Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bloggers block exist?

I'm starting to wonder if it is really something called block of bloggers as someone who has been blogging for almost two years now. Bloggers block, also known as the writers, is a situation in which a blogger finds difficult to get any idea of content, or a situation in which a blogger is able to propose ideas for content, but cannot simply produce what it is based on the ideas.

In my experience bloggers block really exist, but we are all in a different way. When I started just blogging I will have bloggers occasional block and it would sometimes take to me to be better, but today I am writing close to 50 articles in a week or a few weeks, even more I begin to feel as if he did there that nothing called bloggers block.

The reality is that some of us might not have bloggers block occasionally. It might be only from time to time, but this does not mean that we should fail to recognize what is real.

Bloggers block exists, and it happens to everyone, however a wise blogger will learn to understand what triggers the block and prevent it and will also learn how to effectively use when it is no longer active.

Below a few things to do if you see yourself know blogger block more often - they are what I do, and they work in an excellent way.

Take some rest

The first step to overcome bloggers block is ensuring that you are at rest regularly. I don't know if you have not it, but there are situations in which, I start to feel headache when working, but as long as I remain for sometimes, or work in a very cool environment, that I begin to work as if I start just again. It is following a stress, and it can be a productivity killer. You need to do is rather learn to take breaks of everything you do - in so doing you will save your energy and creativity for that you will be done in the future.

Understand when you enter "in the area" - and the future

I so love the concept of kung fu and martial arts as a child that I thought that I will dedicate a great period of my life for it. During this period I started to read books on the subject and in one of these books, I have come through a concept called "entering the area. Everyone has a limit to what they can do, but there are times when we become super creative and efficient to the point that we do something we never did - in cases like this what we can never be done again. This means that they are not our capacity and are more likely. The process is called entering the area. A great tip to prepare for the future in the case of writers block is by the use of the period that you are more productive. In cases like these you must be written blog as much as you can and then be saving them for the future.

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