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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is traffic from search engines the best?

As a specialist in SEO, you probably spend hours trying to fine tune SEO-campaign and increase traffic. Since the SEO account goes to inches, not miles, every single change can make a difference and, consequently, the campaign invested much time and effort. Thus, the question arises as to whether the traffic from search engines the best traffic you can attract to the site?

In this paper we evaluate different types of traffic based on the following characteristics: the duration of the generated traffic, the degree of control, speed of results and consistent results. This article does not purport to offer a single "best" source of traffic. It, however, the features of the visitors, along with strengths and weaknesses of each type of traffic.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic consists of users who directly entered the address of the page, or those who found it in the browser history and bookmarks. In addition, this includes cases of transitions from email-mailing list, or from a source that can not be traced (such traffic is also often referred to as direct). In this article we will concentrate on the first case of direct traffic.

Usually high rate of direct traffic points to increase brand awareness. This assures us that a large number of users has an idea about a particular domain, trust him, and expects to find there useful information and services. In most cases this is not new and regular users.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is visitors who clicked on the link, while at another site and got to a page of your site. A special type of referral traffic - one that comes from social networks, and in this article, we distinguish between them because they have different characteristics.

The increase in referral traffic shows that the site has an attractive content, and that other webmasters to offer its visitors by placing links on their pages. In most cases, pages receive most of the links - those that are also popular among users, and have quality content (Of course, there are times when a larger number of links is a result of the strategy of forming a reference mass) Getting links from certain sites with high traffic can attract influx of quality traffic to your website and increase your credibility. These references are usually difficult to obtain, and the best way of purchase - is to open an affiliate program, which may participate in other web-masters, or by developing innovative services and high quality content.

Traffic from social networks

Traffic from social networks is called the traffic that comes from online communities and social networks. It is considered part of the referral traffic, but we usually separate them, because they have different characteristics. The problem is that it is not always clear how to categorize incoming traffic from certain sources. For example, should we take into account the traffic from the forum or blog, as traffic from social networks? We propose to classify each source of traffic depending on its characteristics.

Increased traffic from social networking shows that the site is a popular choice for users, and around it there is "noise." Nevertheless, one should bear in mind that not all Web sites or pages become popular in social networks, since the volume of traffic is largely dependent on the nature of the content.

Traffic from search engines (natural)

Traffic from search engines - is traffic, which is formed as a result of unpaid visits to the various search engines. In this paper we consider the natural traffic from search engines.

Increase traffic from search engines shows that the site began a successful SEO-campaign. This means that the site is well developed, well-structured, has the best content and gets a lot of quality links.

Price-per-click (PPC) and paid traffic

Paid traffic - this is traffic that comes from advertising on the Internet. There are different types of paid traffic, such as CPC (Pay Per Click - PPC), paid inclusion, pay per impression, paid links, etc.

The increase in paid traffic does not guarantee a successful advertising campaign. Other measures, such as assessing the level of return (ROI) and performance is also very important. Due to the fact that this type of traffic is worth the money, you need to control it to improve your campaign performance.


So, let's go back to the original question. "Is traffic from search engines the best for your site?"

Of course, the traffic from search engines is a great source of traffic because it is an effective way to generate new targeted visitors at a very low price. Nevertheless, the SEO-campaign can affect algorithmic changes, successive various "best practices" as well as growing competition of popular keywords. As a result, there is always the risk that you will not appreciate, or if you suddenly lose the competitive rankings.

Keep in mind that in order to conduct a successful SEO-campaign, you need quality links that are at the same time a source of reference traffic. Of course, in order to get quality links, you need to attract regular visitors and have the strongest supporters who are willing to recommend you to others in social networks, or to place on your site to link to your site. Of course, there's always the ability to run PPC-campaign and get a quick result, but it will cost extra money and can not bring the expected results, if not carefully planned campaign.

In the end, the most important thing in this case - to find the optimal combination of each source and the right to use all available tools and resources . And how much traffic you would prefer to attract?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Good knowledge is expensive, as are bearing fruit.

It is quite clear truth, but that the very notion of a good knowledge of sometimes confused and intertwined with the simple concept that's all. Good understanding of exactly what knowledge and experience can give, always give, but as with any source is exhausted, and then there is no eternal, then knowledge must continually be added, they must be recruited.

You can often hear from people who now earn more, and sometimes dofiga that now I know it and I did not need or anything, so I earn money.

Here we must understand one thing, these people used their knowledge to get the goal, hit a wave and all ... But like any wave goes to the bank and disappeared in the cycle, as well as a profit sooner or later it will end, but it is understood that while there is an opportunity and income, which more than exceeds, for the same money you can buy a knowledge of the money to invest in themselves, in their development, as it is, and you are all brain operations, and just knowing that what combining it with additional communication can be kept on a wave and just go from one to another, or stay on a few.

Also, you should understand one important thing:

  • It's hard to start, take the first step toward the goal
  • Easy to reach the goal if you have already taken the first step and other steps are done
  • It is hard to retain what has been achieved, as the competition of life is always present in our lives.

Thus, an understanding of the scheme development and achievement of goals gives you the image and drawing the necessary action.

You can also hear from people, and even successful, that now I earn now and then I will relax!

Lies, lies completely on life - life is a constant, earnings now can not stand anything then, man lives because that eats, breathes and moves constantly.

Imagine that you have stopped breathing. You simply die from lack of air, and in life, constant work, the ability to relax, permanent goals allow us to develop and reach of what we want, but we have to live, what would ever want more, and to achieve this. This is the beauty of our lives. Only losers want to do anything and get permanent income, first-class real people do, and get more time doing that would get the maximum, to become a leader and so on.

Given our society we can say that it brings lazy and gives them a chance to live, but for what? Because our society has been formed. In the Middle Ages or even the laws of nature survival of the fittest, and this is important, because only the fittest can give a good seed that will survive and will stand against any obstacles and the goal of all this life. We live for what is like to live and be the first and best. Hence the need for himself to do everything possible and impossible for the children? - Here the controversial question of money and want to live well, all the way open, given the knowledge, good genes and forth, all in their hands.

Life is so constructed that it is impossible to regret, so just relax and pity is the one regret is waiting for more Unfortunately, indulgences, here it is with the hawala someone stronger.

Because it is knowledge that is now more than play the role, strength and mind, as well as basic is the constant holding hands on the pulse of life.

Live, and aggressively seek - it is your life, live it more perfectly than a schmuck, it is better to take risks with the knowledge, than to take risks without thinking of wanting to win and burn. Take deliberate actions aiming at before, and once again make do, then what you think is most needed to achieve your goals.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Would you like to earn?

I decided to write a little note about how we should order that would make money and reach higher levels of earnings.

You probably noticed that I often write on my blog and it is no accident, just the majority of his I have all the white projects, these projects require a well thought-out work and not common, because the result is only with time. Regarding the post title, you want to earn?, It is not adequate for a little bit is written down, it sounds more like learn to earn. To be honest, all complicated really just to smile, and all because of all the complex has a simple basis, that's just need to sort through all the initially present and solve complex problems in parts, and then the challenges and goals you set will be easy and interesting solved.

  1. To draw an image problem, or that what you want
  2. Break the goal into smaller goals that will make it possible to achieve a greater goal
  3. Develop a plan for all this and be sure to focus on it
  4. While achieving, with new experiences, some items may be overlooked, and the plan can be altered
  5. Must learn how to achieve small goals that build the path to the main
  6. With perseverance and knowledge, anyone digging up what he wants, the whole point in time during which he will reach and whether it is in order.

Set a goal to earn $ 200 a month purely from an Internet to explore the possibility of achieving this result, and be sure to keep the scheme they will be useful in the future. Make three plan to achieve your goals and start with a more realistic in your view, but with the pull and the two others.

What does it mean. Upon reaching the first option you get a goal, what would, in this instance, $ 200, but you go one way and you will not know the realization of other, and began to pull the two others did not even reach $ 200 results you know the possibility of further use of this method, + get knowledge and is more than confident that when you'll get 500 bucks You will use the option and 1-2.

Achieve small goals, then the largest and the only way you will achieve all learn from your mistakes, make them if you can finance, if not, look for answers to your questions.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pay per Click vs. Pay per Action - for whom the future?

It's no secret that in recent years, an Internet business is rapidly becoming more and more civilized - not because people suddenly become cleaner and kinder, but because the major players, such as the major search engines and e-mail server, make everything to make communication with the Network Customer as efficient as possible and devoid of obstacles. Therefore, the era of rampant spam, junk sites and "black" methods of promotion are slowly but surely passing away. On the one hand, for webmasters who are accustomed to earning, so to speak, in the sale of air, it is not too happy trend. On the other - these trends raise the level of trust to the Internet from advertisers, which opens the way for a really good wages for those who are willing to deliver really good service.
In the Russian segment of the web, as usual, everything happens with some lag - but it's even useful, because it allows the example of West's "spy" as the Internet in the near future will evolve with us.
In terms of advertising is the most significant for the model Pay per Action. If the west online, this model has become, if not dominant, it is very much a few years ago, in RuNet any noticeable spread it bought recently. Compared to the good old Pay per Click, it has at least one unmatched advantage - an advertiser more willing to pay for advertising if he has to pay for a specific result, rather than abstract clicks or a little less abstract leads. Low-quality sites are here to catch something - but if the webmaster has reason to believe that his site is really able to attract advertiser clients, we have every reason to try their luck.
So far, the Russian-speaking Internet affiliate programs that work on the principle of PPA, not much, but those that have cause great interest, because for a long time and obviously doing their job successfully. An example would be, say, admitad.com - one of the oldest and most successful of these companions in RuNet (since 2009). The bottom line is that it is not even the affiliate program, as well as the creators say - affiliate network, affiliate aggregator that draws together the many advertisers and webmasters, thus simplifying the search for partners like those and others. In the end, to work with one program in which you can find everything you need much more comfortable than a few.
List of advertisers ensures that the PPA-ads really attracts a truly major advertisers, and you can find the most diverse lines of business, from computer games and children's products to banks and insurance agencies. Here are a few examples: Quelle, Homecredit, Bank of Tinkoff, tanks online, Messenger, Bonprix, CUM. Record payouts for webmasters (up to 300,000 rubles per day) not less eloquently, that the case is at the correct implementation is also very well paid.
Restrictions on the participation of virtually no - you can monetize virtually any traffic, except for obviously garbage. Another interesting aspect of this particular affiliate program is that the advertiser can not reject the webmaster, not explaining its actions.
In other words, admitad.com eloquently testifies to the fact that the future of the Internet business - it is a model for the PPA. In RuNet capitation shift has not occurred, but the long wait for it, and enterprising webmasters is a good opportunity to become part of the future now.

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