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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Five things to include in your Page on

The About page is your chance to tell people on the blog and adds a little bit of you too. Although each position is a field for your blog in itself, the About page should be your "pitch wrapper"; This is a summary of wide that will contribute to a potential reader find out if your blog is right for them. Here are five things that will add value to your page about.

A good way to begin to establish a connection with your audience is to tell them your first name and publish a photo. I don't know everyone wants to do this, and some hide their faces or use a false name. It probably depends on what you write. You do not have to display your name in full or no revealing details; you have to share an embarrassing photo. Currently, I do not include a photo on my comments page, but I understand in the bio of the author, at the end of my posts.

What makes you want start your blog? Why keep you display? If the entry is a hobby or a career, explaining the reasons to start a blog allows the reader to identify more closely with you. It also provides assurance that your blog will be around for some time. If you do not know why you started your blog, or do you know where it is directed in the future, it augurs for the longevity of your blog. Readers notice it.

Much has readers, as to understand what the experience and insight has de writer. Without this, readers can examine if the writer knows what they're talking about. You can explain your wallpaper is from time to time, but you do not want to give a history lesson for each position.

What makes your blog different from other blogs in your niche? What you have to offer that others do? Do you have a style of writing special or valuable knowledge to bring to the table?

Be it a form of contact or your email address, be able to communicate with the author allows the reader to connect with you directly. Of course, readers could directly comment on your posts, but sometimes a comment does not take a position. Also, some readers may prefer to communicate with you in private. Not deny them the possibility to communicate with you.

What you have on your page about?

6 Killer Writing Tips from a grandmother of a copy editor

Meet Ailsa Campbell. Ailsa is a great grandmother of an editor (pun intended): she teaches English longer that many of us have been alive. Needless to say that he knows a thing or two about good writing.

Here are top tips of Ailsa to become a better writer.

"Homophones" sounds like a foreign Word, but you use SOUNDEX every day and often incorrectly.

That are words that sound the same (homo - same, telephone - his speech), but have different meanings. Here are a few common homophones that bloggers be wrong.

compliment - for rent (e.g. when tell you your partner that he or she resembles) complement - to balance, compensation or add to (Italian cuisine of complements of red wine) right - correctright - the opposite of leftrite - ritual or ceremonywrite - pen in the final outcome of papereffect-(noun) or the result (the breakdown of the marriage had the effect of the impact of drink driving) affect-(noun) (the drought effect has had on local farmers was unfathomable) descent - dive, fall or ancestry (human trace their descent of the monkey) dissent - disagreement, opposition or dispute (some people express their opposition to the idea that man descended from monkeys... and is quite right - humans and monkeys are descendants of a common ancestor) dependent - tributaries (the answer to the second question was heavily dependent on the answer to the first) to load - a person who depends on others (the poor guy has 13 dependants). Note that this term is used primarily in British English. U.S. English accepts "charge" for both spellings.

Ensure that you use the right homophones.

It is convenient or practice? It is a Council or Advisor? It is permitted or licence?

Answer: "c" is for "s" for the verbs and names. Don't forget "c" for "ice" and "s" for "is".

When you play tennis, you practice your swing. When you run a social media company, you run a social media practice. Once again, it is primarily a differentiation of British English. In the United States, it is standard to use for the use of the "c" spelling in both cases.

When you guide somebody to do something, you are informing them. When you receive your client's instructions, you will receive advice.

The license is to make something. Grant this permission to someone is allowed to do so. While in America, the two uses used the "s" spelling, license.

Use "c" for naming the words and the "s" to the words.

Terse sentences are short sentences powerful to give your entry a sense of urgency. For example:

Favreau was blown. How this guy did make such a feat? Is there something that this man could not do?

"Their use in groups of three," explains Ailsa, "as, in the example above, gives a great sense of build-up."

"If you listen to Barack Obama, which is one of the greatest speakers of the day, you'll notice that it often uses groups of three." This is not a chance. He studied and worked at it.

"The use of three terse sentences was an oratorical trick taught by the ancient Greeks, for the attention of the audience and reinforce a point without making tedious." Apply to write too. »

In the world of publishing, using contractions and informal abbreviations (weren't, aren't, can't, etc.) means a very informal type of writing. Contractions are not acceptable in, for example, a section of serious on current affairs. They sound botched.

Even in less formal written, they are best avoided unless you are very precisely that sound "bavard."

When the contractions are useful, however, is of quotations and dialogue, or when you give thoughts of a person. The use of contractions dans dialogue provides the voice of the character to come through, which is a great way to bring your writing to life.

Consider the sentence, "they could not put a finger on it but there was something about Mike." The short form is very well here, because you give their thoughts - less formal language is fair.

Do not say "a selected option b 127 people" or that "the combination cost $100. Just say, "127 people chose option (b)", or "the costume cost $ 100."

Also take into account when writing of the monetary values. Do not "of $ 100," write keep "$ 100." You already said "dollars" by using the symbol $.

What is the problem with the following sentences?

He sold chocolates to the participant.The Lindt have a better choice.The majority of Australian residents already had TV HD and little content to display them.They were a group well known in the 1960s.

Answer: The apostrophe is incorrectly used instead of a plural. It should be participating, Lindts, televisions and the 1960s.

There are two uses for the apostrophe - abridged, a verb (it was, did not) and in the possessives (age of Marketing is the idea of Basanti).

What should we do when a possessive is also a plural?

Use of the participants was to choose between two options.

Here the participant is a plural and a possessive, put you the apostrophe after the "s". If the participant is singular, it would put before the "s".

Of all the errors, it seems by far the most important Ailsa, as evidenced by his comment, "" Dammit - if you do stop use of single quotes when you want to say plural, I will kill you. "" In his defence, I had that much of evil.

It is these minor distinctions, as Ailsa likes to say, "separating the sheep from the goats." Get their right and your writing will most commonly be and engaging. Get bad and you will look silly, neglected and without instructions - step how you want your readers to see.

Are you one of these common mistakes in your writing?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't drive distracted Blog

I can you say a thousand ideas on how evidence of creativity and when/where to write, but I struggle to create a list of times when you should not write. Most of the authors advise that you create articles in the good times and bad to do two things: improve your writing skills and to increase the diversity of your writings. That being said, y never a bad time to write then?

Here is the first thing that come to mind about a time when you should not be written. Accent is difficult to come to these days, especially with the increase in the speed of technology. If you disable this smart phone, unplug of tweetdeck and mute television, well, you will be postponed a bit when you try to write.

Distrait while writing is a bit like texts while driving. It is dangerous, that your objective is split so your content is not optimal, and there is much more likely to accidents than in normal conditions of writing. Do not blog while helpless. Take the time to apply effort and focus to your work.

When I created the position, explosive Backlink strategy, I wrote a whole project of myself the disconnection of all the distractions mentioned previously. Repeated phrases, broken links, I had grammatical errors galore and left many ideas not supported. Worst of all was, however, the fact that I had written much too!

When you think it is a miracle that we do anything with all the chimes Facebook leave on our telephones and other mediums desperately calling for our attention. Instead of writing less in these circumstances, I tend to write more! And we all know that online readers prefer concise and useful information.

After disconnecting myself, I could refine my article for the basic ideas mattered and sanitized all errors. It is the difference between focus on something and having your attention divided among several things.

The key to avoid being distracted is to eliminate distractions during the time period that you want to write. This takes planning, because distractions are often unforeseen problems you need to deal with in a timely manner. If plan you in advance and the schedule to the block of time to write, you are far less likely to be interrupted, especially if you deal with all that is required to make prior. Stay focused and that you will write far better than you do would then that distracted or on a limited budget.

For blogs, I run, I tend to keep a very strict timetable on when I write every day. When I've woken up and had a few essential java I write at least some ideas for articles, that I would like to flesh out later. Sometimes I write posts together, but generally just ideas. Then, throughout the day, I turn to these ideas in the main concepts and ideas support soon follow.

Sometimes I write five posts one day, other times that I jot down just ideas for many. Point is not to finish a post every day, but rather, take the time to think and write at least something to what any other every day.

Again, the root of the problem that I suggest to avoid while blogging is a lack of concentration. When you are angry, emotional and upset, you tend to focus on the bad feelings that you write. Perhaps you will have no focus, just anger blind who leads your article for you and your creative thinking. It is a bad thing. A very bad thing. Cool and get in return for appropriate emphasis are important to prevent writes while angry.

Always remember to put your audience first and avoid personal feelings that you have comments, emails and other bloggers so. Keep the occupational status and write when you can afford is emotionally focused on the objectives of the rights to your blog.

I have had my scrapes with fellow bloggers in the past, including very jealous ones and I must say that it is much wiser to ignore someone than to seek a mudslinging contest. Even if you are 100% right and the other person is completely wrong, everyone gets dirty when the mud starts to fly.

My advice for anyone of copiers and jumps after them on the way to do is ignore them. Publish comments, do not respond to their e-mails and do not publish the responses on your blog. Just act as if they do not exist and keep to do better things that they do so. For the love of the sky, do not write it is angry with someone as it always ends poorly for you!

That is the inverse of the anger… happiness? Must write you that it is extremely pleased? I would not suggest simply because your focus is once more blurred or ultra-centered on the wrong thing. I wrote some horrible, assuming that posts that very happy while returning to bite me in the past.

For example, I had to rewrite the first chapter of the why people course because I wrote it while he is extremely pleased to write my first book. After reading it I came as a means of hope and incredibly optimistic, to the point that most people would probably read and say yes to the right, "it is a vow." Even if the numbers and statistics were real for me, they would not be possible for others, so I eventually rewrote the chapter when my focus was more on my audience potential and less on myself.

Focus is the key to blogging without distraction, if the distraction of internal or external forces. Write carefully and write well! And please do blog while distracted!

Have you never blog while distracted? Tell us what happened in the comments.

Why you should never comments on Blogs. Never.

I'm sure you've heard the arguments informed, logical for why you should be commenting on blogs:

"" You can be a part of the conversation is happening there.".""" You can build your own authority.""You can drive traffic to your blog. »

But, while there may be a core burned, blown of truth in these statements, none of them take into account the many reasons you should never comment on a blog.

Although some of these reasons for your account.

First of all, you should not even start thinking about comment unless you have something really profound to say.  If simply express you agreement, judgment will be fall on you.  That, to be fair, it must.  There is no place for simple opinions in the blog comments section.  It is a blog after all.  No sense, a few facts.

In addition, there is good chance that you have not permission to be commenting on a post.  I mean, if someone writes a post, they are certainly held in high esteem by all peers in their field.  The Internet that everyone won't publish.  And if you're not an expert, you probably do not have much to offer.  Some that maybe you have ideas, but they are the kind best kept to yourself?  Unless you have a graduate degree in the subject at hand, they should probably be filed later in your journal.

In addition, if nobody else does not yet commented it, you are essentially lower your head on the axe.  You can write to the other, but in doing so opens until being the minority.  It is very possible that just after you have finished singing the praises of a particular position, a series of users go on a tirade angrily tearing the part of the author.  You would be really stupid.  Who concerned about what you thought?  The other commentators have probably know more than you anyway.

Also, don't forget that the spelling of browser leaves to be desired.  Of course, he intercepts a word that you have butchered, but what the minute something more?  And forget any kind of oversight on your grammar.  In addition, there is a very good chance that a misspelled word will leave all that you have to say incomprehensible, leading to angry on spam comments you leave.

Once you have walked through the murky waters of writing in fact your comment, you always face to give your personal information.  If you have something like average web user, you probably have not much personal info online before, perhaps with the notable exception of a social networking site unclear.

If you feel the need to comment on, you have the necessary authority to do so, and others have already commented on, consider taking the following measures:

The project's comment in a word processor.Check the comment for errors of spelling and grammar, with integrated tools and manually.Re - check .send to a family member or friend for their thoughts (choose someone intelligent).It print, sleep on it and return to breakfast the next day.If you still feel the urge, go ahead and publish.Deal with the consequences arising therefrom.

If, after reading this, you're always custom publish a comment from time to time, moving forward.  But consider you informed.  It is a dangerous game.

And whatever you do, do you dare to write a comment on this post!

You must post each day to your Blog [false new bloggers have # 2]

I lost many times where I heard prebloggers reject the idea of blogging because they do not have the time or discipline to produce daily blog articles.

The belief is that, to succeed, they need to get non-daily items (if not several times per day). The reality is that there is no single approach to blogging success when it comes to how many times it should display. There are many examples of highly successful blogs that operate at the two ends of the spectrum (I will highlight some less frequent posters below).

Then that say how often you need to publish? Let's to look at some factors that we consider.

Blogger/reader interaction is somewhat like a relationship - see the more you one another as friends, you begin to know each other, develops the more intimate and trust more you each other (a big generalization, I know).

Regular posting on your blog is you and your brand of people on a regular basis, and this opens up the possibility of a deeper relationship. Rare assignment may lead to feel out of touch with readers and even of who you are completely forgotten.

This stressed me once at a conference where, after the stage to speak, I was almost reversed in a warm embrace of a ProBlogger reader.

Through tears, she Begue, "I... just... feel … sob... as..." I... sniff...... know you... so... well! »

Why did it feel that way? Every day, it had received an email from me to advice on how to build his blog.

Of course if you look at the relationships of the "real life" we must also recognize that the amount of time you spend with someone can also have the opposite effect. Have you ever had a friendship with someone who has become a little too? You know relations... where the other person jumps in so far that you end up feeling a little stifled!

Display too regularly can be a little like that also.

I once asked readers here on ProBlogger on the reasons that they subscribe to flow RSS and the number one answer was "display too.". Respondents have expressed that they developed "burnout" and that it would be to unsubscribe if a blog become too "noisy."

There is a point of no return for each blog where a more accurate position becomes too and readers began to emerge.

So, what is the point of no return? How many positions will increase the relationship and the number who destroy?

Unfortunately, there is a single number that will work for every blog - instead, I suspect it really summarizes the relevance and usefulness of the content you are producing. If what you write will solve problems and be valuable to them, they will forgive much, if it's a lot of posts or a long period of time between them.

A question to ask on this front is, "What what my readers do I?"

On the one hand, you could find to answer this question for your readership they need lots of short, sharp positions because there a lot of news in your niche that they want.In other cases, you may find that your readers really need of thoughtful analysis - self-test that they have time to chew before moving on to another subject.

The answers to this question depends heavily on the type of blog that you are running, the niche or topic, style, and the length of the content you are producing and types of readers, you are in the hope of attracting.

There are a few benefits more more frequent display that is worth mentioning:

Several points of entry to your blog via search engines: view daily mean 365 points of entry to your blog for users of research each year versus 52 if you are weekly display, or 12 If you go with monthly.Several points of entry to your blog via social media: Similarly, by publishing and promotion of your content, you also provide more doors in your blog sites like Facebook and Twitter. Daily post giving your readers more opportunities to share these links autour.Points of connecting more than subscribers RSS: Similarly again, the more you post, more alerts or updates those who subscribe to your blog via RSS will get.

On the flip side, there are positions less benefits too:

Potentially greater reader engagement: on my own blogs, I noticed that if I post once in three or four days, posts tend to get higher levels of comments and conversation between the readers from the time when I post two posts in one day. I imagine that assignments frequent pushes positions outside the radar faster drives, as there is always something new that out.Absence makes the heart grow based: I know a couple of bloggers who post quite rarely, but are built almost a cult, and which build much anticipation among readers for the next post. Positions become very expected and assessed, and they shared on the web at a higher rate if the positions were out several times a day (I'll give a few examples of this type of blog below).It allows to avoid the depletion of the writer and can lead to higher quality content: after initial adrenalin that often accompanies launches a new blog of subsidies, many bloggers hit a wall when, a few months, they begin to strive to find things to write on the subject. The daily display pressure can add to this, a less frequent publication schedule may be a little more space to write only on what they think really matter. They are free to write more useful content and avoid burnout as they do.

I asked on Twitter for examples of blogs that display less frequently than every day, but which have always been successful. I was inundated with examples. Examples most often suggested by my disciples:

Zen Habits: update an average eight times per month during the last monthsThe some Art of Non compliance: blog of Chris Guillebeau, who was averaging just under ten posts per month latelySimpleMom: positions more regularly than the two above, but usually one or two days off the coast by week - a good example of regularity with breaksThe four hours of work : as you can attendreTim only the PAS will be updated on a daily basis on this subject given (he published three or four times a month), and yet it gets lots of engagementUnmarketing: Scott Stratten commented on Twitter that scarcity is my middle name ". However, remember that Scott work on the development of the undertaking on Twitter - it closes on 75,000 tweets!Social triggers: Derek Halpern posts two to four times per month, but the quality is high and there are a lot of the commitment of the reader.Penelope Trunk: Penelope is another fine example of someone who has regular assignment, but does not feel the need to write something every day.

Dealing with setbacks in life and Business

Have you ever suffered a setback. Setbacks in life and business occur, they can be avoided.  However, you can bounce back quickly if you know how to deal with the best.

Setbacks are OK if you do not let them overwhelm you. You may need to integrate a different approach if you are still the same setback. Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Sometimes the reverse occur because something should be done differently. Use setbacks as a learning experience.

If something does not work, simply reflect on why it is not working and find another approach.  Remember that not all solutions work for everyone. You cannot achieve the same results as someone else has, but that does not mean that the solution does not work, this means that it has not worked for you. Determined to keep the search for a solution that will work for you. Setbacks should cause never abandon completely.

You may need to change your mindset on the problem so that a solution may appear.  Keep yourself Recalling the main objective so that you are not discouraged when the back value occur.

One way to help to deter is to change your attitude. This is not always an easy task, but it can be done. If you still think that will be the things go wrong, it is likely that they will be.

Emotions can get rid of course and cause too much of a setback. Be aware of this and try to manage your emotions you can go back on the right track relatively quickly.

Expect the unexpected. When you try to predict things that can go wrong, you are ready to deal with them when they occur.

Avoid any action that puts your goals at risk. If you have to do, and you should if you have set goals for yourself, do not let tiny things get in your way. Do not drag social networks or waste too many emails from reading of time which are not conducive to achieving your goals.  All these things can be useful for your goals, but they can often transform into reverse if not used constructively.

Have a contingency plan for when setbacks. If something does not work, get out of your list and find something else to work on.

Keep an open mind and adapt to the changes. Things can and will go wrong. Sometimes things are beyond your control. Be prepared to adapt to the things that you have no control.

Setbacks occur. How you deal with them often determines whether they are minors or major occurrences.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Find free Images of royalty for the use of the Blog

Find images of rights for each of your blog posts is a big problem. I know that I always want to have some screenshots or images of high quality and the clip for my last messages. Not only it nicely divides your post content, but the images will also get listed in search engines and used as thumbnails on social bookmarking sites.

One of the biggest problems with the use of images in your blog is legal issues. Just because you can go to Google Images and search a billion images that match your blog content, this does not mean that you can publish on your site. Should someone want to bring an action against you, it is almost an immediate victory if copyright issues is involved.

I use royalty free images of Depositphotos for over a year now and it allows images grabbed for my blog posts a breeze. Even more importantly, it is that I have no to worry about someone else have the property on images, and they have a ton of images to choose.

I logged into my account and made a quick search for "blogs". You can see all the results of research below. Once you select the image you want to use, you can save the file directly on your computer and use it as many times as you want for future positions, presentations of creative or even word/powerpoint ad.

The cost of downloading and using any of the images on Depositphotos may vary depending on the size of the image that you want to download. I always use the smallest image size, which works very well for the blog and eventually be around 50 cents per image. (As you can see in the screen shot below, the smallest size on this image is 400 x 300, which is more enough for a blog and only half of a credit).

If you don't want to spend money on images, you can select some of the free photos they have on their site. If you are a graphic designer, there is also a massive selection of nearly 300,000 vectors different images to the selection.

Depositphotos is currently holding a promotion for bloggers and photographers, which offers a subscription free for owners of sites and special offers for photographers in large volume.

Focus - the second key to success

Today, I want to talk about the discussion. If you have not read the post on the keys to success, you can do so here. I list to focus the second key to success.
Focus must be one of the most difficult things, there is. This is something that we ourselves form. And several times throughout the day, we are lost from view.
Your work time "soliloquy" never going to like that?

"OK, I have to focus on getting this article written." Well, first of all I think I'll check my email. It may be something important. »
Fifteen minutes later…
"Okay, back to work." I write this article. OH wait, I have to check Twitter and Facebook and get from the road, so it does distract me thinking of them. »
Another fifteen minutes later…
"I really am going to focus now." I must get this fact. But first… "(the gap)
You see the pattern here? These fast checks often take pieces of 15 minutes of our time. Sometimes, we are all guilty of this.
As I mentioned in the main article, Bob Proctor describes accent as "conscious intensity." Aware simply means "fully aware". The intensity is defined as:

1. the quality or State of be intense; : especially extreme degree of force, force, energy or feeling
2. the magnitude of a quantity (such as force or energy) per unit (from the zone, charge, mass, or time)
Basically, this is to be fully aware of the magnitude of the energy that you use to work on a project.
To focus intensely on something, you should be aware, be in the here and now and know what it is you want to accomplish. Your mind must be "fixed" on the situation or task and you have to put all your energy.
Focus can be extremely difficult. I'll be honest; It is one of my biggest problems. I have as the next guy or gal "shiny object syndrome." I discovered things that help me to remain focused. I have mentioned in other posts, but they are treasures and mention again.
The first is Cool timer. It's a bit of cheese, but it is small, simple and easy to use. If I don't use a timer, I think me the need to check email, Twitter, Facebook and all the rest. In a sense, this force to focus me because I know that I am running the clock trying to get something done.
Another excellent product is called Chrometa. It will track everything you do. If you open a browser or e-mail or any other program window, it registers with a timestamp and also records the amount of time that you are actively in the program you opened. Sharon Hurley Hall wrote a great review on this subject, which is why I decided to do a test. You can read this post here.
More and more and the maintenance of the discussion can be a struggle, but if you use productivity tools, timers and time trackers, it can really help you to remain focused on the work. Trick, I need to use another (and I hate to admit) I write at the top of my daily planner, "charge Timer."  If I do put it on my list of daily tasks, I do. I also have to do in red ink so I know it's important.
It takes a few tips to keep the discussion. You have all you want to share? We would like to hear about them.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to be a more productive blogger

At its core blogging is on the sharing of ideas and personal opinions. While bloggers can have ideas bouncing all over the place, a crucial point of suffocation tries to transmit these ideas in our mind to paper.

Blogging usually requires generating loads of content, so if we can find a way to create content at a more efficient rate only done our job that much easier.
Below you will find 5 follow-up measures that we can follow to become more productive bloggers.

Great ideas can spawn at any time, and we must ensure that we have a system to capture the Eureka moments before they slip further. If you use an application sophisticated as Evernote or just pen and paper, finding a way defined to store the ideas of blogs and reference when you are ready to create.

When it is time to write an article, to focus on one at a time. While it may be tempting to flip back and forward as ideas pop in the head, he in fact makes the final product take more time, just by dropping the quality at the same time.

Also unnecessary that I thought that create contours in English class were, I never found their if important and useful as I do now.

Outlines we can visually see all parts of an article and how we can better shape it all. From blog, an overview also makes it easier to see where we can link to other articles in our blog and links to affiliate insert any appropriate.

Finally, an overview will let us know if the idea is in fact enough to be a complete article fledge sometimes ideas in our heads are not way to be as large or comprehensive when break down us it on paper.

When assembling an article, you may be tempted to stop and go back earlier in the work of correction or add on something, but that is just ends to break the current concentration or flow of the article.

Writing throughout the article once and then modify, delete and add some stuff as you think.

If you submit your articles to social bookmarking sites, social networks, or distribution lists, create a set of tasks checklist that should be made once an article is published.
Perhaps you could even pawn these tedious tasks out to someone else and in writing, it makes them easier to share what must be done.

No matter where we are trying to improve our productivity, creating a set list of tasks or the elements of action to follow is a great way to control this activity and to achieve greater efficiency.

Less make us our focus brain on administrative tasks, it is more free to be creative.

If you want to be a more productive blogger, stop thinking about the quantity, focus on one section at a time and rinse and repeat. Before that you know, you will be be spitting content much more quickly than ever before.

Avoid the overload of advertising on your Blog

Even if some people do not admit to it, many bloggers want to make money online. Or, to be more precise: they want to make money with not much effort.

Slapping a load of ads everywhere in your blog could generate loads of income, right?

Bad. Overload ad is an important decision and a loss of time for a small blog, as most of the ads sell (unless you are incredibly gifted sales).

If you have a popular blog and people are knocking on your door (on the web) for ads, there is always a limit of ads how you must run at a time.

How much is too much? It depends on your layout. If you have so many ads, they detract from the content - you are probably a little too much.

As long as you fill the blog with ads, you need not worry about to include one or two ads on your blog for the first time. Most people won't notice really unless you are going to ad-crazy.

Announcements how much you have on your blog? Have you ever contacted another blogger to suggest that they remove some of their ads?

Guest posting and the Panda update: is displaying the problem?

The recent update of Panda hit several Web sites and not only "content mills" of the Internet. Many bloggers are interference and you wonder what they can get their rankings where they were.

Note: If you feel you have done wrong by the recent update, let Google here know.

Many bloggers even went as far from delete each and every one of their guests posts until their classification bounce, thinking that the guest posts, they have hosted on their Web sites are affecting their rank.

However, guest posting is not a problem if it is done right. If accepting guest posts, which now is your website at the bottom of the Serp, then it is time to better see guest posts that acceptance of your web site.

Take a look at almost any similarities between your guest post mixed and type of pages that have been affected by the Panda update:

Unfortunately, many topics of guest post are reworked and on the Internet. It is always because the guest poster? No, but when people are trying to build links instead of providing the value through their writings, then subjects become again and reworked again. If you have several posts called like that while your web site starts to look like a monster of duplicate content - and sometimes you know same it.

Solution: Proposed research guest post topics and see what is already there. Let the invited bloggers know that if they want to write on the subject, then it must be something completely different from what is in the SERPs.

Several times when you accept guest posts that they may be a little topic from what you write usually on. When you accept many off-topic guest posts, your site begins to resemble a content factory - more to an article as a blog directory.

If you have advertising on your site which is the same on each page, you start to have advertisements completely irrelevant on many of your pages. It is a sign of a poor quality website - and which is measurable in the Google algorithm.

Solution: Make sure when you accept guest posts that the subject is at least somewhat related to the advertisements that you run on your Web site. If you run a blog that covers many different topics or a little, then sure you place ads appropriate to be placed on pages that are guest posts.

Low quality guest posts to ensure that the visitor will leave the site as soon as they land on it. Since many invited positions do not have the analysis on the topics that the visitor is looking for and are usually just cover a vast generalization of the subject, a visitor will automatically assume that the rest of your Web site will be as low quality.

Solution: At first sight, the solution to this problem could be to require longer articles - but this is clearly not a solution. In fact, it may simply add to the problem. There is no magic word count which will keep your visitors on your site plu - only good content can do so. A good solution to this problem is to require some type of case study or detailed analysis with each article - something to capture the eyes of readers and remain.

Guest view should not be an exercise of strengthening the links first. It is a valuable tool, but one that can certainly be taken advantage of and will definitely leave your sensitive updates of algorithm as Panda and other site which will be similar in the future.

If you think subject guest post will increase the value of your blog, to accept them. If they are just filling, you are probably better without the unnecessary content.

How to be a good Post Guest host

You often see articles about how to be a good guest poster: things you can do to make an impression and get your published post. But that is the flip side of that? Do you have what it takes to be a good guest post host?

Guest posting is beneficial to both the author and the Publisher. It built relationships, strengthens support and generates advertising for the host while giving exposure to the writer. Here are eight things you can do to be a best guest post host.

FAQ is good ways to prevent yourself from answering the same questions again. Guest posting, have a FAQ that covers the questions you are asked, as "how long positions should be?" and "what format to use." It should also cover things like the topics of your blog and the frequency of display, even if this should be obvious to those who have done their homework. Having an FAQ you can save much additional work, respond to an e-mail and provides a place to link to in response to requests for general information.

Even if you accept step guest post, your blog General FAQ should say this purely and simply. It will save the author much trouble.

There is no all the if you guest posting FAQ that nobody can find. The link must be important and transmit it's guest display.

A great way to get your guest view of the guidelines is to put a link to it on each guest post that you publish. A prospective author find more quickly if they are already a guest post.

The process to submit a guest post is where poster submits an idea or an article, and then it goes into a sort of freeze until the host blog accepts or rejects. Article cannot be submitted elsewhere, and it may be of relevance.

Party FAQ should be a time when you will respond to your possible guest. Even then, you honour what you say. If you say that your calendar is five days, make sure that you answer within five days, even if it is a "" I love the article, but I am overwhelmed and need more time to look at."" If you find yourself always missing your calendar said, change it in the FAQ to something that you may encounter.

Respond within a given time builds credibility and makes people more likely to present a position; After all, who wants to send a post knowingly into a black hole?

Having a separate email address or a form for guest post makes observations, it is easy for you to keep track of what is coming in. The author also gives a sense that his position will not be lost in another email. This information may be included in the FAQ.

We all strive to improve what we do. But without external feedback, it is very difficult to find what we are doing right and wrong.

Who doesn't love to see their work praised? If there is something that has attracted your attention in the article, says the author. This form of community spirit will be net you allies and readers.

On the flip side, if you reject the position, give feedback based why. If the position is not consistent with the criteria set out in your FAQ, inform the author (with a link to the FAQ). Or, if the position would require too much editing on your part, the author should know as well. This type of feedback will help them write better positions in the future, expected they choose to use the information.

Sometimes a post does not work on your blog because of the time, or another factor which has nothing to do with the article itself. In this case, ask the author to be flexible. I had a recent presentation where the author has made this right - but the article was on the same subject as a due out next week. I asked him if he would be willing to delay the publication because of the time, and he accepted. A possible rejection became a win-win.

Negotiate with the author can not only build relationships, but also a reputation for fairness.

After all, it is your blog, and you have the last word on the content. If your blog is about widgets, and a person submits a post on elephants, not compromising the quality of your content in to publish. Likewise, feel free to reject posts that do not cut, even if they come from someone you know.

Having read other creative work may feel as if your skin removed. Don't forget that the person at the other end of the e-mail is a person with feelings. Be as kind as you can.

Have you thought about what it takes to be a great guest post host? Share below.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to promote your Blog in the media

Most bloggers do promote themselves to mass media... and I can understand why. It is difficult to put yourself out there in pitch to the professionals who work in a cutthroat industry where they receive - and reject - locations on a daily basis. And yet, after a newspaper and a journalist and a publisher of magazines for over 17 years (and a proud blogger for three years), I know that it is always useful to try.

You see, even if your typical editor receives a flood of sites a day, the reality is that most of them are not targeted to the specific publication. When an editor receives intelligent tone of someone who understands and their publication knows, however, they generally pay attention.

In addition, the mass media barattes with a huge amount of stories and perpetually needs more to feed the beast. With a cycle of 24/7 news and multiple platforms (for online and the iPad to print) that all need content, publishers need many story ideas - which is where you come. As such, I'll give you some tips on how to get your blog mentioned in the media:

You can pitch an idea to the media in two ways: either by a press release, where you mention a story idea that you think journalists of publication would be interested in writing, or by writing a story for them yourself as a freelancer.

Regardless of the option that you choose, you must be flexible with ideas for articles and think about what constitutes a history can take. Send a press release stating that you have a blog. Instead, think of whhich angles are truly of interest to a reader.

For example, if you are an accountant who, after a trip to the Mexico, has become so passionate about tequila that you have created a blog and ebook filled with recipes for cocktails and began importing unusual brands of tequila, which is interesting. Contact your local newspaper careers section to see if they would be interested in running a profile about you (many sections careers run profiles on the people who have had a career change or have an interesting job).

Or you can plant a characteristic section travel since your story is not one see you every day - and several articles run stories written by readers of travel. You can plant the food section since the tequila are unusual, or you can plant for a small business magazine, some of which are desperately need for unusual business and business profiles.

Remember that each story can be covered in different ways and publishers are usually interested in trends, inspiring stories, a fact unknown, something unusual or research that has not been published previously.

You must choose wisely your publications. Carpet bombing a large number of them with the same release of press or pitch - and I realize that it is tempting - focus on publications which would be effectively responsive research. After having been an editor for a long time I now only pitch to individual publications I have taken the time to read and understand carefully. I know that it is more effective in the long term.

For example, if you can find a local angle and pitch to your community newspaper. If there is an emotional angle then perhaps try a tabloid or magazine which published many stories of drive. Think of niche magazines and publications business as well as the biggest names. The publication, the less with small staff that they are - and often more need of copy and ideas.

If you are a fairly good writer freelance story can be a great way to get your blog mentioned in the media (for example, if you write an article of opinion for a document, and then they will often write a short biography which is written history below).

Nine in ten stories freelance get however rejected purely because they are not well written (from my experience of being the editor which was rejected!). As such, you will need to put the effort in to write the article until you think it is perfect - if you are not ready to put this effort in then be prepared for rejection. Nine out of ten stories that get released are usually written by people who probably said "I am a decent writer and it is good enough" (for the more writing tips, you can see this ProBlogger article I wrote).

If do you send that press release then cut the preamble and immediately say why your blog/project/campaign/idea is interesting. Editors are so poor at the time and with as much land that he led the nuts to read four paragraphs of small talk and bristles at the heart of the case.

You should also always leave your full contact information on the release.

Do not forget that traditional media does not include the idea of linking back to you. They did not (at least for the most part). They can print your address site Web, in print and online, but they often do to activate the link.

While this is not great from a SEO standpoint, you should not let put you off too - after all, you get always great promotion to a different audience that you would not normally reach. I hope that more newspapers and magazines finally learn us bloggers that active links are an important part of working the Web.

If I had to choose the most important point of this post, is that you need to find an angle - inspiring a trend, a story, something unusual or an unknown - to sell an idea to the media. Therefore, I would be interested to know if you're going at a history - and what will be your angle. And if you have already installed a story, tell us how you did. We would like to hear your experiences or tips in the comments below.

10 Ways to effectively increase your StumbleUpon traffic

StumbleUpon is one of the social bookmarking sites more often discussed traffic generation, but also one of the least understood. The concept is quite simple: users, click a button to view Web pages recommended, based on their interests. They can thumb a position to send to more people, move quickly to a new if they like it and complete a personal profile and connect with other stumblers.

From my experience, however, I was never quite sure why a blog note would generate a flow of traffic while a similar may receive only a handful of views before slipping into oblivion. Fortunately, there are some strategies that you can use to help you get the most out of Stumbleupon. This article will go over some of the best ways to increase your StumbleUpon traffic.

Most of StumbleUpon users tend to click through dozens or even hundreds of sites very quickly, so that you do not want the bogs down with large blocks of text. Simply, it keep their attention!

Try titubes posts that include a computer graphics, graphic or video. If you do not publish this type of content, and then try to have at least an image pleasant to go with your post and try to make something more of 500 words. Your visitors are much more likely to be thumb up or checkpoints which are short, to the point and visually attractive. One of the keys to increase traffic from StumbleUpon is to submit short messages. Some informative and attractive images is a bonus.

When you submit a post, StumbleUpon gives you the option to tag with keywords from the General (e.g. computers) to specific (ex: Linux/Unix). Don't forget to take advantage, as these tags will allow your content to be recommended to the targeted users. Don't go over edge or spam categories unrelated, but the 2-4 of the appropriate tags that describe the various elements of your position. This will bring more visitors from different channels. Choose the tags correctly. The keywords you target for visitors through search engines might even work here and help you get traffic from StumbleUpon.

Although your ultimate goal is increase traffic on your Web site, you should not forget that StumbleUpon is designed to be a social experience. To have your content to more people, you will need to connect with other users and submit content that is not your own.

You can add friends by connecting to Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter, and you should also consult the users who love and how the messages in your niche. Stumble and a foot of their valuable relevant content to your site Web will help you to point out and build your authority, and mix your submissions is giving much more weight to your own messages when stumble you their.

While it is easy, just click on the button "I like it!", take the time to write reviews of the content of your friends is much more powerful to put into circulation. Will you be much more visible in the eyes of your friends, and they are likely to visit your profile and to return the favor if they see that you have made a useful comment.

Since your connections are crucial for the generation of traffic, you should take the time to upload a photo and write an introduction on your profile. Nobody will want to follow a user with no identity that may be a bot. make your presentation concise, intriguing and related to your niche so that others will be obliged to verify that you are tripping.

StumbleUpon has its own URL shortener for sharing on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. When you share your faux pas in this way, the Stumbleupon bar will appear at the top of the page when people click on the link. The benefits of this are important: you get the same traffic as you would normally, but Stumbleupon will give this link more weight in the algorithm, which will send many users more. Tweeting Su.pr links can be a great way to send a new rush of traffic to your best posts.

Just as you do with the Retweet buttons and like Facebook, you can add a Stumbleupon badge to your Web site so that readers can recommend your content. If a post has already presented, visitors can boost up to it without even leaving your blog, which will be in turn drive even more traffic Stumbleupon. There is even a badge API if you want to design a custom badge.

You should consider the design of your Web site, when submitting posts to Stumbleupon. If ads are much more important than the content, by example, and then users are quickly leave your site. Visitors of social media in General rarely click on ads and StumbleUpon, they can actually boost to the bottom of your site if they don't like, that undermine your efforts and limit the amount of traffic that you will receive. If you have an ad-heavy site, you may want to think about a redesign or StumbleUpon may not be your best strategy for traffic generation. You can read our Blog Design to give your blog a very good design!

Some people try to game system by creating multiple accounts to artificially increase popularity of their positions, but Stumbleupon can often detect this and will penalize or even ban those users. You may also come through automated programs where people can exchange love and points of view, but it is against the TOS and StumbleUpon will punish those who use them. StumbleXchange, for example, was a popular service for some time but has since been closed. Overall, keep it real and authentic is the only way to success with Stumbleupon.

A final Web site traffic generation strategy is to use StumbleUpon advertising program, which will present your site to users targeted as a "sponsored page". It is quite affordable at $0.10 per unique visitor, and because visitors will see your actual page instead of an announcement of a link or a banner of text, you can communicate your message more directly than other advertising programs to get the best commitment.

There are many ways to generate traffic with Stumbleupon, but these tips will be get off you a good start. If you have other ideas, let know us in the comments!

Make $1,00,000 each month with the autopilot software (garbage)

There are many scams existing on the web these days. Some offer a very unique script that can give you $3000 + all day while doing nothing. While others offer software brings you free targeted traffic that converts thousands of dollars a day!

While most of the experienced bloggers will never fall for these software or e-books, I found many beginners often eventually wasting their money and buy this software and e-books!

Suppose that the common affiliate marketing discovers a secret that brings him much as $3000-4000 every day, why he reveals the secret? Believe me, there is a limit to any sharing of information worldwide. That is a very popular internet merchant or a small one like me, no one will tell you concludes that there is a secret of millions of dollars if some! It is a fact! After all, who want to create competition? Believe me, people are selfish!

Imagine, how a person to sell a million dollar secret for only $37? PERSON will be sell for a price as low. I am not targeting a specific product here or say I tells that all software or e-books are fraud, but the fact is that I have never heard someone that an e-book really made me millions or a software that really gives me $3000 per day.

Michael: Make money online is possible, but it is not a system of night. It takes time, but time is really worth. I lost lots of money on scam products, until I realized that I could be bankrupt. Since I created my first blog and share ideas online, real money began to come. Thanks for sharing and I hope that other bloggers considers useful.

Микрослушалка: These automatic driver software are full of shit. Do not give your money to these garbage, they are all talk and no.: It is better to give your money for something like the lessons of html or design lessons:.

If a person WINS xxxx $ per day using only software, and he has already earned millions, why sell a software just for xx $ per copy?People are really selfish.The online world a lot of fraudsters as well, some spam while some cheat openly by the creation of false products.No Pro-Blogger recommends that such a get-rich schemes or programs because they know that they are false.

What do you think friends? You have never purchased software that promised you millions, but you nothing? Let us know if you used such software, adding in some of the names will be great.

Not all your Blog Posts go viral

I have been fighting a secret that me for sometimes now and I do not know so bloggers do the same. This battle is the battle of my next blog post goes viral.

I used to someone who writes what comes to my mind freely like a blog, and in fact, some of these blog posts go viral while others go viral - but having an impact at the end, they are all on the life of my readers, and is all that matters.

It is said that those who are pursuing the money never find: even if I do not fully believe in the saying, I can see clearly, there is some truth, and that the same principle applies to all other aspects of life. It also means those pursuing fame will be difficult to get it.

Now the question is, why is that?

As bloggers, our creativity is the key to our success and this creativity is hampered when it is not our sole objective. When you are obsessed with only one entry viral blog posts as a blogger you will find it difficult to focus on what really counts that delivers value to your audience. One thing that makes things even worse is the fact that we bloggers believe in formulas, and the reality is that nothing in the blogging is certain. If a particular formula works for you, or you saw a particular job always form other bloggers and you decided to experiment, without results, you will start feeling differently about yourself and you will be confused on what to write next.

Once you have done that not all your blog posts go viral, there are a few things you can do to make sure to always get the best of your blogging and you efforts below 4 very important things.

Make use of ideas as they come: one thing I observed is that there is nothing that we do not make as a blogger and that every single minute, every day, there are always new ideas flowing into our heads. Instead of trying to wait until you get the idea for the next viral post, or instead of searching for a formula tested for viral writing positions beginning jot down ideas as they come and begin to make the best use of their. Blogs can be compared to the film industry. When a given society produces a film which was not a success, they keep on making films until one of these films became a success that will cover the cost of other productions in turn failed.

Successful bloggers emerge successful day to the next day, so don't expect the same. Rather do your best to ensure that you are able to deliver the content great, insightful and unique to your readers on a regular basis. It could take a year, it could take two, it may take even more, but results will come - and when the results of other people will begin to envy while thinking, you have a success during the night.

Focus on the content of pillar writes: there are different types of content in blogs. One of the most common types of content, you can write is what Daniel calls killer Article. Articles Killer, also known as linkbaits or pillar articles, is an evergreen content that people keep reading and linking for years to come. The reality is that your pillar content may not go viral on your first write, in fact, it could be not viral of the first month, but you will continue to see traffic runoff in him for the rest of the year - because it is still green, it is independent time and people are always valuable for their current situation.

A one-time viral blog could only lead to a peak of traffic which will eventually die in a few days or weeks, but when you write content pillar, that you will find you the benefit of your work for years to come.

Take Marketing your Blog to a new level: one other thing to realize is that marketing is the backbone of any successful blog rather than attempting to write the next best content, why not focus on the marketing of your blog on a basis consistent till it becomes big itself? This way rather than attempting to write the next link-bait that your consistent marketing efforts will result in a slow, but constant, for your blog which will ultimately by having an impact on each of your blog posts in the near future.

Take advantage of SEO for your Blog Posts: I wrote a particular blog over the last year, when I started just my blog. At the time that I wrote this blog post, it has almost 100 visitors in a given month. This blog post is now the most popular blog on my blog, and it brings nearly 2,000 visitors to my blog each month, especially in the search engines. When you write a viral blog he could get boost from Stumbleupon which die down with time, but when concentrate you on the optimization of your ticket to blog for the search engines will keep on you offer traffic for years even if you lift the finger.

Instead of focusing on writing the next viral blog start post, focusing on the optimization of your old and new positions for engines research so that they can keep bringing you traffic for years to come.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Validation of a comment, a link to a post - not your home page

When commenting on the blogs of others, there is usually a URL field that include you a link to your blog. It is a great way to get a free link to your blog without coming across as a spammer.

But instead of a link to your home page, why not link to a post? Better yet, a link to a post that is relevant to the post you are commenting on.

Make sure that put you the link in the URL field, rather than in the text of the comment - otherwise, your comment may hit the spam queue.

It is difficult to establish inbound links if you try to do so for each ticket blog. If you need to work on the links between your best posts, instead of each position.

You can also search for blogs that use CommentLuv - it automatically includes a link to your last post just after the body of your comment.

Connect you to your home page or to specific blog posts?

Why you shouldn't start a Forum for your Blog

Before that I entered in the blogs, I was keen on web forums. At this time, many people had their own forums multi-topic - communities with various different articles for a wide range of topics. I don't know that there are many active forums still there.

Since the beginning of my first blog, I found it much more difficult to get a forum of the soil. From a blog is a lot of work too, but the barriers for new readers are far lower on blogs and forums. This is because most blogs do not require you to register to post a comment, while forums usually require registration. In addition, it is much easier to read and comment on many blogs, to be an active member in many forums.

I've seen bloggers who try to run a forum along with their blog, so readers can join discussions. The problem is that most of these forums will eventually be too quiet for people to participate in I tried setting up a forum for bloggers in the past, but it didn't work as I have little readers. However, when I was trying with the forums to the CMF ads, people began to participate. This is because more people were reading my blog when I previously tried to run a forum. Also, I worked with two other bloggers, so their players stopped by, too.

If you are all set to run a forum with your blog, do not until you get lot of comments and you have a lot of subscribers. I would say that you need at least 10 comments per blog post before you even consider a forum running because it shows people have something to say. And it is 10 different people commenting on your blog, not the same 10 people on each position.

Above all, do not just implement a forum because you can. An active blog were perhaps not the type of player who did not want to join a forum.

But, on the other hand, how do you know until you try?

You have a forum for your blog? How many forums you are a Member? How often check you in every forum and post?

How to gain readers and make them Stick

This is good advice for businesses and large retail chains, but you wonder how it applies to your blog. You have probably started blogging because you know something on an industry as technology or in writing. You want to share your information with the world, and they certainly need. In the blogosphere of today, there are hundreds of blogs for the readers to visit and read more about these topics.

What makes your blog so special?

Do you - and the experience that you create for the reader. It is not really on your subject. It is their subject.

What happens if visitors land on your blog and read a post? They do not read only, they the autofocus. They read another and another, and soon, they're hooked. You, your blog is feeding the information they want. They want to connect with you on major social media networks to get more on your part. And when they will and you are, tell you your cat or complain about the weather... once more.

A large part of what we read on the creation of memorable experience is part of the technology. A few years ago, the Flash videos have been the attention-grabbers for visitors to Web sites. As a result, companies spend fortunes producing new videos each week - and continue to do so.

Readers are smarter. They require the good content, inspiration, tips, advice and more. If your blog does not have this global experience, that they are seeking, you will lose readers.

I would like to change this. After working with the Web sites of clients a warning to other sites, I'm reading, I made a list of nine ways to create an experience for the readers to your blog. There are many more, but this list should give you enough momentum to make the changes that will have to stick to your blog readers.

Readers give a title that promises to provide information on what they want. If you read s Digest of Reader ' of online or visit their Web site, you will find among the more catchy titles, focusing on health and the family.

All titles are everywhere. Pay attention to those who draw attention and try them on your blog to encourage readers to click to read the story.

The customer is always right. People complain about problems in person, on a blog, a forum - anywhere they can express themselves freely. They put their problems in the world and want someone to help solve them. Be the person who helps them through your blog, social media, and in person. Say what you do for them in the header of your blog, so they know what to expect once they land on your site.

We, as bloggers, are people sales, writers, webmasters and marketers rolls in one alone. It must be remembered that want our readers and their walk through the steps to achieve this. If you are a person showing how to do something in a blog, browse it step by step and make clear action at each step.

Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media, Inc. has made this point in a recent article, and it is right. Check your daily horoscope on your favorite site of magazine or news in the New York Times? If so, then you would know each of these companies have found a way to be part of your daily life. How can you make your blog a part of the daily lives of your readers?

Everyone wants something. Understand the reason why people come to your blog. If you blog on marketing, your readers want that help you get the most clients and customers. If your blog is on blogs, your readers may want to know how they can monetize their. Everyone wants to pursue their dreams and know that they are necessary.

Be indispensable. Remind readers of their desire. Then help achieve these goals.

You do not have to be someone else - you just wasting everyone time and look like a fake. With billions of people in the world and more than 25 million of them online, you're bound to run at least 10% of readers that you. They'll love your humor, products and inspiration. Mix the authenticity with a bit of practice in writing, and they'll love you for the experience.

Here are some tips to keep the top simple navigation for your readers.

Keep the wording of the point as possible and as simple navigation tab.Align tabs navigation by order of importance to help readers find what they need quickly.Direct users to a few pages, not twenty.

If you rent, give users the the more easy ways to contact you - including telephone number (even if it is a cell), a contact form (that works - test it), more buttons than social media and links to accounts on Twitter, Facebook, linked in the and YouTube. Have accounts created through each relevant channel to make it easy for your readers to find and communicate with you.

Think of your readers when you write. What they want to hear? If your readers are step paste, and then try to practice with some techniques to help you write better and keep eyes on the page.

Above all, you want your readers experiences to account for you. Some people will disagree with your points of view and it is. Everyone has the right to be heard, and you'll have to make a stand on certain issues. However, if you are having a bad day, your car is oil, your computer crashes or dog neighbor leave you off the coast of the veranda, the last thing you want to do is to go postal on your drives.

You want to win readers.

You want as readers to stick with you.

You want to help people.

So give them an overall experience for you. It is the right thing to do. Because there are so many people who need your help. And they look for you.

You create this experience for your readers right now? Tell us how you do it in the comments.

Monday, July 25, 2011

How to turn the traffic on your Blog in money

Over the past three years as an online editor, my business has undergone a complete transformation in its approach.

While I've already slapped a code for a couple of ad networks in models of my blogs and relied on people clicking on those ads to generate income, I have focused my energy to create my own products (largely ebooks) to sell more.

The change of approach has been gradual and there a lot of work, but the results were worth. Last week, the total of the ebooks we sold moved past 62 000 units, with a combined revenue of approximately $ 1.1 million (note: this is not all the benefits).

Several factors have contributed to these results, but that I recently put an emphasis on more and more is that of "landing pages".

A landing page is a page on your site to which direct you traffic to convert those who land on it to take a specific action. This action can be many things, but may include:

convince your reader to purchase your ebook (or any other product) get your reader to consent to your advertisers to listconvince of the newsletter email to advertising on your blogconvince your player to buy a product affiliated that you promotingwelcome any person arriving from a social media account and convince them to follow youintroduce your blog and give new players a tour of content that is particularly relevant for people themthank for if abonneret encouraged to confirm their consent to your list.

The list could go on and on, but the common thing is that these are pages that you drive traffic, and on which you call readers to take a specific action.

Landing pages have been key in my own approach. I used the in all these means, however, using them as sales pages were the most effective tactic in the sale of electronic books.

One of progressions key in my own use of landing pages was to transition from the use of the default layout in my theme WordPress, use specially designed landing pages.

Previously, I used the default page that came with the theme used my blog. As a result, landing pages appeared substantially the same as any other page on my blog. The result was good, but not much.

The problem I was that readers have not only a call to action to buy my ebook, but also many distractions in my sidebars and areas of navigation (calls to subscribe, advertising, calls to visit other parts of the site, etc.).

Readers were distracted by the main call to action on the page - to buy my ebook. A change in approach was needed, so we designed a landing page that had a single objective and a call to action only.

You can see an example of this page on our most recent product page at digital photography school - Going Pro (an ebook to help fans of photography to make money from their photography).

While the page is consistent with the design our theme of normal dPS (color and branding), he is not one of the distracting elements of a normal page on the site.

There is no normal navigation to other parts of the site in the header area, and there is no sidebar. Everyone can do when they arrive is to read on the product - there is no other option to click or read.

When we changed to use the pages by default to a page of landing specifically designed for the sale of our ebooks, we saw a significant jump in conversions. I do not have precise figures, but it was of the order of 30-40% increase - which in time has lead us to several thousands of dollars in additional revenue.

These landing pages were something, I knew that I should Institute for a long time before I have done in reality. The reason why it took me so long was simply that, as a technologically challenged blogger, I constantly put it in the "too hard basket". In the end just me it when we redesigned the blogs and I have had my designer to create a model specifically for employment. It was a couple of years and approximately a year after that I should have done.

Because of the inertia, I lost substantial sales, and I still kick myself that regularly. It was two years ago - today it would have been much less difficult.

Earlier this year, published Copyblogger team for WordPress software which is all about creating landing pages that convert - he called the premise.

I can say that if I had this plugin when I started to sell my eBooks, my sales numbers would have been much higher. It takes the "too hard" part of landing pages and it completely eliminates.

The idea with the premise, is that instead of having to have a designer to create a template specifically for each type of page of your blog (or having to learn how to do it yourself), this plugin helps you to create those landing pages yourself.

Premise focuses on three areas:

Creating pages: they allow you to choose from seven types of establishment of the styles of page and then add graphics and copy their to create congestion and beautifully designed pages.Creating compelling copy: the design of your page is one thing, but the real magic happens in the copy you create for the page to convince readers to take the steps that you are suggesting. Premise provides advice on how to design the type of destination that you create, right page in the WordPress interface. You also have access to some writing seminars major (don't forget it's Copyblogger - the masters of the creation of compelling content and copy).Optimization: improve your search rankings and conversion rates with more tools and tips, including easy separation tests and the characteristics of the SEO.

One of the most amazing features of premise is the graphic library. You could easily pay more than the cost of the premise for a set of graphs like that, and it ensures that each landing page you create is unique.

Discover the premise for yourself. Just as I learned, the extra income that you earn quality landing pages will be premise pay itself several times in the course.

Where is the right time to start selling?

If you have already requested another blogger, "where is the right time to start selling on my blog?", you will know that you never get a solid answer.

Some say that as soon as you get a person visiting your blog.

Some say that never start selling until you have at least 100 subscribers.

And some say sales before 10,000 people on your email list is premature.

However, I'm here for clocks and give you a solid answer.

But before answer you this question, I should explain something.

Everyone thinks of sale as something dangerous - something you should not do. They think shaded car vendors or vendor of Stardust snapshot. Basically, someone is trying to rip them off.

It is not surprising that people want to sell on their blogs.

Instead of "sell" calling, call what she really is: provide a Solution to a problem.

Now, suppose the initial question:

someone will you and said: "Hey, I need your help", you answer with, "sorry, I'm not selling right now."?

Of course not. You will climb right and assistance.

It is therefore the right time to start selling on your blog:

Once you identify a problem and create a solution to this problem.

It doesn't matter if you are a Subscriber, or 100,000 subscribers. Once you have identified the problem your readers, it is time to create a solution for it.

I know a blogger who has a very, very healthy following. However, it cannot manage to make a sale. The reason is: it is not provided a solution to a problem of its readers face. It is just creating products and hoping that someone buys.

On the other hand, I've seen bloggers who have very few subscribers. Yet, they have a very healthy business, selling products. Why? Because they have identified a problem their readers face and created the solution.

Then, don't let people step say you there are a number of followers, you need before you sell. It does not exist.

Instead, ask only two questions:

(1) Is - what I've identified the problem? (and 2) can I provide the solution?

You are looking for more advice on the creation of a business of blogging? See site of Brandon Yanofsky B-list Marketing where he'll show you how to create a business of blogging your readers know, like and trust.

Development of mentality - the first key to success

A State of mind was be developed, so in a sense, it is created over time. However, many people have developed attitudes due to the cooling of their environment. It is not something that they intentionally created, it has to happen. Once a person realizes that they have developed a State of mind was not their own creative, some are beginning to change, so it is also awareness. In fact, 95% of the people you meet is really not their own State of mind, they accept only the manner in which they have been conditioned to be. More likely, if you read this site on a regular basis, then you are someone who is not only external influences on condition that you. You want to create your own success and develop your own State of mind.

Princeton University defines the State of mind as "a usual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how interpret you and respond to situations."

A State of mind is a habit. Habits are developed either by the unconscious awareness awareness. The unconscious awareness is habits you have been taught as a child, through your parents, teachers, members of the family, and even programs that you watched on television. Unless you have actively decided to change your state of mind, these influences are likely telling you how to think and act.

Everyone has a State of mind. Even serial killers have a mentality, albeit dark and distorted, is still a State of mind. People that have been raised in poor settings typically develop a poor poor mentality and the "mentality of thought". However, some people more successful on the planet have been raised in these conditions and decided that he did not have to be this way. They have actively changed their mentality.

A State of general spirit is something which is just, because of circumstances and conditions we experienced and was raised with. It is the State of mind that most of the people to walk with.

A mindset of success, on the other hand, must be developed and can be developed by anyone who decides to do so. It is not easy and it takes time, but it is very feasible.

To create a State of mind with success, you need to start studying and emulating successful people. Listen to what they have to say, listen to their stories to discover how their actions change because they have started to change their State of mind.

Awareness: The first step in creating a better state of mind or amending one that you should be aware that you need to change. Awareness is the same thing as consciousness. This is when you "know". Requires conscious effort and daily gestures.

Actions: Modify your actions to imitate what you become. Begin speaking and acting as the successful person, you want to be. Hold yourself to a higher standard and you present it successfully.

Read and study: Find and follow the successful people. Take notes of what say, how they interact with people, discover that what they read and study. All mentors have a mentor. Find a mentor you like and look at.

If you are a business online, or offline business, you must have the State of mind to do so. You also need determination, but we will cover other once.

How your state of mind has changed over time? Did you create your own success mentality? What do you have to change your state of mind? We would like to hear your story. Please share in the comments section.

I am very happy I don't have money spend on my Blog for advertising

When I started blogging I knew that the importance of the traffic to the success of a blog. I knew it's traffic resulting in sales, I knew it's traffic that converts subscribers and I knew that the least amount of traffic you have the slimmer your chances of success as a blogger.

The problem is that it is a very difficult thing to drive to a new blog traffic, and I needed to begin to think about paying for traffic or wait it manifest over time. The funny thing about it is that, even if I wanted to buy traffic, I didn't have the money, and this is the case of other many bloggers again.

If you are a new blogger on the purchase of traffic thought. Make sure that you read this article before "losing" your money on the purchase of traffic to your blog.

The reason why beginners more get excited at the idea of buying traffic is that they are still coping with the reality of blogs and internet marketing. Most of them think get traffic to a blog is very simple and automatic, and that if they get 10,000 visitors on their blog in a month, they will be able to guarantee the same amount of visitors the following month.

The reality of blogging, is that getting traffic to your blog is one thing, to make that traffic take is another. If you are able to get 10,000 unique visitors of quality on your blog for $500 and you have to pay the same amount, or even more to maintain the traffic, I do think really is - because your blog has many reasons and the thing the most important is that you get a good return on investment. But I think it is better to ask yourself, if I can get all these visitors free, why pay for them?

The next thing you need to think before paying for traffic is how you will earn money from your blog. Is not so easy to earn money from blogging and plastering ads on your blog is not enough.

You must think about a long-term plan, which, in most cases, you must develop your authority as a blogger over the years.

You should really pay to get traffic to your blog just because you want to grow - you must have a valid reason to pay for traffic, and in most cases, this should be because you have much more than you paid for that traffic.

What happens if we take things from a new angle and we start thinking about more effective ways to drive traffic to our blog for free instead of having to pay. Do you know that you have the same opportunities to obtain the same amount of visitors, or more, from Google, such as those who pay thousands of dollars per month. It is to make effective use of SEO.

Many bloggers hate SEO, but it is one of the best way to begin to get great traffic, as your blog. Start doing all that you can learn more about optimizing your blog for search engines and you will see how free movement is better than the paid traffic.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Keep the words of pass the intelligent way

With the amount of sites and pirated recently getting secure networks, it is high time that everyone starts to take their personal information and security more seriously. While you cannot help it if, say, someone hacks in the structure of primary data of your bank, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your accounts are secure and without compromise.

The basic principles

I know you've all heard that you should keep several unique passwords for your different accounts in line, but seriously, to use multiple passwords. Despite pervasive public notoriety that you must do this or risk getting pirated and all lost, many people refused to multiple passwords. It is not as it should be a completely random scanning of the characters for each password.

At least, use unique passwords for your e-mail and financial accounts. If someone hacks your less sensitive account (say, Reddit or something like that), the first thing that they will try to do is try this password in the email registered for this account. If you have a password for just about anything, think at length on this subject. Once someone hacks your e-mail, they will have probably some bank and credit card information; perhaps enough to open a session if you use the same password again to these accounts.

Smart passwords

I have a system that I use to ensure that all my passwords are unique that does not require me to memorize hundreds of passwords. In this system, you really do have to remember two passwords or three: one for your email address, one of your financial accounts and one for everything else.

Creation of the trunks of password

In the Centre of my system is the idea of central keyword (or, better still, keywords) which forms the basis of a password. Therefore, for my all my accounts but email and finance, say that my central keyword is "mountaindew". But the trunk seems a little too easy to break, so I think it's a good idea to replace the vowels with figures and characters, making the password "M1@nt3$nD5w".

How am I going to remember this? I was simple, replace the vowels by characters passes through the keyboard, pressing SHIFT on each even number, which resulted in the characters "1@3$5?." that I used You do not have to be as complicated as either; "M1". NT1! nD1w "(seulement_pressant_1_et_Maj_en_alternance) would still be very high."

Modify the head and tail of the trunk

Now that we have established a trunk for the password, modify the head and tail to make it unique for each account. What I do is take the elements of each account and to include at the beginning and end of the trunk of the password; You can also put the variations in the trunk, particularly if it is already two words.

Say I want my password "mountaindew" (I have carried the obstacles of the vowel of clarity in this tutorial) to be unique to my Facebook account. I can simply take the first two and the last two characters of the account I am logging in (Facebook) and wrap them around the trunk. If the "mountaindew" will become "famountaindewok." But for Myspace, the password will become "mymountaindewce."

I have used simple examples for clarity, but do not hesitate to use other elements of your account, such as your user name and incorporate in the head and the tail of your password. And, of course, obstruction of the vowel is another measure of greater security. We hope that with these tips, you will never fall victim to hackers trying to steal your personal information.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Google buys G.co, making it the most credible Extension

About a year ago, the .co extension made his debut. It is the official level of the Colombia domain, but is managed as a business by a couple of American companies. Some people were optimistic and imagined that the similarity with the .com would give a chance to be popular this new extension. Other (including yours truly) were skeptical and thought that investing in the .co domains is a waste of money.
Well, it seems that the first camp was right, as the .com extension is more and more popular recently. In fact today Google announced that it has purchased the domain name of g.co, and it intended to make a shortener for Google official URL out of it. Other tech giants had already made similar actions. Twitter, for example, has t.co and Amazon owns a.co.
An interesting point on Google purchase and use of a .co domain is that it is actually much credibility to this extension. A big problem with extensions such as .biz and .info is the fact that mainly use the sites for spam, but if Google itself uses a .co domain and then other sites doing the same will likely be treated with respect of big G, right?
I have not purchased the .co domains and I do not plan to do now, but at this time I must admit that if you manage to find a domain still available good .co, that it might be worth the investment.
You may also bet on the rise of the popularity of these areas and existing purchase .co domains (for example, for $100, $1,000 or $5000) with the plan of flipping them a year or two down the road (it is a strategy to high risk, even if, so think twice before doing so).
Finally, if you plan to build a site of the regie, I always recommend going with a. com.

Why honesty questions... for Blogs and brands

Will someone be please tell me what "hip" mean? Does this mean "popular"? This is what children are doing today? Well, just who are the children? Do you mean teenagers? Early twenties? Connected? No, not connected... we have heard enough of them.
Is the same for the words as edgy, trendy, warm, clever - managers appear to use these words all the time, and again pressed for an answer ne seems not willing to provide an entry for what they are going on the. It is about as useful as saying: "To make this product a bestseller", but answering "How?" with an, "Oh, you that…." »
Many people who ask such questions, although a good blog. "How to make it hip." How can I make it really pop? »
Far from being a problem simply employees without imagination, vague guidelines represent a clear problem plu blogs worldwide. The problem is two separate directions: the first is not to know how things work, and the second is not to be ready to admit you don't know how things work.
The first problem is in the nature of modern branding and advertising itself. A blog is a lot on the creation of a brand image - more specifically, branding yourself and how you have with words.
Sad, cold, frightening completely the fact is that there is no formula. There is no quick fixes, no magic way to do things that will cause viral success, online or off the coast. This is because people are incompatible creatures, confusion, unusual with the ability to change its mind on things. Sometimes people will respond to a light show well cooked, other times they want to see a rant in anger and still other times, they grow excessively Fund of a man in a towel scroll through a sequence of magic realism of events.
The second question is a bit of necessary diversion: there are things can do to make work brand. There are rules for how images should be composed, the ratio of text, images, and other kinds of guidelines that can make something work and an another something not. But none of this is that silver legendary bullet that will guarantee the success of brand - everything which was done in the field of branding is an attempt.
Take two examples of the same company, Apple. The first is the classic series, "use a Mac" of the company, and the second is promoting "I'm a Mac, and I'm a PC".
The series "Use a Mac" did not take off completely and the Mac/PC series, and there is no reason why strict. Some was of the view that the advertisements were simply too bland, others thought that they represent a kind of elitisim snobby.
However, the reputation of the Mac/PC ads is very well established. They connected with people for some reason any. Opinions, vary once again, why - some thought it was clever banter, others point out the fact that persons manufacturing machines allowed viewers to connect more. Whatever the reason, the ads "Use a Mac" are forgotten, while the Mac/PC format is always copied by these fixtures in Sprint.
However, when examined visually, the two announcements are impossible. The two show people against white, speaking backgrounds. What the heck is a work and the other pas - especially that no one can seem to agree on the reasons why folks seemed to go to one or the other?
There are answers, but there is no one answer.
Here are my staff take on these two announcements: I think it was because Apple has taken its market more to produce the latter format. With the format "Use a Mac", they were trying to target a new market - people who use Macs were speaking to people who have. It is difficult to bring new customers. most of business comes from repeat customers. In addition, it is the mouth of existing customers which tends to bring new people rather than advertising.
For the second series of ads, Apple targeted his own audience with arguments that have been familiar to them: working Mac, PC does. This makes more satisfied with their purchases and more likely to use their purchasing power, as well as to try to bring their friends and their families into the fold. Yet again, is not the definitive answer, but it is a logic as much as any other.
So, how exactly is this translated for you? How do something hip and edgy and all those other fun words, potentially meaningless?
First, know your product. When you write a blog, you sell yourself and your writing. Before anything else, you need to know what you and your blog filling slots. Mac hit on this subject with the argument "Macs just work" who has served so well in society. Be familiar with what you want to discuss and how you intend to discuss before you begin.
Second, know your market. You can have the best product for the restoration of hair in the world but it marketing for the glam Metal rock hair together is probably not going to work so well. Find out who is your audience and what they love.
This is where the social aspect of blogging. Take a few minutes and actually talk to people, socialize, discuss, laughter, jokes, the role of a joke. Do something to connect with people and have a discussion. Demographic research is great-, but someone else may be part. You should go talk to someone and get a feeling for what is their mood.
Between these two elements, you will be able to come to a more honest view of what they want, put out a blog which is entertaining and authentic, and "hip" may remain a description of a part of the body, rather than an adjective meaningless.

Use of mobile Web in the Office draws suspicion

Qumu is a provider of business services that a new study and found that 74% of respondents believe people using their mobile devices in the workplace have access to Web sites that they would not do with a PC company for fear of reprisals.
37% Of the interviewees still think using these currencies on the sly in the Office has become not necessarily a problem. On a lighter note, 63% of respondents have attracted colleagues watching their smartphones in business meetings. Nearly half have taken others hide their mobile devices through tables and another 42% think that colleagues who are themselves excuse for a meeting to go to the toilet doing are in fact a blow of eye to these devices.
There is a consensus that the people who bring these devices to work should be able to use for the work of related activities. Sixty-one percent of respondents felt, there was nothing wrong with using a smartphone for e-mail or other related activities of the company.
Google and Bing have obtained with Edgenet and partnership for a new SEO product. By purchasing the new product, manufacturers can download the product information to the search engines mentioned above so that their products can be distributed. However, there is a catch. None of these elements will have to meet a minimum standard which was defined by the engines related to quality.
This latest innovation is called Ezeedata research and allows companies to get their products even when they do not have a Web site. What is interesting here is that the manufacturer has a complete control and can download data meets the regulatory requirements on an ongoing basis.  The data that the manufacturer wants shared can be chosen here from hand and this new innovation allows complete control coupled to an existence of ongoing research.
The figures speak of the need for this innovation. In May of this year, there are 17 billion queries on the search engines for goods and services and information on their subject as well. Brands use this last technique to improve their organic results, since this trend reflects the way in which consumers are changing as they seek more and more online for the products they want.
Beyond products the new breed of consumer seeks recommendations and other attributes in the social media. Ezeedata is a great way for online retailers stay ahead of the curve and the need for fresh relevant information that helps the consumer to make up their minds and maintain fresh products at the same time.

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