because there is already for decades. Bear with me while expanding on this process and make it way cooler and more useful for you - and much more likely to help you succeed.

Just in case where you're not familiar with SMART, let me give him a quick cross.

Is your goal specific enough so that someone else could read and know exactly what you mean? A goal of having a popular blog lacks this aspect because it is too vague and subjective.

I have a popular blog, but if I give my readers to Darren and took his in return that it would be quite unhappy with the agreement - it has about 40 times more than me.

"Owning a blog with less than 5,000 subscribers, earning $500 per month from AdSense" is the sort of goal that this element of the nails.

Using the last example, you can see at any point in time where you are in your plan. If you have 2 500 subscribers, you y to Midway. If you earn $400 a month, then you are 80% of the way towards this goal. It is important to keep your motivation from and for you to know if things work or not of having a measurable objective.

No purpose, if it wants to be a real goal requires input in a form any on your part. In other words, you must act and do something to get there. Lying in bed hoped people buy your ebook that you have not promoted properly is not a goal - it is the will or a dream and it is almost certain to fail miserably.

I am not big on this aspect of the smart method, because unless something is physically or scientifically impossible, then for me it is still realistic.

Darren had told people there eight years he was from a blog called ProBlogger and by 2011, there would be 150,000 subscribers and be one of the top 2,000 in the world according to Alexa, people would have been lining up to say it is unrealistic.

He was not, so don't worry too much to be realistic. Understand there is a huge difference between something being very difficult and impossible. Landing on the Moon was very difficult; It is impossible for landing on the Sun (unless you spend the night!).

It is probably the element most underestimated of smart goals. Without a period of time, targets are used to drag.

Most people are busy and, as such, are responding and reacting to events. Thus, without an end game in sight there are always more pressing for you to attend to the.

There is a big reason why people work more effectively to deadlines. This is because the brain kick a Minie fight-or-flight response, allowing them to focus more effectively.

OK, so this is the traditional model and is well and good, but I would like to help you make your goals even more effective in turning the chip in SMARTER.

When you set your goals to be aware of the effect they will have on you and you loved ones. If you want to be a problogger and intend to spend as many hours as necessary to achieve this goal?

How that may affect relations with friends and family? How it will affect your health and your social life? How you will pay the Bills that you build your suite?

The answers are not the reasons not to try, or quit before you begin. But these are things that must be taken into consideration now, so that they do further travel you on the road.

This is a really big one that I am concerned, and it is the thing that many people miss or just don't get.

What is your reward for having a blog with success?

I do not speak here of money: I am at a level deeper than this. We are talking about values and which is fundamentally important to you at the level of your identity.

What motivates really you? If you think only of money, that money gives you? Maybe it's freedom, peace, security, service, or perhaps you want to leave a legacy.

Doesn't matter really what it is, as you know. This is what is going to motivate you if and when things get hard.

If you cannot lead to a reason for which helps you out of bed 05 enthusiastic about the coming day, there is high probability that you will burn out sooner than later.

For example, I am a life coach because I like helping people. I earn so much money that I did when I worked in sales, but I am more happy path and, more important still, I know why I do what I do. Do you have?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Off the coast of the tactics of wall for content ideas

We have all time when ideas of content are hard to come. We look at the blank screen and what the heck we can write about today.

Since I wrote a web content for more than ten years, I have a lot of old material on my hard drive. Sometimes, I go through it and see what ideas he etincelles. Is not off the wall, but I did that today ' hui and the theme of "cat blogging" sticks out of me. The premise behind this is for people who really love their cat can start a blog and writing point of view-things their cat the cat in time of a day. Which led me to these slightly "off-the-wall" ways to get the ideas of content.

I should mention that since I wrote also many fiction, it is not that I speak with me and create dialogue in my head or on paper. Some of these ideas work well with that. Just go with it.

> Claims there is a parrot on your shoulder during the work day. He is bored stupid, but he looks at everything you do and sees all that you look online. Start describing what he saw, what he thinks about it. How you capture attention?

Example: well, here we go again; another day of surfing the Internet for the next big idea. Oh joy! I wonder how many times it will get distracted today? And it never reads the things that I want to know. It reads all that boring stuff like blogging, traffic, this thing called SEO. What is tip? How it can help me?

> What is your computer screen see when he looks at you online?

This conversation can go in the same sense that the conversation of parrot, unless your computer is a little more advanced. It will have different issues than the Parrot. He sees things that miss you. That they see?

Start to surf on a few blogs from the point of view of your computer screen, a parrot, a complete beginner, etc. - which stands out? What grabs your attention?

> Or, say you get sucked into your computer. You are stuck in cyber-land. You can travel from a computer to read in on your target. What they are looking for? What they read? What they are missing? What are they crazy? What is frustrating them?

> Pretend you are sitting in the Park. A child comes and sits next to you. The child is you when you were younger. Your child self asks you what you do.

You have an excellent opportunity to learn your younger self the things you want that learn you earlier. What are these things? How would you teach your younger self on SEO, traffic, income-generation online or as niche you are in?

Copy these things and share with your audience. Sometimes, this is not evil pretend that your audience is twelve years old. It can help you simplify the message. However, don't talk down to them.

> Do the same thing with a stranger at an airport. You are both a lay-over, and he asks what you do to live. He is completely familiar with to earn money online, an online business or blogs running. How expliqueriez you it him?

Note the it will be a great blog once that twist you it. Start writing dialogues between yourself and your target or beginners or complete strangers. Ask new questions and answer their questions.

These are not only great ways to get the ideas of content, but the last two examples are great ways to keep in mind that your audience can be research. We often forget that not everyone is at the same level of knowledge that we are. We assume that if someone has a computer that they already know the very basic stuff. Unfortunately, they do, and it is more difficult and more difficult to find the bases online these days.

It is sometimes good to step of the dialog box and the way out of left field to find ideas. We are so accustomed to see things from our own point of view that it is difficult to see things otherwise.

These concepts may take some time if you decide to work with them, they may even seem stupid. Marketers and bloggers that are the most ways to use online impact the rest of us may find strange. Do a test.

The tax Man comes

No one should be surprised by the fact, there was more legislation introduced to force merchants to collect sales tax online. People in Washington need money so that they can waste more time to discuss the debt ceiling next increase when returning. They need to live comfortably and we know where came from money - anyone who has had the sense to start a job online. What is the name of these fish swim on the underside of the shark and only hitch as well as for the journey? Anyway, I'm just outside Toronto, and the Government here has been squeezing hard for some time now. Welcome to the club.

The main street of fairness Act (first aid) would change the existing law requiring only merchants pay taxes that they had a physical presence. BTW, do you love the title of this Bill? Talking about the PRD with double Orwellian type we come to expect from our politicians Jackal on two sides of the border. In this new totalitarian piece of tripe, same affiliates will pay sales tax. Notice how none of the involved politicians to speak personally to cuts in their pay to help rebuild the tax coffers?

Politicians are the cons same that keep arguing the merits or the horrors involved with Internet gambling and online. Currently, this industry is illegal in the United States, even if it is worth billions and the same Bills keep introduced and defeated as the back course Fryer in New Jersey.

It is not a question of paying taxes. I pay mine and retain records detailed all my transactions as I am sure that most of my colleagues on the Internet do. There is just something wrong in the modern equivalent of the gold rush and the politicians of the old school and Government agencies have come to us with their hands off so that they can spread their lifestyles of soft Government and clunky dying ways.

Most of us came to other places online, because we knew that the world had changed and ceases to change. She aspires to hear cases where people who are clinging to the hollow of Government old-school telling us that we must pay our fair share. We do this. Perhaps it is time that they have learned to pare down and stand on their two feet. Gravy train has long been over.

Distinguish you among bloggers

There is no way around it: If you are looking to become a pro blogger, you have a few difficult competition. Even bloggers who write on topics of "breeds" so-called face opposition on the part of the similarly themed blogs. Do then how you keep your content fresh when there is someone who covers the same subject? Believe it or not, the web is large enough to manage several blogs on your interest, be it art of the street, cooking or insurance advice. It is essential to correctly distinguish yourself your peers as being the person go - to for your niche. Here are some tips to your own separate blog pack.

Choose a hot topic and a new spin on it

You can always turn to news for content. Browse the news sites that feature stories related to the theme of your blog and offer your look at the history. If the story is particularly popular in the blogosphere, try to deal with in a different perspective. Even if the story is not immediately relevant to your position, cover the history and establish a connection to your subject. For example, if you run a blog of design you could capitalize on the buzz surrounding the resignation of Steve Jobs as Apple CEO by writing a post about how Steve Jobs influenced you as a designer. In this example, you effectively inform your readers on current events while simultaneously giving insight to the aesthetics of your design.

Get your name out there!

If you plan to have a blog with success, you need more to publish regularly. Blogs with the smart SEO methods may run the risk of darkness. Use the tools available on the market of your blog for those who may not be able to find elsewhere. Twitter, for example, is a great social media tool that can quickly increase the presence of the blog. Set up a Twitter account for your blog and start following influential Tweeters who share the interests of your blog. Tweet regularly and to use hash tags that capture people's buzzing of subject related words from your blog.

You should also consider invited displaying as a way to distinguish among bloggers. If you frequent guest post on other relevant blogs and allow people to guest post on your blog, it is obvious that you can win a wider audience. More you post on other sites, the readers more will notice your presence in their corner of the blogosphere. And when these same readers visit your blog and the notice that you have invited your own posters, they can even with you to publish their own post. Insight on guest posting potential network and you will be certain to increase traffic to your blog.

Write well

This last point cannot be stressed enough. Your writing must be accurate, interesting and short enough to keep the attention of the reader. And don't forget to specify all check! You may have a blog with a widely appealing of subject terribly failure just because of poor writing. Look through the successful blogs and take note of their writing style; draw on blogger that you admire and try to develop your own style. Establish your own voice in your blog, but make sure that this voice is articulated, informed and attractive.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Things you need to know about the visitors to your Web site

Google Analytics is incredible. It is a free, powerful and a tool that everyone should have on their blog. But not everyone has the time to browse all of the data. First, if you need help installing Google Analytics, please visit our how to install the new Analytics on your site. Therefore, if you create a rapid immersion in Analytics, here are 5 things you should know your Web site visitors.

Knowing this is the most obvious piece of information - how many visits to the you had and how many of them was unique visitors? It is generally a good idea to ensure that you have given every single month as a means to assess (month month), if your site is growing.

There are a few ways to do so. You can look in "time on site," to give you a fairly good overview on how long people are remaining on your site.  This will help you to know if your articles are interesting and people like them.  You can also check the bounce rate. If the vast majority of visitors to your "bounce", you must assess why. Traffic is one thing - but it is an any other ball game.  Determine why people are leaving so soon you will help keep customers and to gain more credibility in the long term.

Are you targeting users in a particular country? Or perhaps you are is more specific than and targeting by a zone of the country? If you are focusing in on a small area or you are open to traffic from anywhere in the world, have an idea of where comes your traffic allows you ensure that you are hit the public law.  It will also allow you to adapt your content to your readers specific location.

Where on the web are your visitors coming from? It is the search engines? If so, what key words?  What other sites send traffic your way, and how many people come directly to you from them?  If you have traffic from a specific site you must reach out to the person or site and motivate them to send you more.

Google has, quite deliberately, made this particular information more prominent in Analytics. That could mean that plays a large part in the SERP while we believe. But it is essential that you know what devices are your users. More importantly, how your site loads for visitors. Mobile is only will become more important and understanding the basin device of your users will be essential for catering for them and their devices.

Basically a guide for beginners to Google Analytics, only the visible part of the iceberg. There are a million more than things you can do with Google Analytics that will help your site.  For all that you bloggers in the long term, I encourage you to read our ventilation more advanced Analytics articles.  This will give you much more of a breach to the bottom of things, you should do with your blog to help monetize it the best way possible.

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