Sunday, July 17, 2011

Don't be afraid to change your Blog tagline

Slogan of your blog is a bit like a company mission statement. If you come "a rule to live by", probably already is. If arrive you at something too fancy, you probably Won't remember it.

I changed my slogan times at, I've all but renounced both trying to find one suitable for everything that I want to write on the subject. I think this is what happens when you are interested in so many different things. Over the years, I wrote about some of the following topics: blogs, social media, web development, user, software, testing, business experience, music, life in General and a few others I can't remember right now.

I tried to divide my blog in several smaller blogs, but this means that I myself spread too thin and suffers from each blog. I tried to choose a single niche, but I short topics too quickly. I am interested in all the above subjects, but I do not have enough about one of them to have a blog of long duration.

I've also tried to choose a slogan that works for most of my subjects, but I have yet to find one that works. The best I have come with so far is "No slogan compulsory", which is not really better than no slogan at all. In the past, I've also tried "A look cynical on the web", which is good enough, but not particularly accurate; I also tried "on the fence", but that lasted only 2 or 3 posts before I crashed it.

Can learn you from this? Don't you worry too much about your tagline. If you find one, great; If not, don't worry. I do not think that it makes sense to decide what your blog will be about, but if you are a good writer (I hope that I am for the most part), you should be able to convince his readers to take with you, even if your interests are as varied as mine. OK, I agree, my interests are all that varied - I not generally write about "outdoor activities". (A good slogan might "much fun can you have inside?")

What is your motto? How do you have with it? What is the best and the worst of slogans, you've seen?

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