WordPress is one of the most versatile blogging there platforms with tons of options to customize not only the aspect of the experience, but also the interactions that your users have with your content.
That is why it is one of the most widely used platforms as well! But an ongoing challenge that you have is "bloating" your WordPress blog with too many features because the options are almost endless. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is simply add elements that are most important to your basis for your end users experience and drive and skip all the excesses.
For example, some the top blogs show their content first both a stylistic point of view, but also a one user interface. Take for example the ZenHabits.net it really takes to the extreme in terms of design.
But make no mistake: ZenHabits is one of the biggest blogs out there and is growing and highly profitable!
Can someone learn from ZenHabits as an archetype of good usability and focusing on the simple elements that matter? Here are 5 things you can do to make sure that take advantage you of your user experience and have an impact.
The most obvious is the simplicity of the design. If you are content will make your blog grow and attract an audience, then you must ensure that the design complements your content each time.
Even the blog here at DailyBlogTips.com sport a simple design and a structure that no one could laugh. In fact, many people have noticed how visually refreshing is simply having the content first, and all other second stuff.
Make sure that you use a WordPress Blog theme (I use the Standard theme) which highlights your content first, so that users get what they came for! I feel (like do you) that your blog commentators and readers are worth!
Your area of comment, for many, is the cornerstone of interaction and engagement, and yet it is puzzling why so many people have so many different plugins and features which invades the space comment.
For example (and you've probably seen yourself) some comment fields are so chaotic that you know exactly where to begin! You see "calls to action" around the place and the publicity surrounding the comment box and you know just where is the button "answer"!
DailyBloggingTips has one of the easiest areas and out-of-the-box comment there and this blog is this right, the commitment?
Why make it more difficult that it needs to be? Native comment box is beautiful just the way it is (and this is why I decided to use it), but if you choose to use another 3rd party platform, it could be wise spent some time there cleaning and simplifying services too.
Social networks and social media is everywhere in the world - you can simply avoid it. And, to some extent, it is a great thing! You want people to engage with your content, but you want even more for them to share it with their networks and other interested parties!
But you have to make it easier to use and simply share! Once again, as I analyze the many blogs that I walk through every day, I see a complete mess of sharing social label since it is 20 social sharing icons (and repeat) both at the front of the blog, on the single layer post and even comments!
The best option to simplify and beautify your blog is to keep a set of social sharing icons on your layer single post (this also accelerates the first page of your blog greatly) and with taste. For example, use a tool persistent sharing that scrolls with the user quietly on the side of the content so that it is still there (but in the way they read content) ever.
Wisely and you will be rewarded! There are other great plugins that this as well and another to discover is part of the JetPack system WordPress themselves released.
When you pass the time on these changes, small but effective, you will see more people engage with your content and even find profitable traffic more results and perhaps even more advertising revenue that as you open a space for more opportunities (and more space conversion high).
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